Thursday, July 23, 2015

Consciousness here

I find it very difficult to write about anything other than the consciousness now present.

The aware presence that is now awareness, just notice it.

It is so simple, so clear and so intimate. If you are unable to notice it, stop trying to find it in thought. Its right here. As a softness that is untouched by circumstance. Its nature is like Light in that is is self revealing.

When ever you notice, its always there. This awareness is our true identity. Not the little person who is reading these words. But the awareness that even now is aware of being.

It seems as though this awareness is aware of the world or aware of thoughts or activity. But since there is no 'world' or 'thoughts' or áctivity' as a standalone reality, we conclude that only the awareness is truly what exists. This might take some time to grasp due to the deep rooted tendency to assert the reality of  'objects'. Once it is truly realized that there are no 'objects', the only conclusion is that awareness alone is.

The 'world' is an imagination or dream made up of consciousness. And so are you. Awareness is the ever present reality at all times. Even time is 'inside' consciousness.

Once this is recognized and conviction arises, nothing remains to be done. Not let the play proceed as it is. You simply play the assigned role. What happens or does not happen is no longer your concern.

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