Saturday, June 30, 2012


So, here I am, unable to let me try to write...what if you realize that what you were seeking for your whole life, the state that you were desperate to achieve and all your hopes and dreams of how you would like life to be were all just a fantasy? What if this very instant is it? That which you have been seeking all along is just this and nothing else? Just now, right here, this very moment...just this and nothing profound concepts, no feelings of extreme bliss, but just this very ordinariness of this instant...what if this is really all there is? What if nothing else is really needed? What if the entire preoccupation of the mind with some future better state ends right now? Better still, what if there is nothing to seek? And no one seeking anything??????????

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


And so we live our lives, moments passing by, some pleasant, some not so, but life goes on...its just this moment now, that is all, what else really is there other than this comes and goes...pain comes and goes...boredom comes and goes...all of these are guests who stay for sometime and leave...but this moment lasts forever!

Monday, June 25, 2012


Why overwork yourself to death? Why not completely accept the fact that you are lazy. So be it. Get on with life. Lazy people have a great gift to share with society. They are those who cherish being in the natural state. They are generally more productive and creative. So enjoy being lazy. There is nothing better than that!
I totally love doing nothing and relaxing. Just enjoy the bliss of pure being...ah, there truly is nothing better than that!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Void

At the heart of our lives, in moments when we are completely alone, we see this void. This great emptiness. It seems that all our lives we seek nothing more than to escape from this profound void. This profound emptiness that lies at the core of our being. All our relationships, careers, jobs, socializing etc. is ultimately nothing but an escape from this void. When this void is felt very strongly, we call it loneliness. A fear that if we do not do something to escape this void, we will die. A deep fear that strikes at the very core. A fear of the darkness within. I wonder what happens if we stop trying to escape and see what really lies at the root of this void?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Living with awareness

Living alone can be a deeply reflective experience. It teaches you to accept yourself as you are. It asks you to stop looking for approval outside yourself. It shows you that you do not need to be part of a relationship to feel complete. You are already complete. There is no one else who can complete you. Stop wishing for another person, accept who you are completely and live your life. Do not waste time in regrets or what if's. Just get on and get going. Be comfortable in your own skin. Be aware. Live with awareness. Do not waste time accumulating other people's beliefs in your mind. Accept your strengths and your weaknesses. Do not waste time trying to better yourself. Just be aware...that is all. Awareness is the common factor behind all experiences and all situations.
Living alone enables you to be aware of this space in which all experiences happen. A great solitude which is permeated with the perfume of pure beingness. Just this.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Living Alone

Living alone can be hard at first and it does take some time getting used to. There will be times of bleakness and despair, but what I have seen is that these do not last very long. Its just your mind playing tricks on you. You have to completely accept being alone in order to enjoy it or even endure it. It can get hard at times but you can make it.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Do we choose loneliness or does it choose us?


How do you face yourself when you see that you never expressed what needed to be expressed. That you never said what you even now hide underneath all the surface of your thoughts? Now when its too late, what is the use of telling it? What is the answer dear heart? How come I never could say what I most needed to say? And now how do I live with it? How do I let go of the past? How does one live with the regret of never having said what one needed to say?