Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Heaviness of life

Always seeking, life does get dreary sometimes. Samsara or worldliness, duties, obligations, fears keeps one heavy. At this stage, all knowledge fails. All wisdom fails. All memories fail. All hope shatters. All faith is lost. In this stage where there seems absolutely no hope, only love can transform. All wisdom ultimately ends in love.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Beloved One

You are all. All that ever was, all that is and all that shall ever be .....unto you I offer my deepest love and highest praise. Praise be unto thee, my beloved. Your love is the cause of my existence. Unto you and forever shall I be always yours. To have a glimpse of your face for an instant can satisfy all the cravings and desires and longings of a whole lifetime.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


All our actions are folly. We live in a world of our own creations. A world of dreams. It is all an illusion. And hence whatever happens is irrelevant. It matters not what happens in a dream, whether we have fun or despair. For the dream will collapse. The illusion will end. So my dears, give up fear once and for all since all fear is also an illusion. Seeking and striving in a dream makes no sense. All that matters is waking up. Wake up therefore and look at reality. Give up the dream!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Cure

Love is the cure. The cure for the heaviness of the world. Love is our last hope of redemption. Love cannot fail. Love oh man Love with all thine heart for love is the greatest thing there is. Love is the final answer to every question. Fear not love for when love takes you in, you lose yourself to become the infinite eternal.