Monday, August 8, 2022


Carrying a mountain of sorrow within the heart.

All passes away.

Neither relations nor wealth nor health remains.

Only fear of loss.

Terrified of losing.

Terrified of being alone.

Fear runs deep.

Sorrow runs deep.

No words can heal.

No words can help.

Emptiness that nothing can fill.


The desire for some-thing is in forever conflict with the reality of no-thing.

In the moments of absence of desire, there is simply this.


Saturday, August 6, 2022

Simply this is enough

At the heart of it, our life simply boils down to one issue.

Are you present to your immediate experience or are you lost in thought/dreaming?

Simply this is enough.

Not valuing simply this leads to a million sorrows and sufferings.

The greed for more simply takes you away from that which is already here, lost in the maze of thoughts and dreams.

And yet, does it really matter?