Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Non physical nature of awareness

Let us denote consciousness as that which is generated by the nervous system or a physical system. Let us denote awareness as that which has no physical origin. Thus consciousness is a consequence of physical activity. Awareness is independent of the physical.

In this sense, consciousness is temporary. Your true nature is awareness.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Worldly investments

All worldly investments (marriage, family, children, wealth, career, house, friends, recognition, fame) are ultimately worthless in the face of death. Invest therefore in the eternal. Recognize the eternal and never lose sight of it. Never lose sight of the One Soul. Your true primal identity. It is the only valuable treasure which cannot be lost. Truth alone is eternal. Non-truth is easily lost. It is a false investment.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Evil action

No action can prevent self realization. If we define evil as that which does not allow the self to be realized, then no action can be classified as evil. Since no action can prevent self realization, there is no such thing as an evil or wrong action. The self is to be realized by itself and this is not an action. Therefore, actions are not evil.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Only one thought

"God alone is real, all else illusory."
-Ramakrishna Paramhansa

This one thought alone is enough to sustain you through countless lifetimes. Nothing else is needed. Life and death are trivial before the reality of God.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Aligning with truth

Aligning yourself with truth is the best way to live life. To live a life that is misaligned to truth only results in meaningless suffering and misery. There is no separation.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Truth of God

The truth of God alone is enough to sustain you for lifetimes. To develop conviction in the truth of God alone is enough of a worthy occupation in life. And it will reach fruition, no matter what. This is the promise of the sages. Go forth now. May you never forget this!