Friday, June 24, 2016

The I is God

What is this world and who am I?

The I is the light that is ever shining and all revealing.

Looking within, all that is found is the I. The I is God.

God is all there is.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Raw energy of life

So many desires and torrents gushing underneath. So many primal animal instincts. There lurks within us a hungry beast, a beast that wishes to devour. To have violent sex. There lurks in the dark a primal violence.

This is nothing but the raw energy of life. This energy is the movement of life and needs to be channeled into an outlet. It cannot remain still. You need to work with it. Channel it. Not repress it. Else it will get perverse.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

The good life

Lets imagine for a moment the best thing that could happen.

The best thing that could happen is that I become fully financially independent i.e. don't need to worry about money the rest of my life and share my life with people I love where we have mutual love for each other and have a life free of illness.

That my parents have a peaceful retired life and that the entire universe stays happy.

And the realization of God does not leave at any time. I wish this for all creatures.

1. God realization at all times (No deceptions)

2. Illness free (No physical and mental pain)

3. Share life with loved ones (No loneliness)

4. Financially independent (No worldly concerns)

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Know only this

The only thing that needs to be understood is what is real.

The core identity has to be realized and lived. Only this is important.

Only the real matters. All that is other than real is irrelevant.

Control the mind. The only discipline is to control the mind. When the mind slows down, clarity is revealed as the only reality.

"God alone is Real. All else illusory" - Ramakrishna Paramhansa

Only this needs to be realized without doubt. With every cell in the body, the truth has to be realized. Then alone will conflicts and misery cease.

Unless the truth is realized, no peace is possible in a million lifetimes.

The greatest action that can be performed is to enable another to realize the truth for himself. The only real service.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Remembering spirit

Living life, a normal ordinary life itself is challenging. Unforeseen situations can occur. Stability of mind is the most important requirement. Your partner needs to be calm and stable too. There are dark recesses in the mind. These can expand into depression.

Remember awareness. The body is an abode of disease. The mind too can be infected. The spirit is purity and cannot be touched by impurity.