Tuesday, May 23, 2023


If life were reasonable, it would not exist.

If there was choice, there would be nothing.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

The mind maze

Sometimes we get lost within the maze of our own mind.

Stuck inside our own mind, we lose sight of the bigger picture.

We are trapped within our own darkness, unable to look at alternatives.

At such time, it helps to seek outside oneself for a fresh perspective.

Either talk to someone you trust or read something.

Anything to come out of your own mind and look with alternative viewpoints.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Separation and conditioning of the body

It seems as though the entire mechanism of the operation of the body is designed to prevent truth realization/realizing oneness/enlightenment.

The body ceaselessly operates based on conditioning and this conditioned operation seems to continuously repress the realization of oneness and keeps projecting the experience of separateness. Of a contracted energy sense. Of being a separate individual.

It seems as though the entire fabric of our lives and of our family and close relationships are designed to prevent awakening to truth. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023


What makes life difficult?

What makes us suffer meaninglessly for nothing?

What destroys relationships?

What keeps us always anxious?

It is ego.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

The essence of relationship

I wonder if the essence of a relationship is mutual dependence?

Can two independent beings have a meaningful relationship?

Friday, May 5, 2023

The Simple Truth

Truth is simple.

Existence is simple.

It is our social collective mind that is the generator of complexity.

Complexity confuses and eventually deludes and can screen out the simple truth.

Truth is simply that existence exists.

The ISness of being.

Awareness aware that it is aware.

To recognize this is all that's needed.

To resist the charms and temptations of complexity.