Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The way out of dream

When you are trapped in a dream or stuck in the labyrinth of your own thoughts, the way out is not through more thoughts.

The way out is to come out of the thought.

When thoughts trap you, the way out is to stop thinking and start feeling. But this has to be recognized first.

Its not easy to come out when you are trapped because you don't see that you are trapped by thought.

The only way out is to recognize that you are trapped in thought.

Recognize that you are trapped in your dream. Trapped in thought.

The recognition is the way out.

Feeling trapped

Sometimes, stuff can seem overwhelming. You feel trapped.

Trapped by something. That something is your thoughts.

Dark thoughts resulting in feeling trapped, overwhelmed, helpless.

In these moment, wisdom seems lost. No light shining through.

What matters is to sail through.

Just take it one day at a time and sail through.

Head on.

Take some time off to clear the mind, if needed.

Some space definitely helps to clear the mind. Allowing the dark thoughts to settle and some light to shine through.

The key thing is to just sail through the fog.

And make some space.

Keep moving one step at a time.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Limits of knowledge

We are blind to what is unknown to us.

We don't know that we don't know.

You do not know what you do not know.

You are blind to your ignorance.

By definition you are blind to your ignorance, so you cannot conceive yourself of being ignorant.

You can conceive of yourself being ignorant in the past since some of it has come to light with time, but the fact is that fundamentally you are blind to what you do not know.

All that you know and all that is within the scope of your knowledge is what is visible to you. Let us call it the circle of visibility.

You are blind to everything outside your circle of visibility. Let that sink in.

However, it does not matter.

What matters is to recognize that you exist.

At this very moment, you exist. You are aware of your existence.

You have no doubt about this. By 'you' it means the sense of being or the sense of existence and not your personality.

You are aware of existing. Of being.

Now this sense of being that you feel is coming from the whole of existence. Your sense of being is possible only because of the 'life' processes continuously happening incessantly. Your sense of beingness or existence is a consequence of the entire process of existence. This is because there is no separation in existence. Separation is not possible, since there is no 'thing' there in the first place. All there is, is the interaction of forces or the process of existence, which has no parts apart from it to be separate.

So, although your senses and your knowledge is limited to your circle of visibility, the fact of your existence is a consequence of all existence which includes everything 'outside' your circle of visibility.

All is one process. There is nothing outside it. Merely recognizing this is enough.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


We spend most of our lives in programming the mind or learning some skill. This process of programming the mind incessantly makes it difficult to notice that which is already there.

We become blind to wholeness. Deprogramming the mind therefore is simply remaining as you are. Resting in awareness, as often as possible.

Deprogramming the mind may eventually lead to noticing the original wholeness and unity that is always present.

Deprogram the mind and realize the wholeness of all.

Or rather, allow deprogramming to take place and the unity will be revealed.

All is one.