Saturday, July 29, 2023

Pursuing desires

We are born from oneness and on death merge back into oneness.

In between these two states, we live our lives trying to satisfy our desires.

The purpose of the creation of the universe is for desire fulfillment.

We are driven by our desires.

So do not be afraid to pursue your desires.

Pursuing your desires is one of the best ways to keep misery and despair at bay.

So march ahead.

Pursue what you desire.

Be not afraid.

Remember that we eventually go back into unity.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The perceived stability of something

Something only seems stable due to the inability to perceive nothing.

Nothing cannot be perceived.

Hence something appears stable.

Yet, it changes.

Only something changes.

Nothing does not change.

Nothing prevails

Nothing prevails.

In the entire universe, nothing prevails.

The great nothing prevails.

Nothing else is there.

No matter how it seems.


Sunday, July 23, 2023


 It is not knowledge but grace that carries us through life.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

The end

So, it will all end one day.

All that begins comes to an end.

Your birth into the world as a self/ego/person will be eventually followed by slow decay and death.

Birth is followed by growth is followed by decay is followed by death.

This is simply the way of all created/birthed things.

Only the uncreated is eternal, beginningless, endless, infinite.

In the infinite eternal, there can be no 'you'.

'You' are a repetitive memory.

There is nothing to be done or can be done.

There is no 'doer' that can 'do' anything.

There is no 'knower' who can 'know' anything.

There is only that which is.

Right here. Right now.


What is your deepest fear?

What is your deepest fear?







Dwell on this.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

All one

All emerges and subsides in oneness.

All your hopes and dreams arise and subside in the one.

All your fears, worries and anxieties arise and subside in the one.

All your relations, lovers, friends, partners, parents, children arise and subside in the one.

All your experiences and memories arise and subside in the one.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

The perfect symmetry of nothing

The state of nothing is a state of perfect symmetry with zero entropy. This makes it unstable resulting into its disintegration and expansion into something without sacrificing the implicit unity.

If something expands endlessly into a state of infinite entropy, all symmetry would be lost. This too is impossible because of implicit unity which cannot be broken and is thus the final and unbreakable symmetry.