Saturday, August 26, 2023

Reality is existence

That which is real exists.

That which is unreal does not exist.

The nature of reality is existence.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Guard the mind

The great danger that we face is losing control of the mind.

When the mind gets restless, it clouds out the reality of awareness.

It gets deluded, miserable and suffers.

If not contained and allowed to pursue its restlessness, it can lead to insanity.

And many have opted to suicide in a state of utter restlessness and agony of mind.

Unable to stay grounded in awareness.

Therefore be constantly on guard.

Keep watch over the mind lest it brings about ruin.

Friday, August 11, 2023

The stability of movement

You need to keep moving to stay balanced.

When riding a two wheel bicycle, the moment you stop the bicycle tilts.

To avoid tilting, it needs to keep moving.

If you stop moving the bicycle gets unstable.

In a similar way, the universe is in continuous movement to maintain balance.

To prevent the collapse into nothingness.

Continues movement keeps existence stable.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The currency of attention

Your attention is the most valuable thing you own.

Don't waste it.

Don't misuse it.

Don't sell it short.

Your attention is your treasure.

Use it wisely.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Paradox of existence

Nothing cannot exist.

Something cannot exist.

The ultimate paradox generating the ultimate force.

The force of eternal existence.