Saturday, May 29, 2021

Knowing what I am

Our lives are tragically comic.

We have this deep yearning of knowing what we are. And yet have no way of directly knowing it.

We can know objects and concepts but not our innermost core. Just as the eyes have no way of seeing themselves. And how a knife cannot cut itself.

And this may be our deepest despair. An eternal despair.

And yet..


In the end, even the memories are gone.

Without memory, you are nobody.

You have no idea what is going on.

You have no idea who you are.

No idea about anything.

Everything gone.

Totally lost.

Enamored by the scenes around.

Only confusion.

Totally caught up in the dream around you.

Not knowing anything.

Crying when in pain. But not knowing why is there pain.

Once some familiarity regarding the world is established. Some sort of model of the world is developed. Some routine set.

Then some time is left to wonder.

Wonder about the mystery of being.

But first, the model and routine must be established. 

Then wonder begins.

Wonder about the world.

And the deeper wonder about being.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Repetitive negative thoughts feedback loop

Sometimes, we find ourselves stuck in repetitive negative thought feedback loop.

At these times, we believe that its the particular event or person or situation that is causing distress.

But that is not true.

The distress is your minds tendency to ruminate over the same thoughts over and over again.

It is not easy to see this because the mind will try to convince that the problem is the situation.

It will try to convince that anything but itself is the problem.

The problem is the minds tendency to dwell in repetitive feedback loops. Especially negative.

This needs to be continuously seen and realized.

Else, you will fall prey to its lies.

We don't suffer from external situations or people but our own deluded states of perception.

Remember that all is one. All is well.


Friday, May 14, 2021

The holy realization

When awareness is aware of itself, the indivisibility is sealed.

If separation were real, there would be no awareness.

Only because there is no separation, awareness is aware.

Awareness aware is that which seals the truth of non-separation.

The physical evidence of non-separation is awareness aware of itself.

This is the holy realization.

Wholeness realized and manifested.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Coping with anxiety

Surrender to God.

The easiest way is to simply surrender to God. Thy will be done.

Friday, May 7, 2021


This very life right now. That's it. That's all. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Do you see it yet?

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Is there cause for existence?

If something is causing pain, the best course of action is to remove it. By removing the cause of pain, the pain is removed.

When there is no pain, there is no need to search for a reason for no pain.

Saturday, May 1, 2021


Truth exists.

Reality exists.

Right now, this very moment, reality exists.

Every conscious moment is an opportunity to recognize reality.

Infinite reality.

Recognize the reality this very moment.

That you exist is proof of reality.

You are not separate from Reality.

Separation from reality is an impossibility.

Anything that is separate from reality cannot exist.