Friday, April 28, 2023

Nothing existing

Although it exists, yet it is nothing.

Although it is nothing, yet it exists.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Mind care

Take care of the mind. For it is powerful. Although it cannot be seen.

How wonderful that thought which is less dense than a cloud can seem so opaque and solid as a mountain. 

A whole lifetime which seems so solid and real, yet vanishes without a trace.

Friday, April 14, 2023

An opaque mind from a single thought

The mind is easily triggered. Sometimes, there springs up a thought that overpowers the mind. A single thought can overpower the mind. Rendering the mind opaque. And the transparency apparently vanishes.

An opaque mind is dangerous in that it renders you blind. All you see is the darkness projected from the single thought. 

The entire world seems to have reduced into this single thought. It would be amazing if it weren't so painful.

Dealing with worldly concerns, the mind is susceptible to get into this silo. It seems as though nothing is more important than the single issue/thought. It is literally blind to everything else.

It seems as though a small dust particle has covered the entire universe.

Friday, April 7, 2023

The mind of God

For the mind immersed in worldly issues - career concerns, family concerns (spouse, parents, in-laws, children etc.), societal concerns, political concerns, financial concerns - there is no end.

Countless issues and concerns keep the mind continuously occupied. Restlessly, the mind keeps its attention on its various concerns. 

The worldly mind is full of sorrow.

Unaware of the absolutely concern-less mind of God.

The mind of God is concern-less and free of sorrow.

The infinite mind of God knows no other.

It is the truth.

It is empty.

It is pure.

It is awake.

Monday, April 3, 2023

The vain struggle of life

Most of our struggles are vain and superfluous.

Very little is needed for sustenance.

But no amount can satisfy greed.

Abide simply as is.

And all is taken care off.

Succumb to greed and you lose even that which you now have.