Sunday, April 14, 2024

Honoring connection to the Divine

We can feel trapped and bound in this world. Burdened by worldly concerns.

This happens when we lose sight of our connection to the Divine.

When you consciously recognize and acknowledge your connection to the Divine, sanity and peace is restored.

Friday, April 12, 2024


I am just a fellow traveler who likes to wonder about things.

How strange it is that we find ourselves in the particular situation of our lives.

And how strange it is to experience the deep sorrow and loneliness that we feel living as the seemingly separate creatures in a seemingly hostile and indifferent world.

How there seems to be so much suffering, distress and grief that we carry within us. How we seem so lost in our meaningless lives.

And yet how awesome it can be to simply experience all this, knowing that it might as well never have been.

And to share this experience with you all.

What is this bittersweet experience? 

Love to you all. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Where has compassion disappeared?

The flower of compassion blooms in the soil of suffering.

In the world where everyone is busy with their own life, rarely sparing a thought for others, some inevitably fall through the cracks.

To persist in caring for others in the absence of any return seems impossible.

Where have we failed?

What have we built?

Oh this horrifying indifference.

Where has kindness and care disappeared? 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Life stories

Life is about the stories that you create.

Its the stories and the memories that you create that will eventually matter.

Of course, even that will be forgotten eventually.

But still amongst all the other things that you strive for like wealth, health etc. remember to create some stories that are worth remembering.

Friday, April 5, 2024

In the end, all is well

At the end of the day, the only thing that you need to remember is this:

It all works out in the end.

In the end, all is well.

No need to worry.

Take it easy.