Friday, April 18, 2014

The self and the world

The witness and the witnessed are interdependent.
One cannot exist without the other.

The sense of being an independent observer is dependent on there being an external world being observed.
On removal of either one, the other will automatically perish.

Thus as long as there is a world to be seen, a seer will simultaneously exist.

Have you noticed that all thoughts that you have are about the relationship between yourself and the world?

If the sense of 'I am' is strong, so will the sense of the significance of the world.
Strengthen either one and the other automatically grows in strength. And when the world grows in strength, it becomes overwhelming for the 'I am'.

Both the 'I am' sense and the 'external world' arise from the same source. This source is to be realized.

But in this source, there is neither 'I am' nor the 'external world'.

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