Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The art of manipulation

I hate it. I just gave away $3000 for a vacuum cleaner!!!
The mind was clouded by emotion and manipulated into parting with $3000!

Here's how:

1. Accepted a free gift of two containers at a shopping mall by signing up for a free demo. (Accepted free gift...first mistake)
2. Was unaware of the intention of the free demo was to actually push a trained salesman into your room.
3. Watched the demo and got convinced by the salesman's arguments on the amount of dust collected.
4. Allowed the salesman to manipulate the mind using fear of ill health, caused by dust allergy.
5. Fell for the subtle trick of relativity, where the salesman made the price of $3000 appear temporarily lower. Deception of relativity can make even $100,000 appear small and $1 appear huge.
6. Being continually pushed by the salesman created doubt in the mind. Fear of loss was activated.
7. Eventually a situation was reached where rationality was lost and the mind lost its ability to discriminate and decide.
8. The pressure from doubt along with the vanishing of discrimination and the desire for temporary relief from the grilling of the salesman resulted in the words 'okay' escaping the mouth.
9. This sealed the deal at which point I immediately realized the consequence of the fall and it was too late to reverse.

Lesson learnt:

1. Never accept free gifts
2. Never be good or polite to salesman
3. Need to develop distrust and ruthlessness
4. Stick to principles at all costs

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