Saturday, May 25, 2013


Life can get turbulent at times. Sometimes we do not act in calm. We act out of urgency and desperation. This can create inner turmoil. Sometimes we face boredom which can also create inner turmoil. Idleness seems very good when you are extremely busy. But let it last for a long time and that very idleness becomes a curse. We are like helpless logs being churned relentlessly by the currents of life. Amidst all our acts, not all perfect and all the guilt's and all our regrets and all broken relationships it gets really turbulent. Sometimes we think we are going insane. Action and inaction can both lead to despair. Hence there is no redemption in either action or inaction. It does not matter whether you act or do not. Peace lies in neither action nor inaction.

But there is a stillness that transcends both action and inaction. Amidst great turbulence, there is always a stillness present. This needs no effort to attain or maintain. This does not need the approval of the world. This does not need the presence of either action or inaction. It is untouched by both. This stillness is not inaction. This stillness is not idleness. This stillness is not of this world. It is not idleness or inaction. Without action and work, there can be no inaction and idleness. This stillness needs neither. To take refuge in idleness and inaction is not what is pointed. Both work and idleness, action and inaction are equal. You cannot achieve stillness or peace through inaction or idleness. It is futile to seek refuge from action in inaction. They are two sides of the same coin. Neither action nor inaction can lead to salvation. So why seek idleness? Why do you engage in inaction hoping to achieve peace there? In truth there is neither action nor inaction. Stop seeking inaction. Stop seeking idleness. No outward action can lead to truth. Stillness transcends both action and inaction. Neither in activity nor in rest will you find it. It is the activity of the mind that creates the world. Stop the mind and you stop the world. Here is Absolute Peace.

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