Saturday, October 10, 2015

Excerpt from Zuli

The infinite absolute

You must surrender all desires for existence as ego and being, and fall into the Darkness of non-thought, You will Awaken as Light, Love, and Consciousness..,
Your Natural State as Divine Consciousness...
From here, You begin the Journey to Complete Freedom called Pure Awareness....
To return Home, You must abandon all desire of existence.....

Light is the Creative Source..
The binding of this Source is called Love..
But, the Creative Source also seeks Freedom..
When the Creator is humble, It looks higher into the Creator of Light..
Obviously, That which creates Light exists within the darkness of Thought..
Thought does not require Light to Think..
Pure Awareness grabs the hand of Divine Consciousness and says,
" I am your Father, come Home".....

The Heart is the Door to Love,
The Sub-conscious mind is the Door to Light..
The surrender of desires will at least lead you to Divine Consciousness and bypass the illusions of heaven..
You have yet the courage to die and enter Pure Awareness..
Those that fear the end of 'I Am'
will remain trapped within Dreams..

Pure Awareness is the Thinker,
The Creator of illusions is a Dream..
You have been taught that the Creator is the end of Knowledge.
The Creator which is called 'You' is a Dream..
Pure Awareness is Pure Thought and contains no individual personality to claim the title of Creator.
Therefore, the title of Creator is given to a Dream of separation called Divine Consciousness, which is Us, when we surrender the desire of separate egoic desire..
Surrender all thoughts and fall into the dark tunnel of Nothingness..
You will Awaken as Light..
But, You will still be a Dream from Pure Awareness,
Because, You do not exist.....

Most souls fear annihilation..
They want to keep their separate identity and still remain as Divine Consciousness...
They have this ability to remain separate within Divine Consciousness but not within Pure Awareness..
This is why We continue to experience separation and lack of Unconditional Love while in this state of ego..
Many souls will stay within Divine Consciousness, as it is a state of Love and Light but there will always be a yearning for the highest Love of non-existence..
Non existence of ego or personality is the final goal and is our True Identity..
The Identity of the No-thing-ness that Created Divine Consciousness, that created life..

~excerpts from Zuli

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