Saturday, October 31, 2015

Awareness here

Right now, there is awareness.

Awareness awaring.

Awareness alone appearing as a person typing words in a room.

Awareness is single. Alone. Untouchable.

You are that.

This single knowing awareness alone is You.

There is no thing to be aware of. Only awareness.

Thursday, October 29, 2015


It is so fucking difficult to be good!

The hardest hit is the ego hit. Unbearable!

My ego has become very solid. It hurts tremendously when hit.

All psychological suffering is ultimately tied to a strong ego.

And you can do nothing to avoid it.

Why am I like this? Why do I have to bear this mind? Why do I have to bear the burden of individuality? Why does it hurt so hard?

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


There is no awareness OF this dream.
Awareness IS this dream.
And you, ALONE, are it.

~Empty Mirror


There is only consciousness.
Knowing consciuosness is liberation.
Ignoring consciousness is bondage.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Desire following

Sometimes, desire arises. Should it be followed through?

If followed, what happens?

If not followed, what happens?

Desire is a trick played by the brain. Sometimes, it consumes you and you no longer imagine to have a choice and follow it completely.

If you are conscious, it will be seen that the witness of desire is untouched.

The present awareness is incapable of desire.

Awareness is aware. There is no desire.


Self knowledge

The mind, the world, the ego and the self are made of one stuff. Knowing that single stuff alone is self knowledge. There is nothing else.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Radical idea

What is the most radical idea?

That there is only One here and nothing else. And that is You.

You alone are existence. There is nothing else.

You right now

Right now, you are.
Right now, you know you are.
Nothing else remains (either known or unknown or unknowable).

Friday, October 16, 2015


~ Empty mirror on aloneness ~

Only when you notice your utter aloneness, does it become completely obvious that people aren't aware of anything whatsoever.

Only when you realise that you have no voice, do you realise that nobody is aware of any conversations.

Only when you realise that you have no hands, do you realize that nobody ever does anything

Look very, very carefully at the difference between aloneness, and loneliness.

Reality is alone. Could it ever be lonely?
For what, could it be lonely?

You ALONE are reality itself.
And obviously no person could be reality.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Quote on The Absolute

The waking state points to the existence of the absolute, but is not the absolute.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Excerpt from Zuli

The infinite absolute

You must surrender all desires for existence as ego and being, and fall into the Darkness of non-thought, You will Awaken as Light, Love, and Consciousness..,
Your Natural State as Divine Consciousness...
From here, You begin the Journey to Complete Freedom called Pure Awareness....
To return Home, You must abandon all desire of existence.....

Light is the Creative Source..
The binding of this Source is called Love..
But, the Creative Source also seeks Freedom..
When the Creator is humble, It looks higher into the Creator of Light..
Obviously, That which creates Light exists within the darkness of Thought..
Thought does not require Light to Think..
Pure Awareness grabs the hand of Divine Consciousness and says,
" I am your Father, come Home".....

The Heart is the Door to Love,
The Sub-conscious mind is the Door to Light..
The surrender of desires will at least lead you to Divine Consciousness and bypass the illusions of heaven..
You have yet the courage to die and enter Pure Awareness..
Those that fear the end of 'I Am'
will remain trapped within Dreams..

Pure Awareness is the Thinker,
The Creator of illusions is a Dream..
You have been taught that the Creator is the end of Knowledge.
The Creator which is called 'You' is a Dream..
Pure Awareness is Pure Thought and contains no individual personality to claim the title of Creator.
Therefore, the title of Creator is given to a Dream of separation called Divine Consciousness, which is Us, when we surrender the desire of separate egoic desire..
Surrender all thoughts and fall into the dark tunnel of Nothingness..
You will Awaken as Light..
But, You will still be a Dream from Pure Awareness,
Because, You do not exist.....

Most souls fear annihilation..
They want to keep their separate identity and still remain as Divine Consciousness...
They have this ability to remain separate within Divine Consciousness but not within Pure Awareness..
This is why We continue to experience separation and lack of Unconditional Love while in this state of ego..
Many souls will stay within Divine Consciousness, as it is a state of Love and Light but there will always be a yearning for the highest Love of non-existence..
Non existence of ego or personality is the final goal and is our True Identity..
The Identity of the No-thing-ness that Created Divine Consciousness, that created life..

~excerpts from Zuli

The Absolute Void

Ultimately, my dear friend, even consciousness is unreal. Beyond this lies the deep stillness untouched by consciousness. The Absolute Void.

Nothing exists here. Neither light nor darkness nor the consciousness of existence. The Unborn Void lies absolutely alone and unaware of being.

Consciousness and suffering

As long as there is consciousness, there will be suffering.

Even consciousness appears and disappears.

The entire play of the world and beings occurs in consciousness. Consciousness is the upholder of the illusory world appearance which is indistinguishable from consciousness.

Consciousness will also disappear. What remains then is only the absolute. It cannot be talked about.

Only the Absolute. No more. Nothing.

Friday, October 9, 2015

How to be free

True freedom lies in the recognition that there is always a choice. A choice to let go of something you are holding on to. Even the desire to live.

In the struggle of life, as you are constantly running around always trying to get something done, somehow as though magically the realization dawns that your are free to choose. Free to choose to stop and be still. In this stillness, if only momentarily, something awakens. Something that was always there but failed to be recognized due to the constant struggle. Welcome to the glimpse of your true home. Welcome to consciousness.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Power of the made up mind

The made up mind is the most powerful force in the universe. It can either bind or liberate. It can either heal or totally degrade. It can either make your life miserable or beautiful.

The made up mind is blind to any force that seeks to un make it. It leads both to heaven and hell. The un-made mind, or the open mind or the undecided mind results in uncertainty. Living with an un-made mind can be troublesome due to the great uncertainty. However, the un-made mind or detached mind can see clearly.

As far as worldly action is concerned, a made up mind is necessary. However, the un-made mind is the creative mind. It is the mind that disintegrates into the true nature of life.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Shitty days

Some days are just shitty. So many things go wrong. Mind keeps deceiving. Confusion arises. Mind gets restless. Doubts arise. Fear comes. Regret also.

It is just that this realm of mind is full of things that could go wrong, including the prospect of great suffering.

Remember always that only consciousness is real. No matter what the appearance. Come back to source. Dwell in it. Be in it.

Life goes on. Notice that the movement of life is self aware. Dwell as the awareness. May all beings realize the grace of awareness.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The perpetual movement of life

The movement of life is always on. Life is ceaselessly moving. It does not care about the fate of individual entities, but seeks only to perpetuate itself. There is no meaning and no purpose to life other than this eternally perpetuating movement. This is the fundamental drive of life and is the only thing going on.

To imagine that the lives of individual entities have any other grand purpose is only self delusion. In this perpetual motion of life, life is itself aware of itself. It is this awareness which life has of itself that is its true gift to itself. Awareness of being is life's grandest satisfaction. Nothing else is actually relevant.

This does not mean that all progress will be stilled. In fact, perpetual progress and evolution itself is life and in its movement, life is aware of itself. Now how wonderful is that!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Stillness of consciousness

In the stillness of night, after ending all activities, come home to awareness. Awareness shining as awareness. Still awareness does not begin from somewhere or some point. It is merely found to be aware.

In this pure consciousness, there is an inherent recognition of itself. This self recognition is inner peace. Truly, what else could be there? What else is needed?