Wednesday, January 15, 2014


No matter what, relationships are bound to fail.
Someone does not meet another's expectations and there is disharmony. And then misery.

Human relationships are extremely fragile because all relationships are based on the mind and the mind is inconsistent. We have to deal with the fact of our own feeble emotions. We will invariably fail to meet other people's expectations. Some relationships will break as a result.

What exactly is relationship?
Sometimes there are cracks in the relationships we really value and consider unbreakable. No area of life has the potential of causing so much unrest as human relationships.

The mind considers someone dear. The same person can be considered by the mind as a nuisance.
Anything which is held by the mind cannot be relied upon or trusted. Any object of the mind is unreliable.

To keep your heart in a relationship is to invite misery.
No relationship is constant. Even the mother can get angry on the child sometimes.
Friends can become enemies.

Relationship can be a source of great joy and also a source of great sorrow.

How can one place one's heart on something so unreliable. This is our core attachment.
Without relationship, there is no purpose. With relationship, there is no peace.
All that one can really do is to go with the flow. Let relationships play themselves, but realize that in your heart, you have absolutely nothing to do with them. True security comes from God and not relationship.
It is in the source of our being that we find true rest.
The source is ultimately all that matters.
Rest here. In the source of being. Let relationships play out. No point resisting them.
Right here in one's own heart is real joy.
True peace can only come from the source and nothing else.

A relationship is ultimately just in the mind. There is no true relationship.
A relationship is just an idea. A very powerful thought.

To value relationship above all else is to subject oneself to constant inner turbulence.

In truth, in the core of your being, there is no relationship.

All relationship is illusory.

Rest in the source of your being. This alone matters.

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