Friday, November 22, 2013

Dealing with regret

Regret is one of the most powerful emotions. When it strikes, it can seem to consume every space in the mind. Every minute is spent in thinking about it. Dealing with regret is one of the most challenging aspects of being human.

The truth is matter what you do, the past cannot be undone. No matter how deep or intense the emotion, the past is gone. Denial of this causes great misery. The relationship has ended. The job is gone. The illness has struck. etc.

Dwelling on the past will only intensify the misery. However, the mind is strange. It has no mechanism to obstruct a thought. Hence in order to get rid of or tackle a thought, it must be attacked with another thought. To tackle the thought of regret, another thought has to be used. One thought which works is to contemplate the utter irrelevance of all that happens. Of all actions and inactions. Or to believe that ultimately everything happens exactly as it is supposed to happen. There are no mistakes. All is ordained by forces beyond our limited understanding. Everything happens for a reason. There is thus no scope for regret.

Truly all that happens, happens exactly as it should. Inspite of all your precautions, things happen which are not to your liking. Everything in your life is exactly how it should be. Your life circumstances at this moment are exactly as they should be. Realize this fact. Everything is exactly how it should be, inspite of all your actions and in-actions. There is no doubt about this.

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