Saturday, November 30, 2013


Identification with the body...this consumes tremendous energy.
This is the root of wickedness and misery.

To identify with the body is suffering.


Imagine that there is absolutely nothing to attain.
Imagine that you have obtained all that you ever desired and there is nothing left to desire.
No where to go.
No one to be with.
Now what.
There is absolutely nothing left to do.
In this absolute desirelessness, what remains?
Only that which cannot be avoided.
Which cannot be grasped.
Which cannot be attained.
Forever here.
How does it feel?
It feels very light.
Everything else is for what
To attain this...
But this is always unattainable...

There is nothing but this...
Nothing to do....

But this is always here...
Thoughts prevent seeing this...

It seems like a great void...
An absence...
So we run away...Back to our desires...and fears...
Back to the world...

Thought train for malice

Malice for another person.
A thought of ill will for another.

This thought assumes the reality of the other person as an independent entity.
Once the reality of another independent entity is assumed, one assumes that pleasure for the other entity implies pain for me.

Let us follow the following thought train.

1. Self ignorance
2. Independent existence of a 'me'
3. Independent existence of an 'other'
4. Identification with the 'me'
5. Dis-identification with the 'other'
6. The 'other' is unknown
7. The other is a 'threat'
8. The other's happiness is a 'threat'
9. The other is 'not self'.
10. Self alone is dear
11. Hence the 'other' is not dear
12. All that is 'not self' deserves misery.
13. 'The other' deserves misery
14. 'Happiness for the other' is not tolerated
15. The 'not self' should be destroyed
16. 'The other' should be destroyed.

'The other' exists as an independent entity only in your perception. There is nowhere else where it could exist independently. By consistently believing in the independent existence of 'the other' this belief has strengthened enormously and has solidified into an appearance which looks real and ominous. However, it is just a powerful delusion, not an actual fact.

What appears as the external world is not different from the thought in your own mind.

1. 'The other' is an illusion
2. Hence it cannot be destroyed (being non-existent)
3. Perception of an 'external world' is an illusion.
4. There is none but the self.
5. Hence malice is based on delusion
6. Self ignorance is the root of all misery


That which is real, exists even now.
There is no need to do anything to gain that which always is.
Just stop seeking.
That is all.
Give up the false conviction that truth is attained by seeking.
This alone is required.
Give up belief in attainment.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Overcoming desire

Desires play havoc with the mind. Caught in the grip of desire, the mind becomes turbulent.
There is along with desire the presence of fear. Fear over not acting on the desire. This fear always accompanies desire. Is the satisfaction of desire the purpose of life?
Does the satisfaction of desire ensure peace?

Desire originates from a place of incompleteness. You are unable to feel complete at this very moment with what is here and now. You imagine that the incompleteness that you feel right now is due to not acting on your desire. You believe that attaining the object of your desire will bring you peace. This belief is not true.

This is because ignorance causes desire. Desire is only possible in a state of ignorance. When you forget the truth of consciousness, you immediately fall into the trap of desire. Remember, consciousness is all there is. There is no external world. There is no separate 'you' who is feeling incomplete. All there is, is only consciousness. The moment this is forgotten, you are trapped. Overcome by desire, you fall into misery.

To believe that the external world can satisfy in any way is ignorance. Only this conviction is to be gained. Consciousness alone exists. Nothing else is there. All that is seen is mere appearance. Without any reality. To realize this is supreme peace.

This is what we have been told.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


The moments of our life passing by...
Every moment beginning and ending anew...
Life keeps moving...
Milestones keep passing...
People come and go...
Longings for something...
Dance of love...
What a strange dance is this life?

Everything leaves...nothing stays...
But always new beginnings...

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thoughts to live by

Here are some thoughts to live by:

1. Do not desire events to happen as you want them, but want them to happen exactly as they do and life will be well.

2. Know that you are forever perfectly content exactly how your life is. Do not desire that which is not there right now.

3. I am perfectly at peace right now with my life circumstances. There is no need to change or avoid change when it knocks.

4. There is no need to believe that life will be better or worse at some future state. Life is perfectly fine right here, right now, inspite of all that has happened or not happened.

5. There is no special state to seek. Contentment exists at this very moment without anything to seek or avoid.

6. Awareness alone is. Peace is forever here. Absolute peace exists right now. There is no circumstance where peace cannot be had.

7. There is absolutely nothing to seek.

8. There is no treasure greater than contentment.

Dealing with regret

Regret is one of the most powerful emotions. When it strikes, it can seem to consume every space in the mind. Every minute is spent in thinking about it. Dealing with regret is one of the most challenging aspects of being human.

The truth is matter what you do, the past cannot be undone. No matter how deep or intense the emotion, the past is gone. Denial of this causes great misery. The relationship has ended. The job is gone. The illness has struck. etc.

Dwelling on the past will only intensify the misery. However, the mind is strange. It has no mechanism to obstruct a thought. Hence in order to get rid of or tackle a thought, it must be attacked with another thought. To tackle the thought of regret, another thought has to be used. One thought which works is to contemplate the utter irrelevance of all that happens. Of all actions and inactions. Or to believe that ultimately everything happens exactly as it is supposed to happen. There are no mistakes. All is ordained by forces beyond our limited understanding. Everything happens for a reason. There is thus no scope for regret.

Truly all that happens, happens exactly as it should. Inspite of all your precautions, things happen which are not to your liking. Everything in your life is exactly how it should be. Your life circumstances at this moment are exactly as they should be. Realize this fact. Everything is exactly how it should be, inspite of all your actions and in-actions. There is no doubt about this.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Relationship is life's most important aspect. In a very fundamental way, the happiness of your life depends on the quality of your relationships. The most important thing in relationships is truth and genuine good intentions for the other person. In the absence of these, no relationship can stand.

Inner peace and happiness depends on the quality of relationships. Having no relationship or bad relationships inevitably lead to suffering. It can be said that good relationships are more important than career and health.

Remember, good intentions and truth.
In case you have to choose between the two, go for good intentions.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Bastards, there is absolutely no problem ever. Ego or no ego.
There is no ego. Only this.
It is absolutely irrelevant what you do with your life.
It does not matter even a little.
Suffer if you must.
Live in fear if you choose to.
Only one exists.
And it matters not what you think or don't think.
Fuck it all!!

Ha ha ha...nothing to realize...nothing to one to is glorious freedom which knows nothing!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

There is no 'I' to get rid of.

The final renunciation

After all other attachments are removed, only one remains.
After all else has been renounced, only one remains.
This one is the sense 'I AM' or attachment to the personality.
To renounce this is liberation.
Nothing else.
To hold onto this is bondage.
Nothing else.
Once the notion 'I AM' is renounced, no other renunciation is needed.


The feeling "I AM" is the greatest obstacle to liberation.
Without the sense 'I AM' there is nothing to be liberated from.
The feeling 'I AM' is nothing but a very dense energy stuck up in resistance.
It is the stink of ignorance.
The notion 'I AM' is the cause of all misery and suffering.
Without the notion 'I AM', there is absolutely nothing to desire.
No problem whatsoever.
The notion 'I AM' is not real.
Because there is no separate entity.
It is merely very dense energy, like a nuclear bomb.
To be free from the sense 'I AM' is liberation.
This alone is liberation.
Always be on guard from this dense emotional energy. This is the only evil.

This notion 'I AM' is the foulest impurity.
There is nothing more foul than this notion. No evil greater than this notion.
It is the root cause of every misery and evil action.
It is the sole cause of terrible confusion.
The moment it forms, it grows like a snowball rolling down an avalanche.
Within moments, it becomes huge and completely engulfs you in darkness.
It is opposed to everything else. It is the terrible demon which needs to be slayed as soon as it appears. Else it will devour everything.
Death is its biggest enemy. Hence death is your best friend.
To surrender to death alone is liberation.
Once 'I AM' is killed, that which is remains. The original glory.

The notion 'I AM' is the sole bondage.
Liberation is to be free from this notion.
Nothing else is needed.

Ultimately, the notion 'I AM' is not real.
There is no 'I'.
Only this.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


The illusion of fear strikes again. This time a dread about the future. Uncertainty looms large. However, that which is real is absolutely certain. Uncertainty is an illusion. Uncertainty is the nature of illusion. Absolute certainty is truth. Because the future does not exist, it is always uncertain.
There can be no certainty in that which is not present now. No thought can be confirmed as true, either yours or someone else's. Since the future is fundamentally uncertain, no amount of thinking or planning can eliminate this dread. Right now, there is nothing to fear. Root yourself completely in this moment. All your fears are mere thoughts. By considering your present state just as a reference point for the future state, you are unable to root yourself in this moment. What is there to be afraid?
It is just the mind playing tricks. This is what the mind does. Be aware now.

There is no future now. Why then does the future seem more real than the present moment? Why does the future always command more attention? There is a habit of thinking which keeps referring to the future. Keeps imagining the future. Is addicted to thoughts about the future. And hence always afraid. What will other people think of me? How shall I survive? Shall I remain a failure? Shall I become bankrupt? Who is this 'I' who is always terrified? How shall I manage? Why am I wasting time? Why am I not working?

Am I really in control here? Am I really the thinker of these thoughts? Have I made the right decision? Am I making progress? When ther is no right or wrong decision, how should I choose? When the result is uncertain, how should I choose? What is uncertainty? Why is it so terrifying?

Let us become deeply aware of this moment. Let us look at this very moment. Forget for a while, thoughts of future, past and yourself. For a moment, let us assume that what happens to me is irrelevant.  Now, what remains? Just this. Isn't this what you seek? All your fears are fears of losing this. Anxiety about the future is due to possibility of losing this. Uncertainty is the possibility of losing this. Now, is it possible to lose this? It seems as though this would be lost after death. There are two cases. Either this is lost. Or this is never lost.

In the first case, who is aware of losing this? If this is lost, there remains nothing. No fear. No sense of loss. Nothing.

In the second case, this is never lost. Hence, no fear. No sense of loss.

In both cases, there remains no fear and no sense of loss. Hence both fear and loss are not real. Yes,  you may have to endure thought of humiliation and loss of honor. But this is not lost. This is never lost because even if this is lost, there is no one to there to be aware of the loss. Hence this is forever. Since loss is not real, it can only exist as a concept. Never actually. Now, this can NEVER be lost. Therefore rejoice. Humiliation is just a thought. An idea. Not a reality. All that can be lost is just thought. Nothing more. All that can be gained is also just a thought. A mere idea. All thoughts are not real. Therefore, ONLY this is real. This cannot be lost. This cannot be gained. This is always here. Right now. It never leaves because it never came. This is clarity. This is absolute certainty.

Thoughts come and go. Fears come and go. Uncertainty belongs to thought. Thoughts can create massive delusions. But this is forever untouched. This is supreme confidence. Absolute certainty. Nothing else. No idea or thought or relationship (also a thought) is reliable. When you forget this, you are lost in thought. You are subject to hallucinations like fear and anxiety. Can the thought of failure ever touch this? It is not the world but this which is the treasure. This is the cure for all sorrow. This is untouchable. Thought intimidates. But this liberates. No circumstance can stand in the presence of this.