Friday, March 1, 2013

Dealing with heaviness of mind

When the world inside feels heavy and everything seems to be going against your will, then its time to start cleaning. Allow stillness to completely wash you from the inside. Thoughts and memories dirty the mind. They are like weeds and dust. And like everything else, we need to constantly clean up. Try not to judge them. There is nothing outside of you that affects you. All that affects you is within you in the form of memory. Hence, cleaning has to begin within. Allow the soothing balm of deep stillness to wash away your pain.

Forgive yourself for everything, no matter what.
Forgive others for everything, no matter what.
Forgiveness is a very good cleaner!

First, forgive yourself. Only then can you forgive others.

And remember to come home often. Going too far outside of yourself, you only end up messing your insides.

The mind is the most inflammable substance in the universe. Be very careful while handling it.
But remember that when the mind is in flames, you should allow the cool waters of stillness to put out the intense flames.

But best is to retreat when the flames are still manageable. And forgive yourself for judging yourself and others.

Nothing in life is more important than inner peace. Serenity is the most valuable treasure. It is from here that love flows.

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