Sunday, March 17, 2013

Unable to express love, unable to form meaningful relationships, this life has been a lonely pursuit...
Losing all those whom I loved is very hard to endure...
this life has been a story of loss...the deepest loss is the loss of love...losing your beloved hurts deep....yet something carries this crazy journey of love and loss...what remains here always...does love really redeem? do you express your love to your beloved? is terryfying...yet loss and this the story...where is the beloved...where is that which can cure this ache...where is the one who can put an end to all desires at once?
The world is not separate from emptiness.

True stillness is inseparable from movement.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


When the mind is relaxed, the entire world appears as a small dot in awareness...
However, when stress arises, a small issue seems much larger than the entire universe and occupies every inch of space in the mind..In the moment of stress, a small drop seems to be much larger than the entire ocean and consumes you...It seems as though this one drop is all that matters in the entire universe...

Monday, March 4, 2013


It is the feeling of love that lies at the heart of existence.

I Love you

I just want you to know that I love you, no matter what.

All else can change, but I will not stop loving you. I love you.

I love you all, including my problems, my sufferings, my losses, my hits, my misses, i just want you to know that i love you.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Mental noise

Inner turmoil results from resistance. In this world, there are countless incessantly swaying the mind. Our external conditions in life are ultimately not in our hands. Any decision by others can change our external circumstance including our careers in an instant. And it is of no point worrying about issues beyond our control.

The only area where we have control is in how we react to the story of our life. Our mental reactions to our external condition is finally what determines the degree of our suffering. The only place where we have control is hence in our reaction to our situation. This is where maximum change can be affected, for the better or worse. Inner peace consists in our reaction to our situation. A mental state of acceptance and non-resistance helps in developing mental stability. Realize that life is forever out of control and only in our acceptance of this fact and in stop trying to resist the situation can inner peace be realized.

We live in the world, but we are not of it. Nothing of this world, no pain, no external circumstance can affect the calm inner space that lies within us. Like the eye of a storm, there is a profound stillness underneath all the noise of the mind. This sacred and pure space cannot be touched by the mind. No desire or thought can affect it. It is this inner space that is most valuable and which cannot be lost. Make this your home in this world of constant mental noise.

Peace be unto you. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Dealing with heaviness of mind

When the world inside feels heavy and everything seems to be going against your will, then its time to start cleaning. Allow stillness to completely wash you from the inside. Thoughts and memories dirty the mind. They are like weeds and dust. And like everything else, we need to constantly clean up. Try not to judge them. There is nothing outside of you that affects you. All that affects you is within you in the form of memory. Hence, cleaning has to begin within. Allow the soothing balm of deep stillness to wash away your pain.

Forgive yourself for everything, no matter what.
Forgive others for everything, no matter what.
Forgiveness is a very good cleaner!

First, forgive yourself. Only then can you forgive others.

And remember to come home often. Going too far outside of yourself, you only end up messing your insides.

The mind is the most inflammable substance in the universe. Be very careful while handling it.
But remember that when the mind is in flames, you should allow the cool waters of stillness to put out the intense flames.

But best is to retreat when the flames are still manageable. And forgive yourself for judging yourself and others.

Nothing in life is more important than inner peace. Serenity is the most valuable treasure. It is from here that love flows.