This post is for you who has suffered a deep loss in life which you think cannot be replaced...
Yes, loss of something considered to be valuable is a huge setback...please mourn your loss completely, it is only human..and take some time to reflect on it..remember that change is a truth of life and loss is the biggest change..nothing destroys a man mentally and emotionally as much as the loss of something valuable..but when the loss is deep and the mind is unable to cope, retreat within...within yourself, much deeper than the mind lies something profound..something so deep that cannot it be touched by loss...try to find this level within...loss is an opportunity to dive deep within the touch that profound stillness that remains always pure and clear irrespective of any external circumstance...try to look at what lies underneath all your thoughts...yes, life is tough and it is full of hits that come from nowhere...but the heart of life, which is the same as the heart of yourself is untouched by any loss whatsoever...come here now...leave your life behind...realize what lies within you...realize who you really are...the world has no power over have weakened yourself with all kinds of false imaginings...give them up...come and meet yourself in this silence...and then you will realize what cannot be taken away...what cannot be lost...what cannot be chosen...what always is home...allow this deep silence to wash over you...this space is where healing happens...the only way you can cope with loss is to connect with your inner self, that self which cannot be lost and is always present...right here, right now...please enter here...
Yes, loss of something considered to be valuable is a huge setback...please mourn your loss completely, it is only human..and take some time to reflect on it..remember that change is a truth of life and loss is the biggest change..nothing destroys a man mentally and emotionally as much as the loss of something valuable..but when the loss is deep and the mind is unable to cope, retreat within...within yourself, much deeper than the mind lies something profound..something so deep that cannot it be touched by loss...try to find this level within...loss is an opportunity to dive deep within the touch that profound stillness that remains always pure and clear irrespective of any external circumstance...try to look at what lies underneath all your thoughts...yes, life is tough and it is full of hits that come from nowhere...but the heart of life, which is the same as the heart of yourself is untouched by any loss whatsoever...come here now...leave your life behind...realize what lies within you...realize who you really are...the world has no power over have weakened yourself with all kinds of false imaginings...give them up...come and meet yourself in this silence...and then you will realize what cannot be taken away...what cannot be lost...what cannot be chosen...what always is home...allow this deep silence to wash over you...this space is where healing happens...the only way you can cope with loss is to connect with your inner self, that self which cannot be lost and is always present...right here, right now...please enter here...
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