Thursday, December 20, 2012

Accepting Regret

Even the moments of deepest regret in your life have their purpose. In the times when you feel that you have chosen wrongly or not done something which you should have, keep your patience. I want you to remember this. Because when regret strikes deep, it consumes you and you are unable to see the light. Especially when you don't do what you think you should have done. There is something that connects every event. Even you regret is part of this larger scheme. But this larger scheme cannot be known. Just keep patience.

Trust lies at the very root of life. Without trust, there can be no serenity. So trust my friend, especially in the moments when you judge yourself most the end trust and patience alone endure...especially in matters of the heart and love...Trust that things stand exactly as they are supposed to, no matter what...

Feeling deep regret is also a part of may feel as though you have made a huge blunder or that you did not do something you should have done, or that you did something totally foolish and stupid, but please dont give up trust, give up your life, give up your work, give up even your relationship, but dont give up trust..its the only thing that cannot be taken from you...

Today, I have seen how things are absolutely not how they seem...I thought that I made a huge mistake by doing something I shouldn't have but witnessed later on how that which I considered to be my mistake was in actuality perfect! What I thought was wrong was in reality exactly how it was supposed to be! So, laugh my friend at life's paradox...Every thing is perfect...every event in your life...even the ones in which you consider to have made a huge mistake...every moment of your life is matter how great you perceive your loss or mistake, it all makes perfect this you must trust my friend...this is not hope for a better future or fear of a worse one, but accept the complete perfection of this very moment! In a way, it is already accepted, just realize this...

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