Wednesday, March 23, 2011


What makes people choose a particular religion? What do people seek in a religion?

The realities of life are often harsh and contradictory. There is often a lot of despair that strikes us as people. Also our lives are a constant testimony to perpetual change. Nothing ever remains static. Our expectations, hopes, dreams, thoughts and desires are being subject to constant change. Then there is also a conflict of desires. People always seek to find meaning in change. Especially when the change is perceived to be for the worse, we always like to believe that all is for good. All religions confirm this basic fact. Change, even though it may be perceived to be for the worse is ultimately for our own growth.

Life on earth is ephemeral. We are all here on a temporary journey. What happens after death? This is another question which draws us into religion. But in spite of having so many religions, wars have not ended. This cannot be denied. Infact, many wars have been fought in the name of religion. Any religion therefore which preaches duality is bound to fail. Everything else in our lives serves to convince us of our duality. So I believe that the first function of any religion is to convince us of our Oneness. We are all of One origin.
All that is, is One. And in this Oneness, all that there is is Love. Love is the one motive in this universe. True religion is inseparable from Love.

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