Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Law of Oneness

Everything that is, is of everything else that is. All things are indissolubly united. Unity comes first, before everything else.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

In complete stillness and emptiness, allow Love to enter. Then you will know. Love alone is the cure for all ills without any exception.

Self Knowledge

The more I learn about myself, the more I discover its endless depths....truly self knowledge is the most important knowledge.
There is truly no end to the self. To know thyself is all that matters.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


What makes people choose a particular religion? What do people seek in a religion?

The realities of life are often harsh and contradictory. There is often a lot of despair that strikes us as people. Also our lives are a constant testimony to perpetual change. Nothing ever remains static. Our expectations, hopes, dreams, thoughts and desires are being subject to constant change. Then there is also a conflict of desires. People always seek to find meaning in change. Especially when the change is perceived to be for the worse, we always like to believe that all is for good. All religions confirm this basic fact. Change, even though it may be perceived to be for the worse is ultimately for our own growth.

Life on earth is ephemeral. We are all here on a temporary journey. What happens after death? This is another question which draws us into religion. But in spite of having so many religions, wars have not ended. This cannot be denied. Infact, many wars have been fought in the name of religion. Any religion therefore which preaches duality is bound to fail. Everything else in our lives serves to convince us of our duality. So I believe that the first function of any religion is to convince us of our Oneness. We are all of One origin.
All that is, is One. And in this Oneness, all that there is is Love. Love is the one motive in this universe. True religion is inseparable from Love.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Love is the only thing that is present in both Oneness and Separation. It is independent of even duality.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Loss of Love

Why do people give up on Love? Is it even possible to give up Love? I could exist for a lifetime just for Love and Love alone. To believe that Love can be lost is folly. Love is eternal. Love does not depend on either time nor space. A prospect of a life without Love, even just the thought of it is too hard to endure and can drive people to suicide. How is it ever possible to reconcile to the belief that Love can be lost? It is not. It is not true.
Love is the ultimate redemption. Love cannot fail. Love is immortal. Love is THE ALL.
Why is it so hard to come out of limitation and belief in scarcity? Why is it so difficult to tap into the omnipresent Spirit which does not know what limitation or lack is?
Thoughts and belief in scarcity is the dominant thought frequency in our realm. It is very easy to tune oneself into the frequency of lack and limitation. Truly, it can get a little difficult to see clearly. But this does not make it true. What is true exists independent of our belief or disbelief in it. Truth does not require the approval of our beliefs to be true! Truth exists independent of all beliefs and disbelief's. Know this. Truth exists. God exists. God is Love. And you are connected always to Love. You are destined to seek your source. That alone can end all other desires. Remember your connection to Source.
There are too many distractions in this plane to block out your remembrance. Learn to look beyond them.
Learn to look 'Underneath the underneath'. All that you will find is Love and Oneness. All sin is merely forgetting this truth. Love is the most fundamental reality. The most powerful field. The highest frequency of vibration. Trust in this.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


We are all created in the image of Love (God). This is indeed true. Thus all of us and it means every single one of us is an image of the creator without any exception and must therefore be equal. We are all derived from One Source. There can be nothing else but perfect equality in Oneness.
It is not easily perceived at first, this equality of which I speak. That is because we have been trained to perceive our differences. But if we begin by training ourselves to perceive our similarities, we will indeed realize the fact that we are similar in many more ways than we are different. All differences are merely a matter of degree and not of kind. All that is needed is merely to give up the belief in separation. We are all truly One. This Oneness is fundamental. And this Oneness is Love.
God is Love. And so are we.

Friday, March 4, 2011

God is Love

God is Love. God and Love are one.
It is Love that holds the universe together.
It is Love that sustains us.


Once you surrender to Love (God) and let it direct your life, there is only one thing to do - To persuade others to do the same, so that All can finally unite in Oneness and let Love direct all our lives.
"I am revealed to you in hopes that you will reveal me to you brothers"
Therein lies the only true Peace possible.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

We all live and move and have our being in an Ocean of Unity which is Love. This field of Unity or Oneness is the most fundamental and all-encompassing reality there is. Oneness is the primal reality. The origin and final destiny of All.