Perception is limited. We can only perceive in part.
The part-less realty in its entirely cannot be perceived.
Perception is limited. We can only perceive in part.
The part-less realty in its entirely cannot be perceived.
A significant energy is expended very frequently in sustaining a dualistic perception.
Whenever we imagine the universe to be composed of distinct individual entities interacting with each other, we are indulging in dualistic perception.
It is near impossible to avoid indulging in dualistic perception as long as we are operating in society.
Dualistic perception is the very basis of our social structure. A belief in the distinct individual self identity.
Society is the collection of individual entities constantly interacting with each other.
To reject dualistic perception is considered abnormal and threatening.
But it does not change the underlying fact that reality is non-dual.
This is the great secret.
In physics, there is a fundamental principal known as conservation of energy.
It states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only transform from one state to another.
The total amount of energy in the universe is constant.
The principal of conservation of energy in physics seems closest scientific counterpart to non-duality.
It seems that the very foundation of our striving as living entities is the avoidance of pain.
Almost every single desire/action/motivation at its root seems to seek an avoidance of pain.
Physical pain --> Emotional pain --> Psychological pain.
If there were no pain, there would be absolutely no conscious motivation/desire.
To be conscious is to sense pain and move in the direction away from it to stay alive/survive.
Survival demands that we sense some signal that is threatening and take action to move away from it.
Pain is that signal.
Hell is getting stuck inside your own thoughts.
Isolating yourself completely inside your mind.
Losing sight of everything else.
Not seeing the unity.
Not allowing the light of grace to penetrate into the darkness of your isolated and lost mind.
Even the worst sinner has hope.
Cause separation is not real.
No matter how dark the mind gets.
In perfect unity, there is only changeless perfection.
Any change to the state of perfection is an imperfection.
So, the only change possible to a state of perfection is imperfection.
But since the state of perfection is changeless, it does not actually change into a state of imperfection.
The change of the state of perfection into a state of imperfection is only seeming.
The changeless state of perfection simply appears to have changed into the changing states of imperfection.
No actual change is possible.
Change is simply appearance. Not actual.
Only the changeless state of perfection is actual.
And it casts a shadow of the the changing states of imperfection in time.
In perfect unity, there is no change and no time.
Perfect unity is timeless eternity.
If the eternal reality was not present at each and every moment, no healing would be possible.
Healing is only possible, not just possible but certain, because the eternal reality is ever present in every moment.
All you need is to pause and notice it.
Having noticed it in silence, surrender to it and allow it to heal.
Healing does not require time but is instantaneous.
Breathe and pause.