Saturday, December 30, 2023

Sorrow and perception

Most of our sorrows and misery is a consequence of our habit of superficial perception.

We perceive only the superficial aspect of life and based on this superficial perception make our conclusions and then suffer the misery of these superficial conclusions.

To get rid of this habit, we need to perceive deeply. We need to perceive into the essence of how life operates.

Only through perceiving deeply can we rid ourselves of our sorrows.

Relative and absolute happiness

Relative happiness and unhappiness is based on comparison.

For eg: I am unhappy because I have less money than my friends. I am unhappy because I have no companion relative to others. I am unhappy because I have a worse career in comparison to my friends etc.

Relative happiness and unhappiness is fickle. It sometime comes and sometimes goes.

Absolute happiness is unconditional.

It does not depend on the fulfilment of conditions.

Absolute happiness is abiding in your true nature.

It does no depend on relative comparisons and conditions.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

The complex mind

Constant rumination, conceptual analysis and thinking about stuff has made the mind heavy and complex.

A complex mind is unable to appreciate the simplicity of reality.

A mind that has fabricated innumerable categories and distinctions is unable to appreciate the inherent indivisible reality.

It is wise to sometimes simply rest the mind and allow it to discard its unnecessarily complex structure.

Our civilization being a fabrication of the complex mind is also equally complex. And so are our structures.

Reality is simple.

And it is perfectly maintained.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Return to sanity

Ultimately, whatever happens, its best to come back to a calm state of mind.

Sanity is a blessing.

No matter what your external circumstance or situation, if you can keep calm, its half the battle won.

Cause its your state of mind that matters more than your circumstances.

So come home to sanity and calmness.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Slavery into the system

What a wretched and miserable existence this is?

Watching myself become a slave to this wretched system of exploitation.

I find no way out of this wretchedness.

Living the same stupid routine day in and day out.

Unable to feel anything.

Simply laboring under the exploitative corporate slave system.

How do we endure this?

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Consciousness and configurations

Consciousness is the property of particular configurations to maintain themselves.

Consciousness greatly enhances the sustainability of a particular configuration.

In a singular process, there occurs particular temporal instances which maintain their configuration for a certain duration.

Consciousness enables amplification of the sustainability duration of the configuration.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

The fire of consciousness

Consciousness is the fire that burns through the fuel of karma.

Karma is the fuel.

Consciousness is the fire that burns it.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Eternal Truth

Reality is Truth.

Truth is Reality.

Reality is Eternal.

Reality exists.

Existence is reality.

Eternal Truth is Absolute Existence.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Relationship suffering

The key source of suffering and misery in life comes from relationships.

Learning to navigate through relationships is one of the hardest skills.

A lack of skill in dealing with relationships can make life unpleasant.

But can you avoid it?

Sunday, October 15, 2023

My advice

What would be my big advice?

Don't lose sight of the big picture.

Sometimes in life, we get so caught up in immediate concerns and issues that we lose sight of the big picture. This causes unnecessary worry.

We spend a large portion of our lives immersed inside our minds inside whatever is the focus of our attention at that moment. But it eventually passes on.

So, just take life as it comes.

In the end its all fine.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Thursday, September 28, 2023

The ego is terrified

The world is a terrible place for the ego.

The ego is literally terrified in this world.

Its actions are based on this terror that it feels.

Even close relationships can be a source of terror for the ego.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Helpless absurdity

The utter helplessness of our condition is absurd.

There is absolutely nothing or anyone to do anything.

There is only the eternal unfolding of what is.

There is nothing else.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Reality is existence

That which is real exists.

That which is unreal does not exist.

The nature of reality is existence.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Guard the mind

The great danger that we face is losing control of the mind.

When the mind gets restless, it clouds out the reality of awareness.

It gets deluded, miserable and suffers.

If not contained and allowed to pursue its restlessness, it can lead to insanity.

And many have opted to suicide in a state of utter restlessness and agony of mind.

Unable to stay grounded in awareness.

Therefore be constantly on guard.

Keep watch over the mind lest it brings about ruin.

Friday, August 11, 2023

The stability of movement

You need to keep moving to stay balanced.

When riding a two wheel bicycle, the moment you stop the bicycle tilts.

To avoid tilting, it needs to keep moving.

If you stop moving the bicycle gets unstable.

In a similar way, the universe is in continuous movement to maintain balance.

To prevent the collapse into nothingness.

Continues movement keeps existence stable.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The currency of attention

Your attention is the most valuable thing you own.

Don't waste it.

Don't misuse it.

Don't sell it short.

Your attention is your treasure.

Use it wisely.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Paradox of existence

Nothing cannot exist.

Something cannot exist.

The ultimate paradox generating the ultimate force.

The force of eternal existence.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Pursuing desires

We are born from oneness and on death merge back into oneness.

In between these two states, we live our lives trying to satisfy our desires.

The purpose of the creation of the universe is for desire fulfillment.

We are driven by our desires.

So do not be afraid to pursue your desires.

Pursuing your desires is one of the best ways to keep misery and despair at bay.

So march ahead.

Pursue what you desire.

Be not afraid.

Remember that we eventually go back into unity.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The perceived stability of something

Something only seems stable due to the inability to perceive nothing.

Nothing cannot be perceived.

Hence something appears stable.

Yet, it changes.

Only something changes.

Nothing does not change.

Nothing prevails

Nothing prevails.

In the entire universe, nothing prevails.

The great nothing prevails.

Nothing else is there.

No matter how it seems.


Sunday, July 23, 2023


 It is not knowledge but grace that carries us through life.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

The end

So, it will all end one day.

All that begins comes to an end.

Your birth into the world as a self/ego/person will be eventually followed by slow decay and death.

Birth is followed by growth is followed by decay is followed by death.

This is simply the way of all created/birthed things.

Only the uncreated is eternal, beginningless, endless, infinite.

In the infinite eternal, there can be no 'you'.

'You' are a repetitive memory.

There is nothing to be done or can be done.

There is no 'doer' that can 'do' anything.

There is no 'knower' who can 'know' anything.

There is only that which is.

Right here. Right now.


What is your deepest fear?

What is your deepest fear?







Dwell on this.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

All one

All emerges and subsides in oneness.

All your hopes and dreams arise and subside in the one.

All your fears, worries and anxieties arise and subside in the one.

All your relations, lovers, friends, partners, parents, children arise and subside in the one.

All your experiences and memories arise and subside in the one.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

The perfect symmetry of nothing

The state of nothing is a state of perfect symmetry with zero entropy. This makes it unstable resulting into its disintegration and expansion into something without sacrificing the implicit unity.

If something expands endlessly into a state of infinite entropy, all symmetry would be lost. This too is impossible because of implicit unity which cannot be broken and is thus the final and unbreakable symmetry.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Money - at last

Finally we get to the topic that lies at the core of practical worldly life.

How do I make money?

This question drives the bulk of our effort and time in daily life and it would be wise to learn about it.

In today times, money equates to survival.

You need money to survive.

Without money, life will be stressful.

Without a source of income, life will be full of anxiety.

So figure out this issue first before anything else.

How are you going to make money?

Wednesday, June 28, 2023


We are all deeply conditioned.

This conditioning is probably required for the smooth functioning of society. 

But it also keeps us constrained.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Find rest in your struggle

Yes, there is struggle and strife and greed and exploitation.

But remember that your source is One and it is there that you heal.

The infinite source of all creation.

Remember where you come from.

It transcends all external conditions that you may find yourself in.

It transcends all struggle and suffering.

Come home to the One source of all creation.

Homage to the infinite.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The first step to healing

 is to slow down the mind.

And learn to come back to the body.

Keep doing it often.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Get rid of psychological suffering

Most of the psychological suffering that we experience is due to continuous chatter and interpretations by the left hemisphere. 

Simply slowing the chatter down or having moments with no left brain chattering/interpretation can resolve 90% of psychological suffering.

The challenge here is failing to recognize when we are in a suffering state.

So learn the skill of slowing down and simply breathing and sensing instead of constantly thinking/interpreting.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023


If life were reasonable, it would not exist.

If there was choice, there would be nothing.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

The mind maze

Sometimes we get lost within the maze of our own mind.

Stuck inside our own mind, we lose sight of the bigger picture.

We are trapped within our own darkness, unable to look at alternatives.

At such time, it helps to seek outside oneself for a fresh perspective.

Either talk to someone you trust or read something.

Anything to come out of your own mind and look with alternative viewpoints.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Separation and conditioning of the body

It seems as though the entire mechanism of the operation of the body is designed to prevent truth realization/realizing oneness/enlightenment.

The body ceaselessly operates based on conditioning and this conditioned operation seems to continuously repress the realization of oneness and keeps projecting the experience of separateness. Of a contracted energy sense. Of being a separate individual.

It seems as though the entire fabric of our lives and of our family and close relationships are designed to prevent awakening to truth. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023


What makes life difficult?

What makes us suffer meaninglessly for nothing?

What destroys relationships?

What keeps us always anxious?

It is ego.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

The essence of relationship

I wonder if the essence of a relationship is mutual dependence?

Can two independent beings have a meaningful relationship?

Friday, May 5, 2023

The Simple Truth

Truth is simple.

Existence is simple.

It is our social collective mind that is the generator of complexity.

Complexity confuses and eventually deludes and can screen out the simple truth.

Truth is simply that existence exists.

The ISness of being.

Awareness aware that it is aware.

To recognize this is all that's needed.

To resist the charms and temptations of complexity.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Nothing existing

Although it exists, yet it is nothing.

Although it is nothing, yet it exists.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Mind care

Take care of the mind. For it is powerful. Although it cannot be seen.

How wonderful that thought which is less dense than a cloud can seem so opaque and solid as a mountain. 

A whole lifetime which seems so solid and real, yet vanishes without a trace.

Friday, April 14, 2023

An opaque mind from a single thought

The mind is easily triggered. Sometimes, there springs up a thought that overpowers the mind. A single thought can overpower the mind. Rendering the mind opaque. And the transparency apparently vanishes.

An opaque mind is dangerous in that it renders you blind. All you see is the darkness projected from the single thought. 

The entire world seems to have reduced into this single thought. It would be amazing if it weren't so painful.

Dealing with worldly concerns, the mind is susceptible to get into this silo. It seems as though nothing is more important than the single issue/thought. It is literally blind to everything else.

It seems as though a small dust particle has covered the entire universe.

Friday, April 7, 2023

The mind of God

For the mind immersed in worldly issues - career concerns, family concerns (spouse, parents, in-laws, children etc.), societal concerns, political concerns, financial concerns - there is no end.

Countless issues and concerns keep the mind continuously occupied. Restlessly, the mind keeps its attention on its various concerns. 

The worldly mind is full of sorrow.

Unaware of the absolutely concern-less mind of God.

The mind of God is concern-less and free of sorrow.

The infinite mind of God knows no other.

It is the truth.

It is empty.

It is pure.

It is awake.

Monday, April 3, 2023

The vain struggle of life

Most of our struggles are vain and superfluous.

Very little is needed for sustenance.

But no amount can satisfy greed.

Abide simply as is.

And all is taken care off.

Succumb to greed and you lose even that which you now have.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Fooled by the mind

We are so easily fooled by our own thoughts.

Tricked into seeing reality in a warped up way.

Tricked into believing false things.

Tricked into all kinds of false thoughts.

Believing these thoughts.

Ceaselessly obscuring the underlying reality.

Oh, the craziness.

And the suffering.

It is likely that everything you believe, think and imagine is false.

How then does one discern truth?

Saturday, March 25, 2023


It is the height of foolishness to exchange the peace of God for the troubles of the world.

Recognize the underlying peace of God. And having recognized, cease exchanging it for the troubles of the world.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Emotional healing

We mainly suffer in life when we are unable to manage dealing with our emotions.

Emotional discomfort can soon turn into emotional pain and suffering, especially if suppressed for long.

Hence learning to deal with emotions is probably the most important life skill.

Emotional healing begins with acceptance and allowing yourself to feel your emotions without suppression.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Dealing with emotions

Our core issues in life are generally emotional issues.

The problem is almost always in our emotional response to a certain life situation.

Emotion drives us.

Anxiety, loneliness, depression, malice, hatred, disgust, guilt, shame and so on are some of the emotional drivers.

And healing generally involves emotional clearing. 

To allow the emotions to pass through.

We feel better once the emotion is allowed to pass through.

So, the central issue of our lives is generally learning to deal with emotions.

And it actually takes years, even decades to get comfortable with this process.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Aligning to truth

The only thing that is needed to align to truth is intention.

Simply the intention to align to truth is all that it takes.

This simple intention is the seed to overcome lifetimes of accumulated psychological suffering.

But it takes time. Years, decades even. 

So be patient.

Friday, March 17, 2023

The call of God

The call of God is silent but absolute. 

The call of the world is loud and intrusive but ultimately powerless.

When God calls, the world cannot influence.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Coming out of hell

 All you need to get out of hell is the tiniest sliver of earnest intention.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

When you feel stuck

When you feel stuck in life,

Do not forget to look at the big picture.

Embrace the larger perspective.

All is Well.

No matter what.

Ultimately, its all one.

The will of Life comes to pass.

So, don,t worry.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Bondage of relations

It feels as though my life is bound.

One of the biggest bondage is relationship. Especially family relations.

Although it can be a source of comfort, it can also be a source of pain.

There is a strong cord that ties me to my parents. 

But then, it seems that its our particular flavor of bondage that gives each of us our individual meanings of life.

And yet...

Monday, February 6, 2023

Excerpt ~ Bernadette Roberts

One possible way of envisioning the human passage is the following. We think of ourselves as originally emerging from the unknown, from darkness, nothingness or non-existence into the light of consciousness. But as consciousness develops we discover the increasing ability to see in the dark, see into the nothingness or mystery within ourselves and eventually realize that this darkness and nothingness is the divine from which we emerged and with which we are one. Thus we discover that our original darkness IS true light. Midway in this passage, divine light (darkness or unknowing) and the light of consciousness are in balance, with neither outshining the other. But as we move beyond this mid-point, divine light begins to outshine the light of consciousness until, in the end, the light of consciousness goes out and only divine light remains. From this vantage point we look back on the passage and see that although consciousness was the veil that dimmed the light, this dimming was necessary in order to make the human dimension possible. But if consciousness makes human existence possible, it is also not separate from the divine, nor does it completely hide it; on the contrary, consciousness or self is man’s faculty or medium for experiencing the divine — so long as it remains, that is [this is key]. Our passage through consciousness is the gradual return to the divine; we leave the divine unknowingly and in darkness, but we return knowingly and in light.


There is no absolute being.

There is no absolute non-being.

There is only non-being being.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Desire and being

You can only desire something.

You cannot desire nothing

You can desire to extend being.

Beingness can be desired.

Non being cannot be desired.

The existence of non-existence

There is no existence without non-existence.

Non-existence allows existence to be.

If there were no non-existence, any particular thing that arose would be permanent.

Without non-existence, change would be impossible.

Anything that comes into existence is found to go out of existence or change into something else.

It is non-existence that allows this to happen.

For without non-existence there would be simply a concrete fixed existent reality that would never change.

Existence arises from non-existence and returns back into non-existence.

Saturday, February 4, 2023


 The unknowable non-experiencing of eternity is forever present.


A perfectly symmetric system does not allow for the arising of phenomena.

In order for phenomena to arise, the symmetry has to be broken.

Friday, February 3, 2023


Existence simply exists...forever...eternally

That's all

That's it

Now do as you wish

Saturday, January 28, 2023


Perception is limited. We can only perceive in part.

The part-less realty in its entirely cannot be perceived.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Dualistic perception

A significant energy is expended very frequently in sustaining a dualistic perception.

Whenever we imagine the universe to be composed of distinct individual entities interacting with each other, we are indulging in dualistic perception.

It is near impossible to avoid indulging in dualistic perception as long as we are operating in society.

Dualistic perception is the very basis of our social structure. A belief in the distinct individual self identity.

Society is the collection of individual entities constantly interacting with each other.

To reject dualistic perception is considered abnormal and threatening.

But it does not change the underlying fact that reality is non-dual.

This is the great secret.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Explaining non duality using science

In physics, there is a fundamental principal known as conservation of energy.

It states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only transform from one state to another.

The total amount of energy in the universe is constant.

The principal of conservation of energy in physics seems closest scientific counterpart to non-duality.

Friday, January 20, 2023


No space, no time, no perception , no consciousness.

Only absolute existence.



It seems that the very foundation of our striving as living entities is the avoidance of pain.

Almost every single desire/action/motivation at its root seems to seek an avoidance of pain.

Physical pain --> Emotional pain --> Psychological pain.

If there were no pain, there would be absolutely no conscious motivation/desire.

To be conscious is to sense pain and move in the direction away from it to stay alive/survive.

Survival demands that we sense some signal that is threatening and take action to move away from it.

Pain is that signal.

Saturday, January 14, 2023


Hell is getting stuck inside your own thoughts.

Isolating yourself completely inside your mind.

Losing sight of everything else.

Not seeing the unity.

Not allowing the light of grace to penetrate into the darkness of your isolated and lost mind.

Even the worst sinner has hope.

Cause separation is not real.

No matter how dark the mind gets.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Perfection and change

In perfect unity, there is only changeless perfection.

Any change to the state of perfection is an imperfection.

So, the only change possible to a state of perfection is imperfection.

But since the state of perfection is changeless, it does not actually change into a state of imperfection.

The change of the state of perfection into a state of imperfection is only seeming.

The changeless state of perfection simply appears to have changed into the changing states of imperfection.

No actual change is possible.

Change is simply appearance. Not actual.

Only the changeless state of perfection is actual.

And it casts a shadow of the the changing states of imperfection in time.

In perfect unity, there is no change and no time. 

Perfect unity is timeless eternity.

Saturday, January 7, 2023


If the eternal reality was not present at each and every moment, no healing would be possible.

Healing is only possible, not just possible but certain, because the eternal reality is ever present in every moment. 

All you need is to pause and notice it.

Having noticed it in silence, surrender to it and allow it to heal.

Healing does not require time but is instantaneous.

Breathe and pause.

Friday, January 6, 2023


At this very moment, I am alive.

I am aware of existing.

Existence exists.

Is it not enough?