Saturday, December 17, 2022

Fear arises

Fear and anxiety arise.

Fear of time slipping by.

Fear of falling behind.

Fear of being alone.

Fear of future suffering.

Fear of losing loved ones.

Whatever be the subject of fear, it arises.

As a constricted feeling.

It narrows down the perspective.

It funnels down the perspective.

It eclipses everything else.

We can no longer sense/perceive the larger picture.

In these moments, one needs within oneself a voice that never loses the higher perspective.

That no matter what, it will be fine.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Grace is a 2-way street

Grace is a two-way street.

The same grace that pushes you into the mud also cleans you up.

Its all an act of grace.

And its amazing.

It lifts you out of your own self-created maze.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Coping without love

How does one cope when one has no one to love and is not loved by anyone?

-I don't know

The void

No matter what, there is always no-thing.

No-thing appearing as something.

Turning everything futile.

Always changing.

Thursday, December 1, 2022


The I-sense or the sense of feeling separate from the whole is already an aspect of wholeness.

So, take it easy and relax.

There is nothing that needs to be done as wholeness is already the case.