Friday, May 27, 2022

On independence

Most of our moments in life is spent in dependence.

Dependence on food.

Dependence on water.

Dependence on air.

Dependence on thought.

Dependence on other people.

Dreaming away.

Independence is in those rare moment when there is only resting in simply beingness. 

At one with the flow of life.

No thought, no distractions, no desires, no anxieties, no worries, no regrets, no fears, no questions.

Those rare moments of total independence are the true freedom.

Moments where there is only the soul of the universe being itself as itself.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Accepting what is

Sometimes, there is this huge urge for things to be different.

To wish that my situation/life circumstances were different from how it is.

But even if you had the 'perfect' life circumstances, would it really help?

What is the root of this feeling of discontent?

That this is just not enough.

That the future is uncertain and scary. With nothing to look forward to but added responsibilities.

That past mistakes can create haunting regrets. That I should have chosen differently.

Why is it so impossible to simply accept what is as it is?

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Recognizing the single reality

Across all realities, timelines, dimensions, there is simply a single understanding/recognition. 

That it is the same existence/energy/process/interaction that is actually there. There is no-thing underneath but only this ceaselessly churning 'substance'.

It is only the underlying reality of the ceaselessly churning 'no-thing substance' eternally forming and un-forming that alone IS across all dimensions/timelines/densities.

There can be nothing else, like a separate entity living life other than the reality. Only recognition of this.

Not recognizing this, confusion expands.

To recognize this is peace/liberation, although there is never 'any-thing' else.

Friday, May 6, 2022


All that you see around, all the activity, movement, sounds, lights is actually nothing pretending to be something.

There is no underlying 'thing' at the base of existence.

Its simply no-thing.

No-thing arising as movement appearing as some-thing.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Facing life

Before enlightenment, mastery of life must happen.

Enlightenment is easy. Since nonduality is already true.

But we are here to experience separation and not enlightenment.

Through separation, we develop our individuality.

We learn to face life head on, come what may.

We are no longer timid.

We are no longer hiding and avoiding and running away from trouble.

But it is here in apparent duality that we develop our individuality.

It is not easy being an individual, but can be rewarding in its own way. 

So fear not. Do not avoid life. Do not be timid. Oneness is already the case.

Face life and its challenges head on with confidence.

Do not run away.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Fear of losing

One of my big fears is the fear of being alone, as a tiny creature facing a vast and terrifying world.

Fear of being consumed by the world. As though the world is one big entity that is waiting to consume me, a tiny little creature. 

The terror of losing my existence and suffering through it.

Losing your existence to the world is the ultimate humiliation.

It seems that making money and having relationships would somehow enlarge me and make it harder for the world to consume me. So, I keep seeking to make more money and increasing my network.

And as the larger body of humanity, it seems that our collective fear of losing our existence keeps driving us harder to attempt to tame the world through technology.