Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Choose Love

Sometimes in the midst of life, we forget the deep facts.

Yes, life is weird...yes survival is primary.

And yet, love is wonderful.

Love is a choice.

Choose love.

Without love, its quite dark.

Few indeed have the opportunity to love.

Even fewer consciously make that choice.

Love can heal.

And healing can bring more love.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Big picture

What's the big picture?

The big picture is the dimension of existence outside thought.

When you are confused, stop thinking and come out into the field outside thought.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

The two worlds

We live in two worlds.

The world of symbols and The world of energy.

The world of symbols is the world of language, thoughts, abstractions, concepts and social networks.

The world of energy is the realm of non-verbal being. 

The world of energy lies outside the world of symbols. The world of symbols utilizes the energy from the world of energy for sustenance.

Caught in the world of symbols, we lose touch with the world of energy and suffer in confusion.

To directly interact with the world of energy restores our lost vitality.

To navigate life is to learn the art of balancing between the world of symbols and the world of energy. 

Currently, most of us seem lost in the world of symbols.

To restore the balance, we must learn to access the world of energy directly.

To access the world of energy, practice stillness and learn to simply rest in being.

Keep at it incessantly.

The way out of confusion.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Beneath the masks

There lurks something deep within our masks and personas...

Our lives spent in pretending...

Sometimes, there is a twitch beneath the mask...

The unnamed lying beneath...

Who are you?...What are you?...

What am I?...

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Bliss of presence and addictions

Any desire for pleasure/enjoyment that draws you out of the simple awareness of the present moment is an addiction.

Unable to appreciate the bliss of being aware, you are drawn out by your lusts. The desire for more.

And in this desire for more, you end up in suffering.

Cause there is no pleasure that can last.

Eventually you realize that the present moment is all there is. And foolishness draws you out of it.

And then you suffer and long for the simple bliss of presence.

Why do you keep going out for more than this?


Saturday, June 12, 2021

Simple joy

If you are satisfied with just this simple existence of being, if you are able to truly value and appreciate the simple sense of being, that is enough. That is the supreme joy.

However, we keep wanting more. This moment is never enough. We need more. And in the search for more, the simple joy of being is overlooked and we fall into a cycle of perpetual seeking.

Hence, develop the appreciation of simply being. Deepen it. Value it. Appreciate it.

Slowly, the knots that cause suffering and seeking will start to unravel.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

The dangerous mind

The mind is most dangerous. Its danger is a consequence of its power.

It has the power to obsess over minor issues and magnify them to epic proportions.

A trivial issue/minor annoyance can get intensified to cause great suffering.

Keep watch over the mind. Arrest it the moment it starts getting intense.

A calm mind is your greatest treasure in the journey of life.

Always remain cognizant of the the whole picture and avoid falling into the pitfall of obsession.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Existence is motion

Existence is movement.

Movement is life.

To stop movement is to stop existence.

Perception is movement.

Awareness is movement.

Stillness cannot be.

Isness is motion.

Being is motion.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

All you need to know

Its really simple.

You are alive.

Feel your aliveness. 

This is life.

That is all.

Lost in the mind and imaginations, overcomplicating things, the simple feeling of aliveness is ignored. And then misery and suffering sets in.

The complex mind breeds only misery.

Come out of the mind into your body and feel the aliveness.

That is all.

There is nothing else.

Life is alive.