Friday, January 29, 2021

On Existence

It is one single principle that holds everything together. A single principal that is actual.

And that is that non-existence cannot exist. Existence must exist. Existence is not optional.

It is the impossibility of nonexistence that allows existence to exist. 

Existence is absolute. There is no opposite to existence. Non existence is non-existent.

Existence is another word for the ceaseless processes that are ever occurring and interplaying.

Existence is activity. Existence is movement. Existence is the ceaselessly occurring processes that cannot be extinguished.

It is impossible for absolute stillness to exist. It is unallowable. Absolute stillness is identical with non-existence and is therefore impossible. 

Existence exists as the ceaselessly unfolding un-extinguishable processes that mutually and dynamically interact to generate all phenomena. It is impossible for phenomena to end. It can only be transformed.

Going too far into any extreme immediately generates the opposite process. There seem to be two forces at play. One is a concentrating force and the other is a diffusing force. Going too far into concentration creates the tension that results in the activation of diffusion. Going too far into diffusion creates the tension that activates concentration and this continues indefinitely without stoppage.

Existence is the ceaseless interplay between forces that keep generating all the phenomena that are seen.

And all is possible simply due to the impossibility of non-existence.

The impossibility of nonexistence results in the absolute inseparability of eternally occurring existence.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Get rid of worries and anxieties

The reason for anxieties and miseries is due to erroneous perception.

Errors in perception result in anxieties and worries.

To get rid of worries and anxieties, errors in perception have to be removed.

Dualistic perception is the root perceptual error.

Realize that reality is nondual.

There is no separation.

Correct the error of dualistic perception.

Once corrected, be free of miseries and worries.

This is the supreme wisdom.

The only grace required.

The chief gratitude.

All is One.

Friday, January 22, 2021

The most important investment

The most important investment that can be made is to be totally present in the now.

Be fully present here and now.

Invest totally in the present presence of being.

Being here totally and wholly is the key investment.

Keep coming back into the presence of being as often as possible.

The important thing is to keep remembering to come back into the now.

Keep at it as often as possible.

Keep coming back to the now.

As often as you remember to.

Keep keeping at it.

This is the most important investment of a lifetime.

The only spiritual practice needed.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


 Darkness is the belief in error.

To get caught up in the web of thought.

To lose sight of the actual.

To get caught up in the conceptual.

Darkness is getting stuck in your head.

Getting stuck in your thoughts.

Totally lost. And miserable. And suffering anguish.

Lost in the darkness of your thoughts, truth is forgotten.

Forgetting truth, darkness expands and the cycle continues.

The only prayer is for grace.

Grace that removes the darkness of thought.

Grace that brings you back to the original wholeness.

At ease in wholeness, nothing else is needed.

Caught in the darkness of thought, misery is endless.

Grace alone can remove endless misery.

To be cognizant of truth at all times is your only protection.

Losing sight of truth, you at once fall into error.

Falling into error, darkness takes over and error expands.

Overcome by error, you fall into misery.

Only Grace is needed. 

Don't lose sight of truth.

All is one.


Perfect wholeness

 Life is perfect in its wholeness. At every moment, wholeness is. Until thought arises.

Perfection is in wholeness. All is whole and perfect as it is. Until the thought of imperfection arises.

Until thoughts arise, there is only the wholeness of perfection.

There is no separation from wholeness. Only thought of separation.

There is no imperfection. Only thought of imperfection.

Thought is the fundamental error.

The original sin. 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Regret and choice

We regret making the wrong choice. Its part of being human, which includes not making the best choice sometimes. Sometimes, we regret more over a 'wrong' choice when we can easily envision making the 'right' choice. So how do we truly make choices? And why do some of use seem to be making wrong choices and foolish decisions which lead to later regret?

Regret is truly one of the most difficult to deal with emotion. When regret strikes, it seems all consuming. It consumes the entire mind at once into total darkness. Immersed in the all consuming darkness, you forget the big picture. That all is not lost. Never will be. 

What's done is done. Best option is now to wait it out and avoid making things worse. Sometimes, that's all we can do. To avoid making things worse. Regret is part of the human drama. It strikes suddenly sometimes, totally unexpected.

Truly fascinating emotion. It reminds you of your fallibility. But this too shall pass.

And in the passing lies redemption.

Ultimately, all is one and nothing can truly harm.

God bless you.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Antidote to depression

One of the best antidotes to depression is the practice of gratitude.

Practice being grateful for even the tiniest of things and watch its impact over time.

Gratitude is simply appreciating that which you already have.