Monday, October 25, 2021

The saddest lives

The saddest lives are upon those who in pursuit of the world and its offerings lose their soul.

To lose your soul in the midst of worldly pursuit is truly tragic.

Sometimes, just stop, breathe and allow the soul to reflect itself.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Boxed in

What lies outside of the box of the thinking mind?

That which Is.

Forever unconfined.

Forever transcending.

Forever manifesting.

Forever being.

Forever True.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Suffering existence

Living life as a separate entity is a traumatic experience. Constantly ensuring comfort, survival and good relationships.

There is no rest in the life of separate entities. We are constantly moving and struggling to avoid death and dissolution.

To exist as  conscious entity is to suffer discomfort, uncertainty and fear.

So take heart.

Saturday, September 25, 2021


Truth offers you no special power or advantage over others.

Truth does not help you secure a competitive advantage or better relationships.

Truth does not solve any of your problems or automatically make your issues disappear.

Truth does not provide any monetary or spiritual gain.

Truth offers you no practical utility.

Truth offers you no hope of a better life or more favorable circumstances.

Truth gives you nothing.

But it will take away everything that you value.

Do you really want to know it?

Truth simply clarifies. It simply cleans every single lie out of your system.

Do you really wish to be clean of every single lie?

If not, its better to stay away from truth.

Until you are ready for it.

Until you are ready to lose everything you value.

Truth requires absolute commitment and nothing else.

Are you truly ready?

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


With age, the value placed on being alone only increases.

For when you are alone, you are whole.

Even in the midst of noise and activity, the silence underneath is always there.

Even in the midst of the crowd, you are ultimately alone.

Aloneness is not to be sought after, but recognized as the underlying condition of existence itself.

The Soul and solitude

The highest realization is to realize the value of being alone.

Alone in simply being. The crown of life.

The universal healer. 

The Soul is found in silent being.

Solitude heals.

Alone in solitude, nothing else is needed.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

The deadline

There is only one deadline in life and only one task that is of supreme importance.

The deadline is death.

The task is to feel deeply the sense of beingness through directly accessing the world of energy.

Accessing the world of symbols is needed for navigating the world of relationships and societal conventions.

Accessing the world of energy is needed for the very sustenance of being.

The only deadline is death. Get comfortable with the world of energy before that.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Friday, July 16, 2021

On Conditioning and Wholeness

We differ in our degrees of conditioning.

From the time we are born, we are constantly being conditioned by the society around us.

Some of us are more resistant/immune to the conditioning than others.

Those who are deeply conditioned experience more psychological suffering than those in whom the conditioning is weak.

The unconditioned one is whole.

The degree of conditioning is the degree to which your perceive yourself as separate from the whole.

It is simply the conditioning that keeps you from the simple awareness of wholeness.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Choose Love

Sometimes in the midst of life, we forget the deep facts.

Yes, life is weird...yes survival is primary.

And yet, love is wonderful.

Love is a choice.

Choose love.

Without love, its quite dark.

Few indeed have the opportunity to love.

Even fewer consciously make that choice.

Love can heal.

And healing can bring more love.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Big picture

What's the big picture?

The big picture is the dimension of existence outside thought.

When you are confused, stop thinking and come out into the field outside thought.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

The two worlds

We live in two worlds.

The world of symbols and The world of energy.

The world of symbols is the world of language, thoughts, abstractions, concepts and social networks.

The world of energy is the realm of non-verbal being. 

The world of energy lies outside the world of symbols. The world of symbols utilizes the energy from the world of energy for sustenance.

Caught in the world of symbols, we lose touch with the world of energy and suffer in confusion.

To directly interact with the world of energy restores our lost vitality.

To navigate life is to learn the art of balancing between the world of symbols and the world of energy. 

Currently, most of us seem lost in the world of symbols.

To restore the balance, we must learn to access the world of energy directly.

To access the world of energy, practice stillness and learn to simply rest in being.

Keep at it incessantly.

The way out of confusion.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Beneath the masks

There lurks something deep within our masks and personas...

Our lives spent in pretending...

Sometimes, there is a twitch beneath the mask...

The unnamed lying beneath...

Who are you?...What are you?...

What am I?...

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Bliss of presence and addictions

Any desire for pleasure/enjoyment that draws you out of the simple awareness of the present moment is an addiction.

Unable to appreciate the bliss of being aware, you are drawn out by your lusts. The desire for more.

And in this desire for more, you end up in suffering.

Cause there is no pleasure that can last.

Eventually you realize that the present moment is all there is. And foolishness draws you out of it.

And then you suffer and long for the simple bliss of presence.

Why do you keep going out for more than this?


Saturday, June 12, 2021

Simple joy

If you are satisfied with just this simple existence of being, if you are able to truly value and appreciate the simple sense of being, that is enough. That is the supreme joy.

However, we keep wanting more. This moment is never enough. We need more. And in the search for more, the simple joy of being is overlooked and we fall into a cycle of perpetual seeking.

Hence, develop the appreciation of simply being. Deepen it. Value it. Appreciate it.

Slowly, the knots that cause suffering and seeking will start to unravel.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

The dangerous mind

The mind is most dangerous. Its danger is a consequence of its power.

It has the power to obsess over minor issues and magnify them to epic proportions.

A trivial issue/minor annoyance can get intensified to cause great suffering.

Keep watch over the mind. Arrest it the moment it starts getting intense.

A calm mind is your greatest treasure in the journey of life.

Always remain cognizant of the the whole picture and avoid falling into the pitfall of obsession.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Existence is motion

Existence is movement.

Movement is life.

To stop movement is to stop existence.

Perception is movement.

Awareness is movement.

Stillness cannot be.

Isness is motion.

Being is motion.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

All you need to know

Its really simple.

You are alive.

Feel your aliveness. 

This is life.

That is all.

Lost in the mind and imaginations, overcomplicating things, the simple feeling of aliveness is ignored. And then misery and suffering sets in.

The complex mind breeds only misery.

Come out of the mind into your body and feel the aliveness.

That is all.

There is nothing else.

Life is alive.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Knowing what I am

Our lives are tragically comic.

We have this deep yearning of knowing what we are. And yet have no way of directly knowing it.

We can know objects and concepts but not our innermost core. Just as the eyes have no way of seeing themselves. And how a knife cannot cut itself.

And this may be our deepest despair. An eternal despair.

And yet..


In the end, even the memories are gone.

Without memory, you are nobody.

You have no idea what is going on.

You have no idea who you are.

No idea about anything.

Everything gone.

Totally lost.

Enamored by the scenes around.

Only confusion.

Totally caught up in the dream around you.

Not knowing anything.

Crying when in pain. But not knowing why is there pain.

Once some familiarity regarding the world is established. Some sort of model of the world is developed. Some routine set.

Then some time is left to wonder.

Wonder about the mystery of being.

But first, the model and routine must be established. 

Then wonder begins.

Wonder about the world.

And the deeper wonder about being.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Repetitive negative thoughts feedback loop

Sometimes, we find ourselves stuck in repetitive negative thought feedback loop.

At these times, we believe that its the particular event or person or situation that is causing distress.

But that is not true.

The distress is your minds tendency to ruminate over the same thoughts over and over again.

It is not easy to see this because the mind will try to convince that the problem is the situation.

It will try to convince that anything but itself is the problem.

The problem is the minds tendency to dwell in repetitive feedback loops. Especially negative.

This needs to be continuously seen and realized.

Else, you will fall prey to its lies.

We don't suffer from external situations or people but our own deluded states of perception.

Remember that all is one. All is well.


Friday, May 14, 2021

The holy realization

When awareness is aware of itself, the indivisibility is sealed.

If separation were real, there would be no awareness.

Only because there is no separation, awareness is aware.

Awareness aware is that which seals the truth of non-separation.

The physical evidence of non-separation is awareness aware of itself.

This is the holy realization.

Wholeness realized and manifested.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Coping with anxiety

Surrender to God.

The easiest way is to simply surrender to God. Thy will be done.

Friday, May 7, 2021


This very life right now. That's it. That's all. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Do you see it yet?

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Is there cause for existence?

If something is causing pain, the best course of action is to remove it. By removing the cause of pain, the pain is removed.

When there is no pain, there is no need to search for a reason for no pain.

Saturday, May 1, 2021


Truth exists.

Reality exists.

Right now, this very moment, reality exists.

Every conscious moment is an opportunity to recognize reality.

Infinite reality.

Recognize the reality this very moment.

That you exist is proof of reality.

You are not separate from Reality.

Separation from reality is an impossibility.

Anything that is separate from reality cannot exist.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Nothing is something?

Nothing cannot exist. This seems valid.

But then, something cannot exist either. For where did that something come from? Without a cause, there can only be nothing. And yet nothing cannot be.

So then, what is it that exists?

Nothing? Or something? Or both? Or neither?

If you say something exists because nothing cannot exist? Then what is that something made of? Since there is nothing there.

Nothing is not allowed to exist. But existence has to be made of something. But there is nothing there to make up existence. A paradox?

So nothing cannot exist. But there is nothing there. 

So the only solution is for nothing to eternally forever exist as something (because it is not allowed to exist as nothing?). Not even for a nanosecond.

Since nothing cannot exists as itself (i.e. as nothing), it has to exist forever as something.

And the something that you see around is actually nothing (pretending to exist as something).

For ever. And ever. And ever. And ever.

Infinite cycles of creation and destruction. Infinite experiences. Everything that can be conceived is allowed to exist. Except nothing.


Lets begin with nothing.

Now, nothing cannot exist, since its nothing.

Since nothing cannot exist, everything exists.

But the everything that exists is nothing, since there is nothing there to begin with.

The divine paradox.

Excerpt ~ the paradox of being

Why does the universe exist? Why is there something rather than nothing?

TLDR: In the beginning there was nothing, then it exploded. Why? Because of the Great Paradox of Being.

Too the extent that existence exists, it does so because of a real paradox, the paradox, an actual paradox: true and untrue.

It is the Great Paradox of Being.

The Great Paradox of Being is simple but elusive, eternal and immediate, obvious but counterintuitive. It is: nothing cannot exist.

Nothing’s nature is to not exist. Therefore it cannot exist, by definition. Existence, by the same token, must be. The only problem is… there’s nothing to build existence out of!

Isn’t it strange? Whether existence exists or doesn’t, it implies and requires that the opposite must be true, while at the same time it logically determines that the opposite conclusion cannot be true.

This is the Great Paradox of Being: existence both exists and does not at the same time.

But supposing that there was ‘something to build existence out of’ in the first place. We’d still be left with a paradox.

Everything in existence has an ‘opposite.’ Indeed, that is how things are defined - by everything that they are not. Existence is differentiation; it is always relative. Red is only red because its not blue, or green or gold.

If existence was primary what would it exist in relation to? Non-existence, nothing? No, nothing cannot exist, remember? So existence, itself, has no opposite, unlike everything that exists within it. It has no boundary; there is no center because there is no edge.

But, ignoring that paradox, what would that ‘something’ (the stuff we could build existence out of in the first place) look like? Perhaps it would look like math, or physics or law, perhaps it would look like cause and effect, perhaps it would look like form.

The closer we look at matter, at form, what do we see? We see patterns. Then when we look at those patterns what do we see? More intricate patterns. We’ve all heard the atom is mostly empty space? Sure is. But if you ask what the electrons and protons and quarks are made up of, guess what: same answer. Empty space, with a tiny pattern of… empty space… inside it.

Where does it end? When do we get to the center? There is no center because there is no edge. This is what form is: darkness. Darkness within darkness. It’s empty. The whole universe, all matter, everything that’s real: an empty shell.

That’s what form is. It is cold and heartless. It’s cause and effect, it is control, it is law. It’s dead too. Its built out of nothing, it amounts to nothing. That is why it’s meaningless.

That’s a pretty sad prognosis until you realize the oneness of it all. It feels like this happens which causes that, but that’s not quite right is it? Every organism lives in an environment, every individual is part of a group, every node a network unto itself. Play the universe backward and the physics say the second thing now predicts the first.

There’s a oneness that isn’t being captured in the cause and effect model. The organism and the environment, with which it is in communion, go together as one unified field of behavior. Cause and effect are as illusory as the separation that implies them.

Cause and effect, as an explanatory model only makes sense when looking at a portion of the whole. Cause is always only local. With a global view the paradigm breaks down. And a so called global view is the only coherent view of existence.

Existence can only be one thing. Imagine all existence, now imagine you cut some of it off, from the rest so that it cannot talk to the rest of existence forever. Both existences are still contained within ‘all existence.’

That’s another expression of the paradox: existence must be one, but since one excludes many, it must also be separate. This separation manifests as spacetime; things seem like they cause each other because information takes time to travel from one part of space to another.

Put everything back together and you see the truth. There is only one moment and it is the eternal now. Everything happens at the same time.

Existence must be due to the paradox, how could it be any other way? Let’s imagine there is no paradox, everything makes sense, everything agrees with itself, there's no leftover change out of the calculation.

Well, wouldn’t everything have finished by now? Would the equation immediately balance? Why is anything, everything moving? The Great Paradox of Being is the first mover. And it never ends because the paradox can never resolve itself.

The paradox guarantees things will not be as they seem. It promises the world of form because the world of form is the only world that can change.

And just as there is no edge to space there can be no end to time. Existence cannot contain itself.

One major question remains. Consciousness. If existence is built out of nothing and has no substance; if the form of existence is nothing more than its cold paradoxical function, then where do ‘I’ come from?

Tell me, what never changes? What’s singular and unitary in exactly the same way that existence must be one thing? Is there something that doesn’t ever change no matter what you do to it, how you look at it or what you are? Whats indivisible and immortal?

There is something that conforms to this riddle: nothing. The void satisfies all logical requirements for what existence must be, save one - it doesn’t exist. If it did, nothing at all could exist.

The observer in you, that which is conscious is the unitary and boundless void that cannot exist. The dark light behind all eyes is the same. You, void, eternally have arrayed before your view all existence, every universe: nothing more substantial than a negative impression; what might have been if you were not.

And if the void was not the eternal truth, The Great Paradox of Being resolved, and the world of form actually instantiated, what then? Who would be there to view it?

No one.

It would click on for time and all eternity truly empty.

We are, therefore, existentially, in the best (and only) possible situation. The immortal deity that brings existence into conscious awareness, entirely unaware of its immortality and the paradox that makes it so. Lost in the art, in the game, in the fantasy, in the distraction. Immortal mortals.

Eternally falling apart, eternally growing together. Endlessly repeating, endlessly renewed, forgetting the self by identity with the wholly other. Forever seeking and exploring the hero’s garden.

What meaning is there in the eternal, singular void? Tikkun Olam. Should we consume and destroy ourselves or should we repair creation? Growth or death? It is that simple; what narrative do you believe in?

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The way out of dream

When you are trapped in a dream or stuck in the labyrinth of your own thoughts, the way out is not through more thoughts.

The way out is to come out of the thought.

When thoughts trap you, the way out is to stop thinking and start feeling. But this has to be recognized first.

Its not easy to come out when you are trapped because you don't see that you are trapped by thought.

The only way out is to recognize that you are trapped in thought.

Recognize that you are trapped in your dream. Trapped in thought.

The recognition is the way out.

Feeling trapped

Sometimes, stuff can seem overwhelming. You feel trapped.

Trapped by something. That something is your thoughts.

Dark thoughts resulting in feeling trapped, overwhelmed, helpless.

In these moment, wisdom seems lost. No light shining through.

What matters is to sail through.

Just take it one day at a time and sail through.

Head on.

Take some time off to clear the mind, if needed.

Some space definitely helps to clear the mind. Allowing the dark thoughts to settle and some light to shine through.

The key thing is to just sail through the fog.

And make some space.

Keep moving one step at a time.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Limits of knowledge

We are blind to what is unknown to us.

We don't know that we don't know.

You do not know what you do not know.

You are blind to your ignorance.

By definition you are blind to your ignorance, so you cannot conceive yourself of being ignorant.

You can conceive of yourself being ignorant in the past since some of it has come to light with time, but the fact is that fundamentally you are blind to what you do not know.

All that you know and all that is within the scope of your knowledge is what is visible to you. Let us call it the circle of visibility.

You are blind to everything outside your circle of visibility. Let that sink in.

However, it does not matter.

What matters is to recognize that you exist.

At this very moment, you exist. You are aware of your existence.

You have no doubt about this. By 'you' it means the sense of being or the sense of existence and not your personality.

You are aware of existing. Of being.

Now this sense of being that you feel is coming from the whole of existence. Your sense of being is possible only because of the 'life' processes continuously happening incessantly. Your sense of beingness or existence is a consequence of the entire process of existence. This is because there is no separation in existence. Separation is not possible, since there is no 'thing' there in the first place. All there is, is the interaction of forces or the process of existence, which has no parts apart from it to be separate.

So, although your senses and your knowledge is limited to your circle of visibility, the fact of your existence is a consequence of all existence which includes everything 'outside' your circle of visibility.

All is one process. There is nothing outside it. Merely recognizing this is enough.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


We spend most of our lives in programming the mind or learning some skill. This process of programming the mind incessantly makes it difficult to notice that which is already there.

We become blind to wholeness. Deprogramming the mind therefore is simply remaining as you are. Resting in awareness, as often as possible.

Deprogramming the mind may eventually lead to noticing the original wholeness and unity that is always present.

Deprogram the mind and realize the wholeness of all.

Or rather, allow deprogramming to take place and the unity will be revealed.

All is one.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Darkness descends

There are moments in life when darkness strikes the mind. It creates the thought that you are not doing what you should. It creates a sense of unease or a sense of subtle fear.

That you are not doing what you are expected to do. That you should be more social. That you should do more networking. 

Sometimes, its difficult to live with this sense of unease and not doing anything about it, so we lie to ourselves. It is much easier to lie to oneself than actually address the root of the issue.

Ultimately, we are social beings whose value comes from the tribe. Ignoring the tribe causes unease feelings to pop up. This is probably the way in which we have evolved.

We go through life totally driven by our programming. Dark feelings often cause us to take action. If allowed to fester, they can cause havoc and chaos within.

Isolating oneself away from others rarely does any good. But when that has been the default state for years, it can get difficult to undo it as your self image is tied up with your sense of isolation.

Isolation leads to fear of being outcaste by the tribe. Although you will not really be outcaste, still the fear of being outcaste does spring up. Being outcaste can result in job loss and humiliation.

So how does one deal with it then? The best way is to go out and help the tribe. In some form. Offer some value. 

And finally, if not anything else, remember that you are not separate from life. And all your worries and fears are temporary and will pass away. They are merely the consequences of human life.

All is One.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The mystery

What is the greatest mystery and wonder?

That I exist. That existence exists.

The existing of existence which is beginningless and causeless is the eternal mystery.

That right now right here here you are existing in existence as existence.

No separation means existence existing is eternal.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Simplicity of being

 There is only beingness. This very fundamental beingness that you are at your core.

At the bottom of all your worries, fears, anxieties, hopes, dreams, memories, achievements there is only the unfathomable sense of being.

And it needs no action from your end. Not even your recognition or attention.

The utter simplicity of existence is that it simply exists. There is no cause or beginning. 

And it is here that you reside always.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Rules for life

1. Be as you are.
2. Accept reality as it is.
3. Acknowledge your limitations (you are human).
4. Remember as often as possible that you are not separate from life/existence.
5. Recognize the real from the unreal.
6. Be aware. And then be aware of awareness.
7. As far as possible, be kind to others. Each one is fighting their own battle/demon.

In fact all the above are pointing to one fact.

You are not separate from reality. This is to be realized. But it takes a certain degree of awareness and reflection to develop the conviction regarding your non-separation from existence.

Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and everything else shall be added on to thee.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

The only problem

There is really only one problem to be resolved and that is the arising of self consciousness.

Self-consciousness can be defined as the sense of existing as a separate entity, distinct from the environment around.

The sense of self-consciousness is not permanent. It is absent in sleep. It is absent under unconsciousness. It is a product of the activity of the central nervous system. 

The sense of being a separate entity is thus a consequence of the activity of the central nervous system (CNS). In the absence of the activity of the CNS, there is no sense of self ( as in unconsciousness during anesthesia).

All the suffering that we experience is a product of self consciousness. In the absence of self consciousness, there is no suffering.

Self-consciousness then is the fundamental confusion. Its purpose being to ensure the continued survival of the organism and nothing else. To use self consciousness for any other purpose is delusional.

And ultimately, self consciousness arises from the ceaseless life process. There is no actual separation possible. In the absence of separation, there can be no self. Only the ceaseless unitary movement of life.

Remember this and you will no longer suffer unnecessarily. 

Way to peace

The simple fact is that reality exists irrespective of your notions/desires/wishes/beliefs prejudices/miseries.

Surrender to the already existing reality. This is the way to peace.

We may never understand reality. But reality exists. There can be no doubt about this.

Surrender to the doubtless reality.

This is the simplest and surest way to peace.

In fact, there is no other choice. Reality wins always. It is impossible to go against reality.

The degree to which you are opposed to reality is the degree to which you suffer.

The more opposed you are to reality, the more you suffer.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

The simple truth

Its really very simple.

Sensory experience indicates that you are a separate entity, distinct from the surrounding environment.

The fact is that you are not separate from the environment.

So, your experience as an entity separate from the environment is like an illusion.

The fact is that there is no actual separation.

However, knowing the fact does not change the experience of being separate. You are simply aware of the fact that your experience as a separate entity is not quite the way it actually is.

This is all there is really.

Since you are not actually separate from the environment, there is really nothing left for you to do or attain.

All is always well.

All is One.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Most valuable treasure

The most valuable thing is mental sanity.

If you can move through life with perfect mental sanity, that alone is enough.

If you lose your mental sanity, nothing else matters.

Hence, be grateful that you are mentally sane.

Sanity comes from wholeness. Recognize the wholeness of life and that you are not separate from this and sanity will be yours.

To be stuck in the unquestioned belief in separation can cost you your sanity.

The insane is one who is unable to recognize his own insanity.

The one who recognizes his own insanity has started his journey into sanity.

Sanity begins with the recognition of insanity.

Sanity above wealth.

Sanity above job.

Sanity above relationship.

Sanity above status.

Sanity lies in the recognition of wholeness and letting go of obsessive grasping.

Stuck in a negative thought loop

Mostly we are troubled by our own thoughts and responses to situations. In order to lead a sane life, below are some tips:

1. Don't believe your thoughts. Most thoughts are lies.

2. Remind yourself of something to be grateful for.

3. Realize that you re not perfect and will make mistakes.

4. Learn to let go and allow life to play out.

5. Just be as you are.

Sometimes, we get so caught up in our thinking/imagining that we fail to see that we are caught up in our own thought loop.

Hence it is good to have a practice of constantly checking in with the physical sensation of being.

And remind yourself that all things will work out and you will be fine.

The root cognitive dissonance

The key cognitive dissonance that lies at the heart of the human condition is the belief/sense of being separate from the environment. The sense of being a separate entity apart and distinct from the surroundings is the root cognitive error. 

Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done about it other than keep reminding ourselves of our basic/root cognitive dissonance. To be aware at all times that our perception is flawed. Since our perception is relativistic.

To be conscious of this root error is all that is possible. Existence is non-relativistic. Existence is absolute. Existence is non-dual. But our perception is dual and relativistic. This is the holy miracle. That dualistic perception itself arises from the non dual reality.

Friday, January 29, 2021

On Existence

It is one single principle that holds everything together. A single principal that is actual.

And that is that non-existence cannot exist. Existence must exist. Existence is not optional.

It is the impossibility of nonexistence that allows existence to exist. 

Existence is absolute. There is no opposite to existence. Non existence is non-existent.

Existence is another word for the ceaseless processes that are ever occurring and interplaying.

Existence is activity. Existence is movement. Existence is the ceaselessly occurring processes that cannot be extinguished.

It is impossible for absolute stillness to exist. It is unallowable. Absolute stillness is identical with non-existence and is therefore impossible. 

Existence exists as the ceaselessly unfolding un-extinguishable processes that mutually and dynamically interact to generate all phenomena. It is impossible for phenomena to end. It can only be transformed.

Going too far into any extreme immediately generates the opposite process. There seem to be two forces at play. One is a concentrating force and the other is a diffusing force. Going too far into concentration creates the tension that results in the activation of diffusion. Going too far into diffusion creates the tension that activates concentration and this continues indefinitely without stoppage.

Existence is the ceaseless interplay between forces that keep generating all the phenomena that are seen.

And all is possible simply due to the impossibility of non-existence.

The impossibility of nonexistence results in the absolute inseparability of eternally occurring existence.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Get rid of worries and anxieties

The reason for anxieties and miseries is due to erroneous perception.

Errors in perception result in anxieties and worries.

To get rid of worries and anxieties, errors in perception have to be removed.

Dualistic perception is the root perceptual error.

Realize that reality is nondual.

There is no separation.

Correct the error of dualistic perception.

Once corrected, be free of miseries and worries.

This is the supreme wisdom.

The only grace required.

The chief gratitude.

All is One.

Friday, January 22, 2021

The most important investment

The most important investment that can be made is to be totally present in the now.

Be fully present here and now.

Invest totally in the present presence of being.

Being here totally and wholly is the key investment.

Keep coming back into the presence of being as often as possible.

The important thing is to keep remembering to come back into the now.

Keep at it as often as possible.

Keep coming back to the now.

As often as you remember to.

Keep keeping at it.

This is the most important investment of a lifetime.

The only spiritual practice needed.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


 Darkness is the belief in error.

To get caught up in the web of thought.

To lose sight of the actual.

To get caught up in the conceptual.

Darkness is getting stuck in your head.

Getting stuck in your thoughts.

Totally lost. And miserable. And suffering anguish.

Lost in the darkness of your thoughts, truth is forgotten.

Forgetting truth, darkness expands and the cycle continues.

The only prayer is for grace.

Grace that removes the darkness of thought.

Grace that brings you back to the original wholeness.

At ease in wholeness, nothing else is needed.

Caught in the darkness of thought, misery is endless.

Grace alone can remove endless misery.

To be cognizant of truth at all times is your only protection.

Losing sight of truth, you at once fall into error.

Falling into error, darkness takes over and error expands.

Overcome by error, you fall into misery.

Only Grace is needed. 

Don't lose sight of truth.

All is one.


Perfect wholeness

 Life is perfect in its wholeness. At every moment, wholeness is. Until thought arises.

Perfection is in wholeness. All is whole and perfect as it is. Until the thought of imperfection arises.

Until thoughts arise, there is only the wholeness of perfection.

There is no separation from wholeness. Only thought of separation.

There is no imperfection. Only thought of imperfection.

Thought is the fundamental error.

The original sin. 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Regret and choice

We regret making the wrong choice. Its part of being human, which includes not making the best choice sometimes. Sometimes, we regret more over a 'wrong' choice when we can easily envision making the 'right' choice. So how do we truly make choices? And why do some of use seem to be making wrong choices and foolish decisions which lead to later regret?

Regret is truly one of the most difficult to deal with emotion. When regret strikes, it seems all consuming. It consumes the entire mind at once into total darkness. Immersed in the all consuming darkness, you forget the big picture. That all is not lost. Never will be. 

What's done is done. Best option is now to wait it out and avoid making things worse. Sometimes, that's all we can do. To avoid making things worse. Regret is part of the human drama. It strikes suddenly sometimes, totally unexpected.

Truly fascinating emotion. It reminds you of your fallibility. But this too shall pass.

And in the passing lies redemption.

Ultimately, all is one and nothing can truly harm.

God bless you.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Antidote to depression

One of the best antidotes to depression is the practice of gratitude.

Practice being grateful for even the tiniest of things and watch its impact over time.

Gratitude is simply appreciating that which you already have.