Friday, December 25, 2020


 You exist only as a force that resists the movement of life.

The tragedy of self-consciousness is that its very existence is maintained only in resistance to the very forces that allow its existence in the first place. It is only through resistance that 'you' as a separate self conscious entity can maintain your sense of self.

The life process in some strange mysterious way allows the arising of self-consciousness, whose very maintenance is possible only through continually resisting the life process. Weird thing.

The fundamental fear

 What is our fundamental fear?

It is the fear that comes from the sense of being a separate entity. The sense of being a separate conscious entity facing a vast surrounding environment that continuously interacts with it and results in its ultimate destruction or death. The fear that arises from the sense of being a separate entity is that somehow this 'me' will cease to exist. All our efforts are directed towards the preservation of self consciousness.

What is often overlooked is the fact that it is the very forces of existence, which we fear will destroy us, that in the first place allows for the arising of the self consciousness, or the sense of being a separate entity.

It is purely due to the forces of the ever-changing life process that even allows for the arising of a separate self. It is only through the activity of the ceaselessly changing forces, which is the very nature of the indivisible life process, that 'you' as a 'separate' body-self are even allowed to be. Without the ceaselessly changing indivisible life process, existence itself would be impossible. Existence is nothing but the manifestation of the ceaselessly ever changing indivisible forces that we refer to as the life process. The very nature of the life process is to manifest itself through the process of ceaseless change. To stop change is to stop existence, which is absurd. It is absurd because all there really is, is the ceaselessly changing activity of existing, that we call life/universe, and there is no stoppage to this.

So then, there is really no separate entity there that can stop the flow of the ceaselessly changing indivisible life process. The very self consciousness that is typing these words is an outcome of the ceaselessly changing indivisibly unfolding life process, which is the eternally flowing ever changing activity.

Since the sense of a separate self or 'self-consciousness' is an outcome of the ceaselessly changing indivisibly unfolding life process, the question of its destruction is ultimately irrelevant and meaningless.

And it makes no difference if this is realized or not.

Thursday, December 24, 2020


We can only know things through analogies. We can know something only in relation to something else. What is X? X is like Y, etc. Absolute knowing seems impossible, since there is no analogy or something to compare it to or any reference point. This is where we enter the realm of paradox. Our inability to know something for what it is and not just in reference to something else. It is the reason for our failure to understand what is existence. Since existence cannot be compared or referenced to anything else. Non-existence is a meaningless concept when addressed to the totality of existence.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Root of confusion

Confusion arose with the arising of self consciousness. In the absence of self-consciousness, there is nothing there that is separate from the life process to wonder about its own existence. Only with the arising of self-consciousness (which is again a product of the bodily process for life regulation) arises a sense of a separate self, which then start to wonder about its own existence.

Without the self-consciousness, there is nothing other than the life process to even wonder about anything. Even, with the self-consciousness, there is nothing other than the life process, since the self-consciousness arises from the life process itself, which creates a sense of subjectivity/self that seems to be separate from the surrounding.

So, since there is only the life process and no actual separate self or entity, there is no you and no God and nothing else other than the life process. 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Cause of sufferring

Mental and psychological suffering is a product of the development of self consciousness and its recursive nature of self reflection, resulting in feedback loops.

Where there is no self consciousness, no mental suffering is possible. 

Self consciousness is a facet that developed over the course of evolution in the brain of the human species, allowing them to develop exponentially , but at the cost of tremendous psychological trauma and suffering. 

Friday, December 4, 2020

The most important realization

 The single most important realization is to discover the indivisibility of life.

Feeling as isolated individuals, facing an incomprehensible vastness and darkness, can be unbearable.

Until it is seen through that all life is one indivisible process and that the feeling of being an isolated individual is not an indicator of the true state of affairs, your deepest fears will keep lingering.

So please keep reminding yourself whenever you feel afraid, that all life is one indivisible process and it is impossible for 'you' to be separate or apart from it.

Since it is already so, no effort or activity is needed, but simple noticing.

Noticing that which is ceaselessly overlooked.

The indivisibility of life and the absence of separation.

All is One.