Monday, May 13, 2019

The bliss of existence knowing itself

Only the below is fundamental:

1. Existence (Sat)
2. The knowing of existence (Chit)
3. The bliss of knowing existence (Anand)

The self knowing existence whose output is the bliss of knowing existence. There is truly nothing else.

Existence knowing itself results in bliss and contentment. Nothing else can be confirmed.

Friday, May 10, 2019

On the peace of the absolute.

Anything that you are aware of is troublesome. When you are sick, you are aware of illness. When you are upset, you are aware of some mental disturbance. One who is aware of the mind is tormented by it. Even being aware of awareness is painful. The only peace lies in absolute unawareness. When there is no awareness, there is only the immensity of infinity. Forever undisturbed.