Saturday, January 26, 2019

System complexity and errors

As you increase the complexity of a system, you also increase the frequency of errors. Increase in abstraction comes at a cost of decrease in robustness. Increased complexity leads to more frequent occurrence of errors.

When you increase the complexity of a system, you are basically increasing the number of states and making it more difficult to distinguish between two distinct states. When two distinct states start of overlap, error is created.

A highly complex system is therefore prone to error occurrences.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Worst day again - part 2

Today was one of the bad days again. Caused by confusion of whether to go or not to go for work. Ended up calling in sick. Context is that on the previous day, I was directly informed by a colleague very firmly to not show up for work if unwell (I was coughing and sitting next to him), resulting in leaving work after lunch. Numerous conflicting thoughts resulted in a decision to skip work, which was later intenesly regretted and suffered mentally.

The mind can be vicious, tormenting with thoughts and despairs and dark visions. And when it is doing its thing, it can appear very real.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Fantasy of love

The fantasy of love often seems more enchanting than its reality.