Sunday, December 23, 2018

Introverted thinking

My primary mode of operation is introverted thinking. And its not fully reliable. Yes, it helps to keep you fixed to your ruling principle. But the conclusions from introverted thinking are not necessarily true. So, its better that you don't get stuck up in it and learn to be open to the outside world.

Introspection is more like a fabrication and not a reliable means to self knowledge.

Stay alone or in company

Left to our own devices, we would probably self destruct. The decisions that we make or refuse to make often leads to expansion of sorrow and then self hatred, and so on to a reinforcing negative loop.

Okay, lets get personal. I got an invitation from a friend to meet up and I didn't respond, since I wanted to be left alone. The next day I started feeling bad about it and regretting the decision. So, I wonder if it is really better to be left alone vs having some company.

There is no one to tell us what is right or wrong. Only the mind judging a particular decision as good or bad. So, what then is to be done?

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The call of God

The call of God cannot be resisted. The voice of the Spirit cannot be ignored. When its time to go, no power in the universe can stop.

You are afraid that you will remain stuck to this world. Fear not. Nothing can stop you when the spirit calls. 

Keep in touch

There is a part of you untouched by the world. A part deeply private. Unexpressed. Untouched. Forever apart from the world. To lose touch with this part of you is to get totally dependent on the world. Dependence on the world results in misery and humiliation.

Keep in touch.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Way out of suffering

To realize truth is the only way out of suffering. It is a mathematical precise equation.
End of suffering = Realize truth = See through the false.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

The trap of life

Life is nothing but an all pervasive cheat show. It keeps enchanting us with visions and promises of something wonderful. Yet, it never lives up to its promises. Attaining or pursuing the enchantments invariably brings nothing as promised. Nothing in life, no attainment, no relationship is ever satisfying, as we thought it would be. Nothing satisfies as it was shown to bring.

Then why do we keep running after things, knowing this? Probably we try to escape the fundamental void. The emptiness of life is all there is. Any attempt to fill up this emptiness will only end in failure and despair. The beauty or cunningness of life is that it somehow offers us visions that promise fulfillment. But the emptiness cannot be filled. Because there is nothing there to fill it. All the visions and promises that you are shown are nothing but the same emptiness that you are trying to escape from. To fully accept this is horrifying.

To not seek fulfillment is liberation. To seek fulfillment is to get caught in the trap of life.


There is really nothing left to say. To be at total ease in silence is the final frontier. Beyond this, there is nothing more. And this silence never leaves. Silence is the final teaching. The final truth is the silence.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Suffering the trap of the world

The mind is fierce today. I allowed myself to react to a colleagues behavior and probably let out something that I shouldn't have. Now I regret it, since the relationship has soured. Its a pity. And now I can't go back on what I said and the relationship is likely permanently affected.A great pity.

It is true that the world is like a pit teeming with vipers. You need to be very careful, else you will get stung and suffer. Any potential relationship, including marriage is subject to the inescapable laws of the world. Every action is followed by its consequence and there are no exceptions to this fundamental rule of life. Also known as karma or the law of cause and effect.

There is that darkness, that animal instinct, the strong egoic tendency to react inappropriately and cause our own suffering. Yes, there have been countless moments where I have contained my reaction, but inevitably once in a while, something escapes, which shouldn't have :-). And its not pretty. And the consequences only result in headaches. The danger of egoic existence. The ego is like a poisonous viper. Always ready to sting. Always weary. Always guarded. Self preservation being its utmost priority. No escape from ego here. Only refuge. Refuge in the non-egoic state. The path of the ego always leads down into the forest of suffering and misery. It is the law. This law is ultimately for your healing.

Sometimes, the best course of action is to avoid making things worse. It is the best counter path to the ego. To prevent the ego from reacting. Yes, there will be more falls. But the way out is by letting things take their course. And to avoid letting the ego react.

Truly, the good life lies in avoiding the negative. Its much more effective than the pursuit of the positive, which is quite vague.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

The end of suffering

If suffering would only end with physical death, then it would make sense to die. But suffering does not end with physical death. The only way to end suffering is to get enlightened. Only enlightenment or the recognition of truth can completely and permanently end suffering. There is no other way.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Human condition

The human condition seems to be defined by constantly reaching out for something that seems perpetually out of reach.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Dealing with the dark side

Carl Jung said, “Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.”

Suddenly, the dark side shows up. Killed a small lizard today.

Yoda says that fear is the only darkness. Ultimately it is fear that killed the lizard. Irrational fear rules much of your decision and worries. And the more you allow it to run your life, the more evil you will commit. Evil actions are mainly based on fear. Much of it being irrational.

Yet, this darkness lives in the mind. Accompanying the mind like a persistent shadow. Causing heaviness. Actions committed based on fear result in darkening the  mind. Filling it with secret guilt and regrets.Taking you deeper into its grasp. Seek refuge. Remember God. The source of all. Untouched by darkness.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

O Wanderer

O wanderer...why the high brow? Why that elitist attitude? Your place is here in the world. Shine your light here, for this is the only place that you can exist in

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Remember God and free yourself

The difference between worldly pursuits and spiritual pursuits is this. Worldly activities are never complete and lead only to despair and frustration. Spiritual activity always leads to peace and removal of fear.

To deeply prioritize the spiritual in the midst of worldly activity is the only ask for liberation. To not forget God in the midst of worldly chaos is the only spiritual requirement. To recollect stillness in the midst of mental activity and remain rooted in stillness is the prime requirement for liberation.

Never allow the mind to blow you away from your central core of stillness. To have access to stillness in the midst of chaos is to remember God. This is your only true task. All else is futile desperation.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

What is this world?

What do I want? Why is there confusion? Why is there disturbance? Why is there still a sense of discontentment? Why is there unease? Why is there still uncertainty? Why is resolution still lacking? Why is there still a sense on bondage? Why is the heart still clenched? Why is there still not enough? Why is there still chasing after wealth? Why is there still fear? What is the problem statement of life?
What really is this world and what am I doing here? Who am I? What is this appearance? What is the problem? Why is there struggle?

The process of living life tends to generate confusion and chaos. The abundance of options expands the confusion. Modern life with its peculiar nature only expands confusion. Confusion clouds reality and generates fear and unease. We keep chasing after things, not knowing why we chase them. And even after we gain them, we are still uneasy. We fear losing the things we own. We fear the loss of our lifestyle. We fear the loss of income. We don't know what we really want. Wandering souls. We feel helpless. At the mercy of the external world.

To retain clarity and not get carried away is the only path to sanity.

Friday, August 3, 2018

The words of a sage

The mind of human beings are essentially the same mechanism. 
On the surface of all minds there is an incessant storm of self-referential thoughts. 
They cannot be stopped. 
They are the mind. 
The sense of self and the swirling mnemonic debris are the same phenomenon. 
In the center of all minds is a sublime quiescence. 
Many intuit its presence and attempt to access it through various practices such as meditation or shifting their focus to the "now". 
Long distance runners, surfers and musicians have their unique names for it. 
But it cannot be accessed through intentional effort that originates on the surface. 
The only difference between a sage and a seeker is a sage has one foot in the consensus conceptual overlay and one foot in the sublime quiescense. They experience their perceptual input being beautifully suspended between everything and nothing at all.

In your travels, you may make it to the edge and find yourself staring into the void. 
But you can't go there because......well..... because there's nothing there. 
And you will have to turn around and walk back into the dream knowing that with all it trials and tribulations....with all its uncertainties and scary things........knowing that it is all a mental is the only place in the manifested universe that you, and all those you love, have any existence. 
This......this dream of separation is your only home. 
And it is grand far beyond anything you could ever imagine.


Sunday, July 15, 2018

The sorrow in the trap of the world

This world that you are born into is a very subtle trap. It traps by creating attachment to its fleeting joys and relationships. Your relationships are your primary source of attachment and loss of any relationship brings with it sadness and despair. Yet, you carry on. The force of life carries you on. You will lose your loved ones, your parents, your spouse and many more. Ever present movement and the flow of life keeps forever moving and changing and causing pain. To have even a slight attachment will result in sadness. The world is neither good nor evil. Its nature is change. And change disrupts. And it hides the changeless.

What can you do but go with the flow of change? What do you really know but this life that you live? And your tears are great cleansers. Cleansers of attachment and worldliness. Truly, there is no redemption to be found here. Only sorrow. Seek refuge, therefore in the sorrow less. The source reality. But there is no life there. Life is here and now, amidst the sorrow that you seek to overcome. Your loved ones are here in this world of change. All the little joys of life is here in the world of change. Oh, great one, you who seeks the truth of the universe and the one God, your life is here and here alone. Other than this, there is nothing else. The great irony. To get rid of sorrow, is to get rid of love. In the absence of love and sorrow, what remains is the changeless eternity.

Your tribe is here. Your love is here. Other than this, there is no love. You, the one who seeks to end sorrow. There is not truth that can be experienced. All that matters for you, dear one, is your perception. Perception of your state. Response to your particular sorrow. Attitude to life. Your only freedom. To choose your response to life. To choose your response to sorrow. To choose your response to change. To choose your response to death. In the end, the only thing that can be relied upon is your unique response to life. Your response to the vast suffering around. You choose your attitude. The most precious treasure. A small light in a dark place can bring joy. A small darkness in a bright place can bring sorrow. The only refuge from the relativities of life lies in the absolute alone.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

The redemption

Even the most favorable circumstance imaginable leaves behind a sense of mild discomfort. Even if you are the king of the world, with the most beautiful and kind hearted wife and have an adorable family, there persists a lingering feeling of some unnameable emotion. The call of the infinite can never really be shut off completely. And no matter how favorable your circumstances may seem, they will change. And where there is change, there is no permanent satisfaction. No permanent contentment. The emptiness of the infinite never really leaves. But slowly starts to swallow.

Neither marriage, nor career nor good health can redeem. Only the infinite. And that my friend is not negotiable.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

On the choice after death

That which has trapped you is the cultural conditioning, also known as the conditioned mind. Cultural beliefs seem to hold tremendous sway over your happiness and freedom. The thought that you have to study hard to pass exams, secure a job, get married, have kids, raise them, retire and demand care from kids in old age, and finally die. If you are unable to complete one stage, life will be misery. And the need for companionship. Any association with a body is suffering.The system is designed to eventually make you dependent on the system. And when you think that you are dependent on the system, you will do anything to be a part of the system. Any action which would make the system to abandon you is considered taboo. Our survival depends on being part of the system. The system is designed only to ensure its propagation and expansion through time. The greatest threat to the system is self realization or the awareness of truth. It is self denial and self deception that propagates the system. The awareness of truth is destruction of the system. Ignorance of the self allows the system to expand. Comparison with others leads only to frustration. To reveal the truth leads only to being branded as insane.

1. Everyday you wake up early to rush to work.
2. At work, you are doing something only so that a corporation can make money.
3. After work you come home totally exhausted, with a revolving mind, and are too tired and exhausted to do anything further.
4. Not working, you will have to face the ridicule and humiliation.
5. Not marrying, you will have to face ridicule and humiliation.
6. getting married will only increase your worries and demands on your time.
7. We go through life completely oblivious of the fact of our ridiculous situation.
8. Nothing on this earth is really valuable. In fact, suffering is much more intense than joy.
9. Why on earth would anyone choose birth (if a choice exists).
10. Is it really birth that is the problem or the nature of the system or our own gullibility? 
11. Hope is the biggest deceiver.
12. The relative nature of this world leads only to misery.

If there is truly a choice after death, do not choose rebirth. No matter how attractive the system might appear. Do not choose birth.

Saturday, May 19, 2018


There are no moments in timelessness. Only eternity. And eternity does not allow for the existence of even a single moment. If eternity exists, there can be no time. True resting is to rest in eternity.

What I am

It feels like I don't really belong to the world. That 'I' am not really located in this dimension of space and time. That 'I' have never really belonged to the universe. That 'I' have never really had a relationship. That 'I' have never been seen ever.

That 'I' am not of this dimension. That 'I' am the deepest mystery. That 'I' am apart from all.


Saturday, May 12, 2018

Re-discovering solitude

Every moment of solitude is to rediscover the deep joy provided by solitude. Solitude heals the soul. And is where our most authentic self finds its residence.

The bliss of solitude is the deepest joy and contentment. If you are comfortable with solitude, you will avoid foolish decisions.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

On No-self - Bernadette - excerpt - the absolute

Still, if we actually knew the unbridgeable chasm that lies between the true nature of consciousness or self and the true nature of the divine, we would despair of ever making the journey. So consciousness is the marvelous divine invention by which human beings make the journey in subjective companionship with the divine; and, like every divine invention, it works. Consciousness both hides the chasm and bridges it – and when we have crossed over, of course, we do not need the bridge any more. So it doesn’t matter that we start out on our journey with our holy cards, gongs and bells, sacred books and religious feelings. All of it should lead to growth and transformation, the ultimate surrender of our images and concepts, and a life of selfless giving. When there is nothing left to surrender, nothing left to give, only then can we come to the end of the passage – the ending of consciousness and its personally subjective God. One glimpse of the Godhead, and no one would want God back.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Vasanas and action

Multiple thoughts arise in consciousness. Some are acted upon, while others are ignored. It is the specific vasana activated at that instant which determines whether you act on a specific thought or ignore it. By changing the vasanas that get activated, the specific thoughts that are acted upon can be changed.

By accumulating good vasanas, good thoughts are acted upon, and vice versa for evil vasanas.


The deep mystery of darkness. From it arises the illusion of consciousness. Within the illusion of consciousness, the universe of space and time appears. Our lives fading away......

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Fear of being single

I don't feel sad about being single when I am alone. It is only when I am in the presence of other people that I feel bad about being single. The collective influence of others, of culture, of society is what makes you feel ashamed about being single. Sitting by yourself, there is no sadness. Only the collective mindset of society instills the thought of marriage into your mind. And the justification is the fear of loneliness and the stigma of being single.

Time in etrnity

Eternity has no concept of time. A millisecond and a billion years are non differentiable and equally trivial. It is only in consciousness that that the sense of time passing is experienced.

The concept of time arose with the arising of consciousness. And everything else followed. In the realm of non-time, there are no moments and no experiences. Neither sleep nor dreaming nor waking.

Why the hurry?

For ages prior to birth, you were waiting. And for ages after death you will wait again. Absolutely unconcerned. Therefore, why the hurry now? Keep calm and let the mind still out. To a mind that is still, life and death have no meaning.

Why indulge in foolish pursuits? The price of foolishness is much worse than the price of even poverty.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

The attractive charms of maya and worldly life

I spoke to a potential wife/fiance tonight. And I found myself developing a subtle form of attachment. And then I found myself thinking that this is not good, I am getting attached to her. Truly, the charms of the world hold a power of attraction. The attraction to the charms of the world, prevent you from seeing the world for what it really is. Nothing but a river of suffering and disappointment, with a few moments of relief and fleeting joys. Do not put your hopes here. There is a reason it is referred to as an illusion. For illusion attracts by its charm and deceptive appearance.

Better to stay out.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Excerpt - Consciousness and the Absolute

The universe has its limits

Everything we know has parameters and perimeters. It can be defined in a certain way, we can say how big it is, what color it has, at what speed it moves, what it's shaped like. Everything is defined and confined. Even the universe has outer limits! The universe is enormous, yet we are able to calculate its approximate size. The universe is really a confined space. The universe, though it is vast, has its limits. In our eyes of course, it has incredible proportions, but it is nevertheless limited and confined.

Paradigm Shifting:
From Time to Timelessness

The Absolute is absolute emptiness, a space without confines. The Absolute is boundless space. It is not space like we know it, it is the emptiness that lies beyond the edges of the universe, it is the space in which the universe expands. It is the home of the universe. It is absolute space: 'absolute' because there are no outer limits. This is not an emptiness that relates to fullness, that would be a relative emptiness. This emptiness could not be filled with a billion universes. Absolute emptiness, theoretically, can effortlessly accommodate an infinite number of baby and parallel universes. This is space without periphery, without boundaries.

As consciousness is life's first principle, as life begins with consciousness, the question "What is truth?" becomes concrete by asking "What is consciousness?" If you want to be clear on your existence, you will have to consider the nature of consciousness. What is the origin of consciousness? How is it possible?

Consciousness is a quality of open space. Absolute space is so open that it becomes conscious, has to be conscious in its nature. It is so wide open that the very openness makes it conscious. It is so absolutely open, so impressionable, that it is conscious. Consciousness is not a substance; it is not made out of anything, since it is made out of absolute emptiness! Absolute emptiness, absolute space is the origin of consciousness. One could say that consciousness is an epi-phenomenon of the Absolute. Consciousness seems to exist, when in fact it is simply a quality, a property, a side-effect of absolute emptiness.

The question What happens when we die? is not a very clear question, because what exactly do we mean by we? It is a lot more specific to ask "What happens to consciousness when our body dies?", "What happens to consciousness when the body, our door to experience, closes?". Nothing happens to consciousness, it is just that experiences are no longer possible. And when new life is born, there are new experiences. With every new birth, the consciousness-property of the Absolute is revealed.

Consciousness as such is never born, absolute emptiness does not need to be born, does not need to be created: it simply exists as the truth behind existence. Absolute space is absolute time, eternity, time without beginning and without end. With every death, consciousness seems to disappear. It doesn't truly disappear, because absolute emptiness cannot possibly disappear. It never dies, its time is never up.

Absolute Consciousness

Like experiences are not possible without consciousness, is consciousness possible without experiences? What does the term 'consciousness' mean when all experiences drop away, when there is no notion, no thought, no feeling, no memory, no dream, no awareness of anything whatsoever? The truth of life, of you, of me and of existence is absolute space, boundlessness, absolute freedom. It is the origin and foundation of consciousness, it is why consciousness is possible. The light of that absolute consciousness never extinguishes. It is absolute, because it is not even dependent on experience, on life.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Life and the absolute

The necessary condition for dream is sleep. You need to be asleep to dream. So if life is nothing but a series of infinite dreams, then there must be something that is forever asleep. That alone is real and is the absolute. Forever asleep and untouched by events of the dream. The only purpose of the dream is to point to the absolute.

Saturday, March 24, 2018


Is there a definite moment when action arises?

Action arises the moment the factors restraining action are removed.

Removal of restraint results in action.

To retrain is to deliberate. Removal of restrain is to act.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

What to do after realization?

Once you return to the One, it is realized that there was no 'you' in the first place. So 'you' are the One. And what does the One do? It expands into creation. So you want to go back to the One, but the One wants to expand into creation. Hence you expand into creation as the messenger of the One. What else is there to do?

You become the outward expression of the One. Because that is what the One expresses. Creation and expansion is the fragrance of the One and you become the outward expression. No more hiding in caves or solitary retreats, but full on involvement with creation, in service of the One. This is not for the weak.

Follow your heart, always!

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Awakening others - excerpt

You are not yet awake, but you can learn HOW to awaken. Very simply the Holy
Spirit teaches you to awaken others. As you see them waken, you will learn WHAT
WAKING MEANS. And because you have willed to wake them, their gratitude, and their
appreciation of what you have given them, will TEACH YOU ITS VALUE. THEY will
become the witnesses to your reality, as YOU were created witnesses to God’s.

~ACIM (excerpt)

Law of One

I am Ra. The Law of One, though beyond the limitations of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be approximated by stating that all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite Creator.

One of the primal distortions of the Law of One is that of healing. Healing occurs when a mind/body/spirit complex realizes, deep within itself, the Law of One; that is, that there is no disharmony, no imperfection; that all is complete and whole and perfect. Thus, the intelligent infinity within this mind/body/spirit complex re-forms the illusion of body, mind, or spirit to a form congruent with the Law of One. The healer acts as energizer or catalyst for this completely individual process.


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Overcoming misery and liberation

What is the one thing that needs to be known/understood so that sufferings and miseries are minimized? Especially psychological suffering.

What is the root of misery? What understanding can end all misery?

In many ways, we cannot fully control our life situation. So, what must be known so that we are less affected by the vicissitudes of life?

Sincere inquiry is all that is needed. Inquiry which is sincere and relentless. To become aware of all the little ways in which we cause our own psychological suffering.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The final question

Ultimately, all philosophy boils down to one question alone.

What is it that transcends death?

To realize the answer to this question is to become immortal.

Saturday, February 3, 2018


When you are living at the level of instinct, driven purely by evolutionary drives, your major concern in life is survival. And since reproduction is nothing but the survival drive for the species, it follows that when the survival drive is high, so is the reproduction drive. This is one of the reasons the poor  and impoverished, whose lives are dictated primarily by survival seem to have so many offspring. It is because the drive to survive and the drive to reproduce are aspects of the same evolutionary drive.

Our greatest blessing as human beings is that we have the ability or the free will to control the evolutionary drives and not be controlled by them. Or put simply, we can choose to reject the evolutionary drives. Self control is nothing but keeping the evolutionary drives in check. This allows us to plan for the future, and identify our self as something other than the purely physical. Self control also allows us the ability to step away from our drives and reflect on our true condition. This reflection soon develops into a feedback loop allowing further reflection and has been one of the major reasons for the success of the human race. In fact this ability has provided us with a most important skill in terms of long term planning, through delayed gratification.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Wisdom and surrender

Suffering and depression often results from a sense of isolation that you feel from the world around you. You feel trapped within a limited body and your limited thoughts/fears/anxieties. The essence of overcoming the feeling of isolation is to remember that you are part of a much larger whole. You are part of a Life that is much larger than you and your limited sense of identity. Often, the cure for your anxieties and depression is simply in surrendering to that which is larger than you and stop creating additional walls of isolation Let the larger part of life enter you. Let your higher self enter your mind. Let your identity expand.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Excerpt ~ Urgyen Tulku Rinpoche

In the moment of seeing, in the very moment of seeing your own nature, there is no thought. Thought has vanished. There isn't anything more fantastic than being totally free of thought. Because there is nothing else in this world that can totally bring a halt to can blow up nuclear bombs and use forms and techniques and so forth but nothing will stop thoughts. But at the very moment that you turn your attention towards your own mind, it is evident that it is simply an empty cognizance with no thing whatsoever. It is empty. But yet its the seeing of that because the mind is also cognizance. It is like the primordial original unity that is empty and cognizant. But then the thought happens, that we notice or believe that this is the way it is,..there is nothing more to say than this, it is just like that.

OK, don’t think of anything. Having totally abandoned the thinker and what follows, at that moment, you're only seeing. It's not something you gradually approach, like a spiritual technique. This is what is meant by the phrase, one moment makes a difference, there is complete enlightenment. In one moment, this is the unmistaken Buddha mind. Don't project outwardly, don't concentrate inwardly, don't keep a state in-between. Totally give up any natural effort. Utterly sheer interest. You don't need to (go out of?) your five senses, not at all. Just remaining like this, everything is very clearly experienced. But when you start to investigate a little, you're not involved in thoughts. This is the purpose of (?). What appears to the realm, in the field of your vision, before your eyes, the world, the beings, and soforth, even though experienced, just like the beings without any attention, in other words, disown meditate (?) the disowning of subject and object is the pure form of relating.

Whatever moves or occurs in the realm of your ears, any sound, or the sounding, whether pleasant or fantastic, Just like being in the continuity of sound being interest, because no matter what the sounds, if you hear, the stillness of interest-- the entry of sounding beyond arising and ceasing is the voice of the victorious ones. Do not get involved in process, leading or following. By leaving your thinking to itself, it dissolves naturally, in terms of...Thinking means our thoughts..are naught...if you just let it be, it naturally dissolves. So true wakefulness, to accept or reject, hope or fear, then it is enough. That is sufficient. So what you need to train in, is not not be magnetizing by an act of meditating, and also not to be distracted, even for a second. Being distracted is the same as forgetting, and it is said that on the path of distraction, the demons can ambush. The moment you look towards, acknowledge empty cognizance, that is (for?) having recognized. The continuity of the empty cognizance which you don't have to fabricate in any way, just don't forget it. Once you forget and start to think, then the continuity is lost.

The moment you look, the empty cognizance is seeing, recognized, all of it, and then allow the continuity of the seeing to continue, is the state but, automatically for the ordinary person, again a though occurs. Then you remember, "Oh, I forgot". Then again acknowledge, or notice, "Who forgot?" Then recognize again. Then again you arrive back in this state of recognizing your natural face. That doesn't mean sitting and straining, trying not to be distracted. I's like ringing the bell once, and the sound continues, it doesn't need to ring the bell continuously. Once the continuity fades, we get involved in thought. Then again, notice, "Oh, I forgot, I got carried away". Then, "alright, then go towards", and again look back and recognize it. And again there is a natural ability, a continuity, a continuous state of empty cognizance.

You need to train in that, short moments, many times. We have learned to live this life though training. We have learned how to behave, how to move about. We learn how to eat, (Translator states, Oh, sorry, I got this wrong), We have to train in all the activities of this life, for example, while eating, you taste the food, and you start to think about the food, then notice, "Oh, I got carried away". Again, recognize,, while eating. At that moment, you will arrive back, immediately, into the state of the essence. You forget again, get lost, you can still recognize Buddha nature when you lie down to sleep. WIth your attention, also recognize again. Actually, there is no time when you are not allowed to recognize the nature of mind, even when you sit on (the loo?) It is said like this, that the state of dharmatadu (?) is unimaginable, relax in the impeccable state of awareness. If thought occurs, it arises from yourself, it dissolves back into yourself. Any thought that occurs is your own expression. It is only when forgetting the essence that the expression that takes the form of a thought. The moment you recognize, your own expression, that it arises out of yourself and dissolves back into yourself meaning into the expansive essence, this is what you need to train in, to become used to. There is no other meditation or object apart from that. (Not as much as a dot, even?). But if you get distracted, or get involved in thoughts, So please train in this. That is the practice. This is what the Buddha taught in the (bus?). So here today, he has nothing to say besides this.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Summarizing liberating insights

-Emptiness is the essence of all things and phenomena. Liberation is the realization of the inherent emptiness of all things and phenomena.

-Be honest and kind to others. Compassion and kindness are the best gifts that we can offer others.

-Try to help those in need, with good cheer, without expecting anything in return.

-Cultivate a positive intention towards the suffering world.

-Above all, learn to laugh instead of lamenting at life.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Peace as the end goal?

Just like the fact that money cannot be your end goal, so it is with peace.

Peace also cannot be your end goal in life.

Both money and peace are effects of the way in which you have lived your life. To pursue peace as an end goal may not be the best course to take.

Knowing that God alone exists, what fear prevents you from living life as it comes?
Why be timid, when God is all that there is?
Why foolishly isolate yourself and avoid all risk?
Why should your aim in life be to eliminate all discomforts?
Would it be wise to re-consider your path again?

Maybe peace is the result of having followed a path in life that resonates with your deepest being..

Or maybe peace comes from knowing that you are exactly where you need to be..

Or maybe peace comes from realizing that your life is unfolding exactly as it is meant to..

Or maybe peace comes from sharing your knowledge..

Or maybe peace comes from making the best out of your current situation..

Or maybe peace comes from only changing your mindset..

Or maybe peace comes by performing benevolent actions..

Or maybe peace is the language your soul uses to convey that all is well..

What indeed is peace..

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy new year in silence

This new year was spent mainly in silence. Allow it to heal you. For silence is the surest and truest healer. It allows you to recognize purity as your original nature. And to see that in spite of everything that has happened or failed to happen, your are fundamentally the same. Do not lose yourself in the noise of the world, but come home to silence which is forever waiting.