Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Past regret

Sometimes, we regret past actions. But the question is, could it have been any different? And who was the one who acted it out? Was it really you? Are you the actor in your life? Is it all you who decides? What if you are merely the witness? What if, indeed?...

Saturday, November 18, 2017

The inward gaze

Inwardly look.
What do you see?
The gaze of the One.
Keep the inward gaze alive.
Outer distractions bind.
The inward gaze liberates.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Rules of Clarity

1. Clarity involves subtraction, not addition.
2. Clarity is a pre existing condition and not something to be attained.
3. Clarity comes from ruthlessly removing the non essentials.
4. Clarity is to see things as they are. This involves the destruction of fabricated beliefs.
5. Introspection does not always lead to clarity.
6. Clarity has no depth.
7. With perfect clarity, making mistakes is impossibe.
8. Clarity generally does not have good appearance.
9.  Fear clouds clarity.
10. Desires cloud clarity.

Saturday, September 9, 2017


Love of God alone is the cure for everything. To know that God alone is real is the highest knowledge.

Graditude list

Things I am grateful for:

Self knowledge (Knowledge of the Soul)  tops the list

1. Being alive
2. Free of illness
3. Free of debt
4. Have a job with steady paycheck
5. Having a loving family
6. Living in my own place
7. Access to the internet/knowledge
8. Have a PhD/good technical knowledge
9. Enjoy the pleasure of reading
10. Have enough knowledge/understanding to positively contribute

The unbearable moment

What is it that makes this moment so hard to endure? What is it that makes emptiness/aloneness so freeing, but yet so painful? Knowing deep down that there is absolutely nothing here and the various tasks and relationships of life just games, in which you can get potentially entangled can make life unbearable sometimes. Guess that it is only expectations of there being something else or someone else to feel happy that prevents us from being truly satisfied in the moment. Yet, when life gives you an option and you prefer to reject it, it creates a kind of conflict in the mind.

Knowing that there is nothing to attain, life loses its drive. What then should be the driving force after non duality is seen? It seems at this point that relationships are important to sustain the drive to live.It seems that fear of the future is what makes the emptiness of this moment unbearable. Will I be always alone? Will I have a job? Will my health last? Is the time I spend at work feeling like a waste?
What is it that I seek? What is the root cause of this un-fulfilment?

What is it that I desire to create? What do I wish to share? What are the unresolved issues that need to be addressed? How important is career fulfillment? How do I deep down wish to contribute?

Career is definitely not my top priority. My top priority is that which nurtures and heals. Not that which consumes. What is the source of healing? What is the source of life? Is it outside or inside? Is it sleep? Is it love? Is it service? Is it silence?

Absolute clarity with respect to your only priority is needed. Knowing this alone is enough. When God alone is real, what other priority could exist? The Soul comes always first. The Soul alone matters. In all areas, including career, relationships and service, bring the soul out. This should be the only concern. Everything else can follow.

Knowing the Soul is knowing awareness. Then death is easy. 

Sunday, September 3, 2017

The story of your life

The story of your life has already happened. You are only experiencing it in time. The anguish that you feel regarding missed opportunities and unfulfilled desires and the anxieties about the future is the only free will that you have. When you realize that your life story, including your birth and death, have already occurred, and all that you get to choose are your responses to the story of your life, there comes over a great calmness.

To deeply realize that your entire life is nothing but a role of film being played out can be scary at first. The only choice that you really have is in your response to the story being played out. Your peculiar tendencies and life circumstances are already decided. You can only choose to go with the flow or resist it. To flow willingly or unwillingly. That is really the only choice that you have.

If you are wise, you will flow willingly with life. To resist the inevitable flow is foolishness and invites suffering. The choice is yours.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Key teaching of Ashtavakra

You are not earth, water, fire or air.
Nor are you empty space.
Liberation is to know yourself
as Awareness alone—
the Witness of these.

Abide in Awareness
with no illusion of person.
You will be instantly free and at peace.

Thirst for life and sorrow

The thirst for life is the cause of sorrow. The only reason we suffer is that we are attracted to the unreal and the illusory. We are attracted to illusory pleasures and being bound by desire for these illusory pleasures keep returning life after life and suffering the wheel of samsaric existence. By regarding the unreal as the real, we are bound to the unreal. And since the unreal cannot last, our bondage to the unreal can result in nothing but sorrow and suffering. The only way out is to give up our bondage to the unreal. And take refuge only in that which is real and eternal. That which is free from illusions and unchanging.

This alone can end sorrow. Nothing else.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

On fear

The defining characteristic of my personality is a fear of the future. This personality is terrified of what will happen in the future. It does not allow him to be in the present. Terrified by imagination. The only cure is to take root in the present moment. Indulging in imagination only leads to increase in fear. The mere possibility of some calamity is enough to engender fear.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Love of God

The love of God is the supreme delight of existence. No other pleasure can provide the complete satisfaction and liberation from fear provided by the love of God. The purpose of existence is the love of God. The love of God is the supreme liberation from all sorrow and the liberation from all bondage. To love God is to be aware of awareness. Nothing else is needed.

May you live a blessed life.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Desire the trickster

Desire is the nature's biggest fraud. It tricks you into believing that fulfilling it will permanently end the emptiness you feel within. However, this is a lie and it only provides a temporary reprieve. And leaves you with a barrage of mental impressions in the aftermath.

Hence, we just simply stop and look within. The only way out.

Monday, June 26, 2017


Immortality. What exactly is immortality? Is it an endless number of years in time? What is time for an immortal? Can the mortal mind ever grasp the concept of immortality? The immortal is not something that the mortal mind can fathom, just like infinity. For that which is truly immortal, cannot take birth. And activities and pursuits and knowledge and boredom lose all meaning in the face of immortality.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The only skill

There is only one skill that is really needed to have a trouble free life. And that is to learn to control the mind. An uncontrolled mind is the root of all trouble and suffering. A controlled mind is the bestower of bliss and peace, no matter the circumstances.

So, learn only to slow down the mind and all auspiciousness is yours. This is true power.

Thursday, June 22, 2017


Suffering is the blessing that leads to realization of truth.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

The only investment

The only crucial practice in life is to stay aware of awareness. This is truly the only investment that is of any value. All else is easily lost. The only discipline required is to place attention on awareness. To use every possible moment for this practice alone. Then God is all and no other is.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

The worst calamity

The worst calamity that can befall you is not disease or poverty or failure or any unfavorable external circumstance but the revolution of your mind. The worst calamity is when you lost control of the mind. No suffering is worse than the suffering of an uncontrolled and revolving mind.

To be completely caught up in the revolving mind is the worst suffering. In this regard, your external circumstance is not relevant.

No peace is possible without first reducing the revolution of the mind. Once the mind is controlled, everything becomes possible.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

On negative emotions

Anxiety, regret and fear. You don't want to feel these emotions. You don't like to experience them, yet they keep arising. This is the chief frustration. The only way out is to take action. You want to experience joy yet find yourself feeling fear. What an irony!!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Worst day again

So, one of the worst days of my life this week (16th Mar). I was on sick leave for a second day. And the regret was enormous. Regret of missing out I guess. So deep was the regret and so tormented the mind that I considered quitting and leaving. For no particular reason, but I just wanted to escape the mind and this life and this personality. The energy of regret is very intense and strong. But it has no direction and nothing to utilize. So it just gets overwhelming.

The mind is truly most dangerous. The mind is the world. They say you are not your mind. But when the mind is talking, there seems to be nothing else. Opportunities lost. Learnings thrown away.

The mind itself rises and falls. During a fall, if you can remain balanced, victory is assured.
The way out is to create space between you and the mind.

"We may think that our suffering is caused by other people, by poor material conditions, or by society, but in reality it all comes from our own deluded states of mind. The essence of spiritual practice is to reduce and eventually to eradicate altogether our delusions, and to replace them with permanent inner peace. This is the real meaning of our human life." ~ excerpt (Kelsang Gyatso)

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Excerpt~~numerology life path 1

The numbers 1 and 7 may be the loneliest numbers; Fortunately, 7 has its other-dimensional beings with which to commune, as well as its books, writings, mystical revelations, and other such typical areas of focus to keep it happy.
1, however, must face at least occasional isolation and being a mundane number, its only company is desire, inspiration, goals, projects, every-day tasks, and cherished ideals. The faint at heart don’t do well with 1. In fact, a lot is demanded of 1, and they, in turn, demand a lot from others.
Heavy 1 timing, especially after heavy 6 or 3, for example, often leaves people feeling secluded and lonely, forcing them to take desperate measures to rid themselves of the feeling that they exist on a deserted island.
Sadly, even if someone with excessive 1 timing surrounds themselves with loved ones, they are likely to still feel alone. On the bright side, being forced to go it alone or start over has its advantages, and self-love eventually triumphs, as the 1 is a significant teacher in this way.
Those enduring lengthy, demanding 1 timing, which is determined as taxing by the natal configurations and, or collective timing indicators, must hang on to that which they believe in, despite opposing views from just about everyone, including those closest to them.
Instead of resenting the resistance, it’s best to thank others for helping to strengthen their tenacity. As the numerology patterns represent personal fate and karma, the actual lessons are what help you to fulfill your earthly mission.
Personal timing always changes eventually, so if you don’t like yours now, you will at some point in the future, even if it’s not until your next incarnation. Find out about your basic numerology timing and where you have 1 in your basic charts, if at all, with our Numerology Decoder software.
Whether it’s found in the natal charts or timing charts, on the high side, an abundance of 1 is frequently linked to leadership, independence, courage, original and bold action, and comfortably going one’s own way.
The strong, balanced, healthy 1 is so self-assured, shrewd, and has such tremendous drive, energy, and ingenuity, that he or she offers the uncommon and unusual, even radical. It often magically becomes the accepted standard while society celebrates their genius instead of ridiculing their audacity.
Nobody beats the 1, other than the 8 from time to time (or the clever 5 sometimes), but 8’s manipulative and confrontational practices, bully-tactics and karma-inducing behavior sends it to the end of the line while 1 takes the crown. That is, if 1 isn’t pulling similar stunts, which it has been known to do once in a while. Numerology number 1; a study of self-confidence.
Wretched is the soft 1, which can be an under-balanced 19/1 (19 being a Karmic Debt number), overwhelmed with doubt and insecurity, constantly grasping for a foothold in life. It must turn inward, strive to balance its issues, embrace all that it is, stop looking for approval outside of itself, toughen its resolve and accept that it can’t please everyone.
At the other end of the spectrum is the over-balanced 19/1 whose hallmark traits are intense aggression and hostility, selfishness, intolerance, xenophobia, and addiction.
Think of the number 1 as a straight, solid, unwavering vertical beam of light extending from above down to the ground; it’s mentally and physically oriented (not emotionally or intuitively), and two of its best attributes are its vast energy reserves and its ability to focus. Its creative inspiration, like that of a brilliant stand-up comic, is also remarkable.
Even though 1 can be the loneliest number, the energy of 1 is everything new, it’s the initiative that gets the job done, and it’s the raw determination that earns success, against all odds.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

The single will of life

Life is one continuous process of un-foldment. There is only the will of life that puts pressure on all life forms. The best course is to follow the will of life without resistance. The degree to which you resist the will of life is the degree to which you suffer. Just move with the flow of life.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Inclinations and self confidence

I realize that my deepest inclination is toward introspection and contemplation. This inclination has caused neglect of external factors and external issues, which sometimes makes me an object of ridicule and humiliation. Now I am perceived as lacking in self confidence and attention to details and keep getting advice on how to improve.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Secret of the balanced mind

The key trait to have a balanced mind is a constant and continuous awareness of the big picture at all times. And to never doubt that the big picture will eventually work itself out,especially in dark times.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

excerpt - The stream and the desert

The very well known Sands story – truly part of all our heritage.

I felt myself drift off into another world and Reda the carpenter began. 'Once there was a stream,' he said, 'a lovely cool, clear stream. It was created from melted snow in the high mountains and it flowed down through all kinds of rock, until one bright morn¬ing it reached the desert. 'The stream was worried, but it knew that its destiny was to cross the sand. So it called out, "What am I to do?" And the desert answered, "Listen, O stream! The wind crosses my sands, and you can, too." 'The stream didn't listen. He let his water roll forward. The first drops disappeared without trace. '"Desert! Desert!" he called. "You are sucking me up!" The desert was old and wise and grew angry at the foolish young stream. "Of course I am sucking you up," replied the desert, "because that is what deserts do. I can't change. Please listen to me and allow yourself to be absorbed into the wind."
The stream was far too hot headed to listen. He had his pride and was happy being who he was. "I am a stream," he shouted, "and I want to stay a stream!" The sand, growing in impatience, replied again: "O foolish stream! You must throw yourself into the wind and you will fall as rain. Your droplets will cross mountains and oceans and you will be far greater than you are now. Please listen to my words!" 'The stream did not believe the sand and cried, "Desert, desert, how can I be sure you speak the truth?" The desert rose up in a sandstorm and called, "Trust me, O young stream, and think back: surely you can recall being in another form." The stream thought hard, its waters swirling as its memory worked. Then, gradually, it did remember ... it remembered a time when it was something else. '"Let yourself rise up!" cried the desert, "Up and up into the wind!" The stream did as the sands ordered and let himself rise in a curtain of mist, until he was absorbed in the wind. It felt wonderful, and right, as if it was meant to be.'

Monsieur Reda thumped his chest and coughed 'And that is how the stream which is life continues,' he said, 'and why the tale of its great journey is written in the sands.'


One of the roots of anxiety is unfinished tasks. And dark imaginings of the future.
Ultimately, given enough time, everything falls into place. The right action is bound to arise at the right time.