Friday, September 30, 2016

Pleasures of life

I was just thinking about the pleasures of life. All the little pleasures.
The conclusion is nothing beats a good nights sleep!

Sleep is bliss. (And the moments just before sleep and after waking up)

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Thoughts cover the sky

The mind is filled with thoughts. These thoughts are like the cloud which cover the sky. A dark thought is like a dark cloud which allows less light to enter. A light thought sis like a white cloud which does not obstruct much light. However, all thoughts, no matter the content, are like obstructions and cannot be relied upon. What is actually there cannot be spoken about, commented or thought but is the only thing that exists.

It does not matter whether you get it or not, as it is already the case.

Monday, September 12, 2016

A perfect moment

Past memories bubble up to the surface of consciousness. A few moments where a feeling of great wonder arose. What is it about life that creates moments of utter wonder. Unexpectedly, it arrives and you find yourself in a perfect moment.

The world is a play of consciousness. Consciousness is movement. To find a moment of stillness in the incessant movement of consciousness is wonderful.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

The pull of darkness

The chief obstacle to seeing awareness is negative tendencies. The negative tendencies/emotions and dark imaginings are powerful obstacles which render you blind to the true nature of things.

All negative tendencies are rooted in dark imaginings. Dark thoughts/malice/sadistic thoughts/thoughts of violence/rape/brutal sex/animal indulgences/thoughts of filth/guttural visions/sexual incest/sexual violence/forbidden sexual and violent indulgences/desire to cause pain are tendencies which have a vice like grip on the subconscious regions of the mind. These hold power over the mind, pervert the intellect and make it almost impossible to see the truth.

Dark imaginings are therefore your chief temptation. Why do we have these dark imaginings. Sometimes the mind seeks escape. As you become aware, you become aware of suffering, misery and the general pain of life. In order to escape the pain, you can either rise higher or fall lower. Dark imaginings are always a form of escape from pain. Sometimes, the pain that we carry is relieved by dark imaginings which offer the prospect of release. However, it comes at a cost. It completely blinds you to truth and leads you further into bondage. It binds you through addiction and then it becomes difficult to leave. It extinguishes the light. We take to the dark path to escape from pain, but it completely consumes.

When you go down the dark path, your intellect is perverted/corrupted and understanding disappears. All that you crave is greater darkness. Because it seems to release the pain temporarily. But it eventually leads to total despair. Like a craving that seeks immediate relief, the dark path takes you deeper into darkness.

It is the subconscious that harbors our dark tendencies, making it invisible to our conscious minds. Inside the subconscious, it lurks unseen and then when you are tired or your conscious mind control weakens, it arrives suddenly and performs its havoc and you are left wondering what happened.

Hence the need to be always vigilant. Only by grace when all the darkness is fully dispelled are you really liberated. As long as there is darkness, liberation is not possible. And darkness cannot be destroyed without light. Pray for light. Pray that the entire world is enlightened so that the darkness inside the subconscious is fully removed.

Darkness also has its role therefore. It allows us to start appreciating the normal. Great effort is required to resist the pull of darkness. Especially in times of great loss, the pull of darkness seems too much to resist. We can only pray that the light protects us in times of weakness. Invoke the Mother. She will protect you from darkness.

Nature of experience

There is no world to experience. Although you imagine that you are having experiences, the truth is that reality is experiencing itself.

Since non duality is the nature, there is only the One experiencing itself at all times. Due to the superimposition of images, it is believed that an individual is experiencing the world. However, there is only consciousness experiencing itself.

Awareness aware that is is aware. That is all. Nothing else is there.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

What the fuck?

What is the most important but least urgent in life?

 I don't know what is most important in life. The word important needs to be carefully  used. The careless usage of words leads only to confusion.

No matter how hard you try to avoid it, you will lose. You will fail. You will get conned.

All your writings are ultimately useless.

The mind keeps changing. Priorities keep changing. Life is just a game. Get married!

Shit the fuck and fuck the shit. Boldness speaks volumes.

Get married you bastard. Fuck everything else. Death is already pursuing you. The mind is purely selfish. What you think is best for you is generally not so.

Fuck the girl and shit the food. There is nothing else here to gain.