Saturday, July 30, 2016


Losing sight of the big picture and acting impulsively based on a momentary instinct leads to suffering.

All regret over past mistakes affects you when you dwell on it repeatedly.

Foolish actions are committed when you momentarily lose sight of the big picture. This causes suffering.

Inability to see things as they are leads to suffering.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Truth and freedom

What is the only thing that matters? Its knowing without doubt that you are un-limited.
Knowing that limitations are only mental creations and not actual realities.

To be truly convinced of your own freedom without a doubt is the only happiness there is. The antidote to fear.

Even in death and loss and physical pain, your are never limited. Knowing that you are not limited is the only knowing there is. Once this is known, nothing else is relevant.

Hence the only important task is to ceaselessly inquire as to who you really are. Keep inquiring until you are convinced. This is your only task.

Providing value to others is basically driven by fear. You think providing value to others ensures your survival with minimum discomfort.

The only real value you can provide is to convince yourself of your own limit-less-ness. Otherwise, the value that you provide is only through deception.

The art of manipulation

I hate it. I just gave away $3000 for a vacuum cleaner!!!
The mind was clouded by emotion and manipulated into parting with $3000!

Here's how:

1. Accepted a free gift of two containers at a shopping mall by signing up for a free demo. (Accepted free gift...first mistake)
2. Was unaware of the intention of the free demo was to actually push a trained salesman into your room.
3. Watched the demo and got convinced by the salesman's arguments on the amount of dust collected.
4. Allowed the salesman to manipulate the mind using fear of ill health, caused by dust allergy.
5. Fell for the subtle trick of relativity, where the salesman made the price of $3000 appear temporarily lower. Deception of relativity can make even $100,000 appear small and $1 appear huge.
6. Being continually pushed by the salesman created doubt in the mind. Fear of loss was activated.
7. Eventually a situation was reached where rationality was lost and the mind lost its ability to discriminate and decide.
8. The pressure from doubt along with the vanishing of discrimination and the desire for temporary relief from the grilling of the salesman resulted in the words 'okay' escaping the mouth.
9. This sealed the deal at which point I immediately realized the consequence of the fall and it was too late to reverse.

Lesson learnt:

1. Never accept free gifts
2. Never be good or polite to salesman
3. Need to develop distrust and ruthlessness
4. Stick to principles at all costs

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Life and wealth

The enormous value that we place over wealth and relationships is what lies at the root of the fear of death. One who is wealthy and has good relationships is soon attached to them and fears losing it. Find out instead what life is.

Is this enough?

What is life? What is contentment? Is it possible to live without fear? Is it possible to experience absolute contentment for even an instant? The sense of having no more wants?

It seems as though at every instant, there is this background of incessant dissatisfaction. A sense that things are somehow not right. A sense that change will come. Change makes it impossible to remain satisfied.

Today your situation is one way. Tomorrow it will be another. What then can one rely on? Death is continuously stalking.

Fear of poverty, of illness of being left alone, of dependency dominate the recesses of the mind. How does one guarantee the stability of any emotional state.

Certain thought trains have enormous influence on your well being. Certain intense thoughts keep playing over and over again. There seems to be no relief from these intense thought trains. What fuels these thought trains? What fuels regret? The expectation that things could somehow be different. The belief that things could somehow be different had you made a different choice. The belief that things as they stand at this moment should not be this way. The belief that you could have acted differently in the 'past'.

That which matters cannot be affected by any action, past present or future. Certain variable interact among themselves and an 'action' is performed. Who is the performer of these actions? Who is the thinker of thoughts?

Saturday, July 2, 2016

The costliest mistake

Foolishness is the costliest thing in the world.
One moment of a foolish decision can cost you a lifetime of merit.

Just an instant of foolishness, an instant loss of discrimination, a moment of loss of rationality is enough to destroy the gain of lifetimes.

All the dedicated efforts of a lifetime can be lost in a single instant of foolishness. Only intelligent discrimination can protect from foolishness.

Thus, pray for protection from foolishness and blindness. The only protection that is required.

The only protection that is needed is from foolishness.

Foolishness = Blindness = Ignorance