Friday, November 27, 2015

Root of confusion

"You" will never know whats going to happen 'after death'. But if your 'need to know' is too great, you just might end up fabricating some nonsense.

What is is. What is not is not.

What can be known is knowable. What cannot be known is unknowable.

Give up trying to know the unknowable.

The desire to know the unknowable is the root of confusion.

Remain as awareness. Awareness aware that it is aware.

It is already so.

Give up all other twisted desires.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Excerpt on Nothing

The biggest mystery is perhaps the question: How did something come out of nothing? How did existence come out of non-existence? And it's an important question. In fact, it's so important that if you could realize the non-verbal answer to that question, then every question of existence would naturally be resolved in that same instance.

What you call "something" is more of "a nothing" than "a something", yet it's not "a nothing" either.
Quantum physics is beginning to stumble upon the fact that everything is empty. When they try to find "something", also called "matter", it disappears. What they have yet to realize is that "nothing" is the only "something" there is. In other words, nothing is the discovery. Nothing is as close to something as it gets.

However, Reality is beyond something and beyond nothing. It's beyond both. And here is where it gets tricky to describe because you cannot speak about that which cannot be understood conceptually. It is not what it seems to be. Something is not what it seems to be and also what nothing or non-existence points to is not what it seems to be.

What is being pointed to can only be known when you don't know anything. No movement of any ideas, not even subtly. Then, what is realized, is that which is beyond something and beyond nothing, yet it's always available and truly the only unmoved Reality.

And That, what That is pointing to, could be called "the Reality of nothing" or "the Reality of non-existence". Which seems like a paradox, but it's not at all paradoxical, it's simply non-conceptual.

Most people fear death because they fear nothing or fear non-existence. They don't relate to nothing as an empty single One space or simply this hereness without ideas, but death is related to as an non-existence or an ending.

What people fear is going to die, never existed; not as "a something" and not as "a beginning". It's only a massive interlinking of conceptual ideas. "Something", or "matter", only exists as an idea, which is why it cannot be found.

The idea of something is only possible because of nothing (I am using the word "nothing" here, to point to that which isn't an idea; that which is beyond something and beyond nothing). The idea of something comes out of nothing . "Something" never happened. For "something" to happen, it has to have a beginning and an end. The only end is when the idea of something vanishes. And in hindsight you can say it was never there.

It happens every night in deep sleep. But that's just words to point to what is already the case. In truth nothing happens because nothing is ever happening. "Deep sleep" is the only Reality.
Nobody ever wakes up, or awakens, because that which awakens was never here and that which comes to be known is the only known that can be known. I Am without a second. I Am, nothing else is. Then, the known reference of I Am is dropped as an idea because it doesn't reference itSelf; it just is. It's not nothing and it's not something, it's the only; it simply is. Simply is, without ideas. Just this, without ideas of what this is.

The isness of nothing (that which is beyond nothing and also beyond something), just is, and is without beginning and without end; beyond both. There is no such thing as an end to "nothing" because "nothing" never had a beginning.

"Nothing" doesn't need something to mirror itSelf or to see itSelf. It cannot see itSelf, and doesn't need to reflect itSelf because it's Self-evident to itSelf without reflection. In fact, this "purest nothing", which I'm failing to point at, is only realized when the idea of something is no longer energized. Yet, when it's not energized, then it's easily realized. The realization happens all too often (since it's the only unmoved Reality), even in "deep sleep".

However, it's not so pure in deep sleep, since "the mind" (which is just another idea of something, but points to that which produces the idea of something), is static, or temporarily unenergized, yet ready to move into ideas of something happening with even the slight interest in what it seems to be offering.

In other words, something didn't come out of nothing. There is only nothing. But nothing is not what it seems to be. Nothing is known when the idea of nothing is not being conceptualized and the idea of something is not being conceptualized. When the mind stops moving or simply stops believing anything it has to say. Since something only appears when the mind is followed to the conclusions it offers.

Nothing is not nothing. Nothing is when you cannot know what is. And when you cannot know what is, that's the only known that is realized. It's realized that when you have no idea about what is, that's what is. It's realized when you're not conceptualizing, that's what Reality is. And that's what the mind relates to as nothing or non-existence, but it's not nothing, it's simply the end of the mind; the mind is actually non-existent. Was never there as something. The mind is nothing, which conceptualizes the idea of something; something happening.
The mind cannot know itself without knowing something outside of itself. This is why in deep sleep the mind seems non-existent since it has no environment, thus it cannot move. The mind knows itself through the idea of an external environment. In deep sleep there is no experience of an external environment, thus the mind is stilled or frozen. In this freeze, the mind cannot conceptualize its own existence because there is nothing else to compare itself to, thus nothing is experienced to the mind as non-existent. But it is the mind that is non-existent, not nothing.
Nothing is the only experience that can be experienced because there is nothing else except for nothing, yet nothing is not an experience. Nothing is the only existence. And yet, it cannot be experienced as existence, it can only be known as what you really are; the only Reality.
In this sense, people are afraid of themselves since they are afraid of knowing themselves as absolutely nothing because they don't understand themselves; they don't understand what nothing actually is.
Without nothing, even the idea of something couldn't be conceptualized. In other words, if nothing was equivalent to non-existence, or forever dead, then what you call existence couldn't be. In fact, what you call non-existence is the only existence. Non-existence or nothing, is the only suchness, which isn't a suchness.

If you are still, in the peace of nothing, you will experience nothing as the most beautiful essence since you will not be there having an experience. Much like the peace of deep sleep. As soon as you awake, you wish to go back to sleep because the wake state is effort. The effort of continuously relating to ideas; the struggle of propping up a reality which has no existence. The effort of the mind, to understand itself through ideas, is the struggle.

When one's mind is relaxed, they will see the beauty of life, but the habit is to relate to life as something; as the miracle of something, the miracle of life, yet the true beauty is the beauty of nothing. In other words, what people call "the miracle of life" is experienced when one gets still, falls into gratefulness, sees more clearly, or less ideas are being manufactured. In the stillness; in the not moving, in the being as what is; beauty is known.
Nothing, that which is beyond ideas, is beautiful. Nothing is not everythingness, nothing is nothingness. Nothingness is the miracle. Nothingness has no beginning or end, it is its own eternal miracle. The only miracle. And yet, everyone worships the everythingness because they don't realize that everythingness is actually the beauty of nothingness.
To have devotion to the nothingness is to have devotion to that which is. Every Master, if truly clear, will have extreme devotion and most will assume that the devotion is a devotion to somethingness, since that's what they postulate.
The fact is that nobody can understand nothingness. How do you understand that which is Eternal? How do you understand the Infinite, when THAT is all that is? How do you understand what is, when what is, is not an isness?

It's the not understanding; the not conceptualizing, only then is what is, known. It's known, but not understood, you see? And that's the only absolute knowing there is to know. It's not known as knowledge, but known as Self-evident. It's known by being it; it's known by not conceptualizing it being. It's the only being, yet Being is not a being and it's not a non-being, it just is. Out beyond all ideas, it just is.

What Is being pointed to, is as clear as words can get, but it can sound complex because it's actually the most simple realization; the most simple innocent and naive seeing. It's the simple realization that nothing the mind thinks, says or does has any reality.
The Reality of nothingness is not true or untrue, it's not form or formless, it's not non-dual or dual, it's not spiritual or worldly, it's not ordinary or extraordinary, it's not empty or full. It's not nothing or everything and not anything else. It's beyond any ideas; it's beyond anything that can be known. It's the pure experience of unknowingness. Unknowingness is known when you're not moving away from unknowingness. Drop all philosophies, theories, spiritual understandings, experiences and beliefs, then here it is. Utterly simple.

~excerpt (Nick)


Awareness aware of being aware is all that's here. Period.

Friday, November 20, 2015

On death and joy

The notion of death clears up a lot of confusion. When you realize you will die and nothing of this world taken be taken with you, you learn to stop valuing things which you used to value earlier. Also, you realize the futility of all your little worries and anxieties. Most of the little stuff that we spend time worrying about are not worth the worry.

When you are about to die, you realize that to be alive itself is the greatest gift. However, the dust of mundane life accumulates in the form of countless worries over trivial issues. The realization of death wipes clean all of these mundane worries. In some ways, you become bold. Or you may immerse yourself in deep despair.

When you desperately cling to life, it makes you pathetic. You spend extra effort trying to be nice and to please others.

At some point in life, you must take a stand. Or else you will be swept away by its powerful currents.
Stop engaging in futile activities. This alone clears up lots of confusion. Ultimately life's transcendence consists in loving the very life you are living. The energy of love will burn all your fears. To love this very moment just as it is with all your heart is the final realization. There never is another moment.

True joy lies in enjoying the unadulterated bliss of supreme aloneness.

The bliss of true solitude is incomparable and permanent.

True solitude is the realization that there is no one but you.

You alone are life and its experience. There is no other.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


There is a great void of pain at the heart of life. Of despair and utter helplessness. Helplessly driven by forces beyond our understanding. What can one do? Nothing solves anything.

Sometimes a great despair seizes me. The despair of utter helplessness and ruining life. I think left to my own choices, I would ruin my life.

Fear of uncertainty results in the desire to know. The desire to know results in illusory knowledge. All knowledge is subtle ignorance. Peace comes when we realize nothing can actually be known. But when nothing can be known, on what basis do we act? Hence all action is based on error, not truth. All actions are flawed.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


The only wish for an immortal would be for death.

If you become immortal and are allowed to have only one wish, it would be to choose the time of your death.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Consequence of decision

The consequences of decisions are sometimes unfavorable.
Sometimes you are mad for having taken (or not taken) a particular decision. In such a case, raging arises underneath.

It cannot be helped. Finally, since life is forever moving, poor decisions cannot be avoided. What judges the decision as poor?

Decisions are decisions. 'Poor' judgement comes later.

The state of mind prior to the decision does not equal the state of mind following the decision. And you cannot predict the state of mind following the decision before having actually decided.

Infact, the act of deciding creates the reality following the decision which had no prior existence.

There is no way of knowing your state of mind following the decision. This makes it impossible to predict.

Regretting a decision after having made it is the worst feeling. Since it cannot be undone. Yet, what is it that remains immune to all your stupid decisions? See that.

That which is remains as it is. Untouched by any decision.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015


The Tip of the Iceberg
Consider your karma, karmic traces and karmic prana to be like a huge iceberg.
A very small point or peak extends upward and is visible above the water line, the massive remainder lies beneath the surface.
That "tip" or peak is our current single conscious thought. When that current thought appears it has the mass and weight of the entire karmic history supporting it. Engaging in ordinary thinking and conceptualizing sustains and feeds the karmic mass below the surface which in turn engenders and generates more karmic thoughts that arise dependently originated from the karmic mass beneath surface consciousness.
To break off this karmic connection with surface consciousness all the teachings recommend abandoning, ignoring or at least not engaging in the current thought appearing in mind. Be instead the "observing awareness" that observes the current thought but doesn't feed or engage it. By doing so the tip or peak sinks below the surface along with karmic mass beneath.
What's interesting is that when the karmic mass is disengaged in this way, the mass itself vanishes until invoked again by the mind grasping another concept of thought.
This is identical to quantum physics where the potential possibilities remain in an undefined and non-manifested "super-position" until invoked, defined and observed. The mind's belief and engagement in any concept or thought enlivens the entire supporting chain of karmic potentials that then manifest their attending emotional and conditioned contents. This is how samsara arises with every thought and ceases as every thought releases. Bondage and liberation both occur with every thought and concept.
The sense of self identity is just this karmic process in action. There is no self there except the one at this end of the ancient chain of karmic conditioning and karmic memory appearing as the current, apparent self-entity as the peak of the iceberg. It's always felt as "me". It too is just a single karmic thought pushing up from the depths of karmic conditioning.
When the mind sees the empty nature of thoughts then they abort upon the arising. When the mind doesn't see the empty nature of thoughts upon the arising; then samsara's veil casts shadows that seem independent and real. This is the cause of suffering by beings who themselves have never actually arisen except as shadow fantasies of karmic conditioning and belief.

~Jackson Peterson

Dream of the world

The Self is always asleep. Hence all existence is a dream.

Dream is possible only when there is sleep.

The One is ever asleep. Hence the world and the individual are being dreamt.

One alone lies forever asleep. Dreams of individuality and multiplicity and worlds and things arise.

Nothing can ever disturb The One.

Monday, November 2, 2015


The mind is the biggest fraud there is. No bigger fraud.
It tricks you into believing a complete lie. And then you act based on that lie. And you fall.