Friday, July 31, 2015

The subconscious mind

The desires that are kept hidden become subconscious desires.
The subconscious mind is nothing but an accumulation of all hidden desires.

Some desires that we refuse to acknowledge to our conscious minds get stored up in the subconscious.

Like the desire for sex, desire for dirty sex, certain irrational beliefs, tendencies that the conscious mind finds repulsive, also our deepest wishes and intentions.

These desires and beliefs can show up in dreams. It then becomes necessary to bring our subconscious tendencies into the light of the conscious mind. As soon as this is done, the mass of the subconscious mind reduces.

If you were to reach a state where nothing is kept hidden from the conscious mind, you would then have no subconscious mind.

We were never meant to have a subconscious mind, but the desire to keep thoughts and desires and beliefs hidden creates a subconscious mind to store these impressions.

I find that the body has a strong subconscious desire to have very dirty sex. And also sex with demons. And a strong subconscious fear of reptiles and fear of being eaten by a reptile (like a python). But then it also has a desire to have sex with the python before it is eaten by it.

It has a strong subconscious desire to have sex with every woman that it finds attractive, very dirty sex. In toilets even.

The sexual urge of the body is very strong.

It also has a strong desire for violence. It desires to tear apart other bodies. Even rape.

These desires are mostly kept in check by the conscious mind. But sometimes in dreams, the desire plays itself out.

I have lived a very ascetic life, denying sex to the body and also denying touch. As a result of this denial, the body has developed strong subconscious desire for sex with a demoness. For her fiery touch and painful and violent sex.

It is only this primal sexual urge that keeps the mind so strongly attached to physicality. And denying and hiding this urge has indeed created a strong subconscious desire for brutal sex.

However, it must be realized that satisfying this subconscious urge will not lead to its fulfillment. It will show up again and again and is actually the program installed by nature to ensure the continuation of the species. Hence, it is essential to recognize that the sexual urge has nothing to do with you, but is only a program installed by nature. If you direct this program into unnatural actions and behaviors, it will have corresponding consequences.

The best way to handle this program seems to get married and start a family. How much can you deny it?

However, if you are convinced that your true nature is awareness, this program cannot affect you. Awareness cannot be programmed.

Seek refuge in God. That alone can cure you of the disease of the subconscious mind. God is Pure Consciousness.

Purpose of philosophy

What is ultimately the purpose of philosophy? It is to uncover truth.

What is truth? Truth is that which exists.

What is un-truth? Un-truth or the false is that which does not exist.

How does one realize what is true and what is false?
Truth exists without change. Truth is that which is beyond doubt.
False keeps changing and is never absolutely certain. It is subject to doubt.

False has many faces. Truth is One.

That which is true is true even now. That which is false is not.

Leave aside the false and recognize the truth. This is the only task of philosophy.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Blessings of being single

Never forget the blessings of being single.

Being single is the most powerful way to bypass a million troubles. The only price is those few moments of regret. But that is a small price and one can learn to live with it.

The troubles that come with relationship are much larger.

Embrace your singlehood.

Enjoy it.

Consciousness is single.

God is single.

Journey to yourSelf

What journey can possibly be made to arrive at truth?

What journey can possibly be made to arrive at the Self?

There is no journey. Only instanteneous recognition of what has always been. That is not a person. But the essence of you.

Knowing this essence, being this essence, deciding on this essence alone is self knowledge.

Knowing this alone is liberation.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Consciousness here

I find it very difficult to write about anything other than the consciousness now present.

The aware presence that is now awareness, just notice it.

It is so simple, so clear and so intimate. If you are unable to notice it, stop trying to find it in thought. Its right here. As a softness that is untouched by circumstance. Its nature is like Light in that is is self revealing.

When ever you notice, its always there. This awareness is our true identity. Not the little person who is reading these words. But the awareness that even now is aware of being.

It seems as though this awareness is aware of the world or aware of thoughts or activity. But since there is no 'world' or 'thoughts' or áctivity' as a standalone reality, we conclude that only the awareness is truly what exists. This might take some time to grasp due to the deep rooted tendency to assert the reality of  'objects'. Once it is truly realized that there are no 'objects', the only conclusion is that awareness alone is.

The 'world' is an imagination or dream made up of consciousness. And so are you. Awareness is the ever present reality at all times. Even time is 'inside' consciousness.

Once this is recognized and conviction arises, nothing remains to be done. Not let the play proceed as it is. You simply play the assigned role. What happens or does not happen is no longer your concern.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Envy arises

A fire arises again. Knowing that someone else has secured a 'better' state creates an instantaneous response of anger. Envy, the old dog is still very much alive. However, welcome the guest. Acknowledge the old dog and he will soon leave.

Remember that recognition of truth is life's ultimate gift. Self knowledge is the largest grace.

Remember to remain eternally grateful to the One who alone is. And to those who remind you of your true nature. All 'others' are not worthy of envy.

You alone are eternally here. Knowing this, remain always at peace.


Absolute stillness

There is nothing left to do or avoid.

When only One is, nothing else remains.

Nothing to oppose, stillness absolute.

Absolute stillness is opposed not even to motion.

There is only absolute stillness. Not even an atom of motion ever is.

The One Mind

Great sages have always stressed on the sole existence of Reality alone.

The One Mind is all there is. No other ever comes into or goes out of being. All that 'seems' other than the One Mind is the One Mind alone.

Hence since the One Mind alone is, there remains nothing to either be done or undone.

The One Mind is the Self.

This alone is to be recognized.

No other is.

Salutations to That alone.

Monday, July 6, 2015

You are desireless Consciousness

Desireless forever complete absolutely untouched pure consciousness.

No you apart from IT.

Pure desireless infinite consciousness.

What else could possibly be?

Noticing desireless complete infinite consciousness is the solution in all problems.

The antidote to fear is to notice consciousness whenever fear seems to arise.

To consciousness there is only itself appearing as the various 'external forms'.

To Consciousness, the óther is mere thought.

To consciousness, there is only consciousness.

No question of an 'other' or a cause or effect.

No cause that caused it to exist.

Existence and the consciousness of existence are the same thing.

This is the great wisdom that ends all suffering.

To him who teaches this, a thousand accolades.