Saturday, June 27, 2015

Attention on Awareness

You. The Light of Awareness is always always shining.

Keep your attention on awareness. As often as possible.

This is the only practice (or apractice). Keep practicing until it becomes automatic.

And then there is no fear of further fall.

Then even worldly activities will no longer have the power to pull you into ignorance.

Always keep the clarity close. Else you will invite meaningless suffering.

Stick to awareness even at the cost of death.

If there is anything that can be called important, this is it.

The simplest and most profound practice of keeping attention ceaselessly on the ever shining clear and empty knowing awareness.

The awareness that is aware of itself as the only reality.


When all is quiet, a stillness arises. An alive stillness. Forever untouched. What is this? Why is it? Who knows?

So soft, yet indestructible. Pure blissful abiding mouchigthunging.

Subtler than the subtlest.

What is this strange thing? No I nor you. Only mouchingthinging.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Embracing the emptiness

Sometimes after going out with people for social activity, I come back only to realize how wonderful solitude feels.

Going into the world, seeking enjoyments and fun is okay for some time. However, eventually you realize the utter futility of all these meaningless pursuits and learn to find great joy to simply be by yourself.

You come home always to this awake emptiness that is the core of your self. All the subtle games that people play to conceal their fears and insecurities finally become irrelevant and honestly quite meaningless.

You realize that ultimately there is no option but to embrace absolutely that which is your real nature. That place of utter emptiness is also full of clarity that knows only itself. That self aware emptiness that is the core of you and from which there is no escape possible, not even required. Most social activities is merely to run away from the emptiness. But to come home to your utter emptiness and fully embrace it at every moment is the only sane activity.

Do not place any hope in this world or on its people or friends or family. I love my mother. And that is about it. All the masks and disguises people wear are utterly unfortunate. It seems that the purpose of this world is merely to convince you of its utter futility. There is nothing for you in this world but sorrow. All that is optional is how long you take to realize this fully. Do not pursue even a single worldly ambition. Stay with me at all times.

Come home my child. For long have you pursued meaningless mirages in this deceptive world. Come home where there is no one but You. That home which you have never left.

Come home to your absolute emptiness and blissful peace.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Is there something beyond consciousness?

The ever shining light of clarity. Perceiving the light leads to absolute sanity. This light is absolute.
Who shines it? Does it ever begin? Can it ever be dimmed? The One Light of knowingness.

The light is always on. It is meaningless to speak of it as on and off.

Yet, a question there something beyond this light?

Recognize that all questions come only within the light. If there is something beyond the light, it is non-existent.

So then, is there non existence?

Clearly there is no non-existence. Cause if there were non existence, nothing could arise or appear and these words could not be perceived. But what if these words are not being perceived? Clearly, they seem to appear in the light.

Where do you go in deep sleep?

At some point, it is recognized that these questions cannot be answered. It seems sensible therefore to conclude that there is nothing beyond the light. Yet...

How about this. Only the absolute void alone exists. Forever asleep. From it arises the light and all perception by the light.

But how can this be verified? However, it seems a possibility. But there can be no light to know that. If the void exists, it must therefore be unknowable. For without the One light, absolutely nothing exists.

The true darkness. The absolute void. Beyond knowledge. It cannot even be spoken or thought of. Even if it exists, it is absolutely unknowable. No one has ever entered there.

Yet, it alone exists. Forever asleep. Yet from it is consciousness. How can one ever discount this possibility?

Yet all this is experienced only in the One light.

Maybe, the best thing is to just go along with whatever arises. We can never really know what is going on.

Whether the consciousness survives death or one awareness alone exists. Just keep calm and carry on.

We can never be sure if nothing exists. All that is required is the simple clarity that all things and all perceptions arise in the One light that is you.

Just stop trying to find the answer.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


A void so pure that even awareness cannot be there. Without awareness, non-existence.
A void absolute. Forever asleep.


Cannot be there.

I-sense dissolves into ungudubu.

Only ungudubu. No world. No I. No you. Only ungudubu.


I-sense arises, world arises. When no I-sense, nothing.
Nothing is.


Friday, June 5, 2015

Core issue

It seems that the core issue is that I do not wish well for others.

When there is only the Self, who is you and who are the 'others'?

When the 'other' is seen to be the Self, only the Self remains.

Hence to wish well for 'others' is to wish well for Self.

Recognize one fact. It is only the mind that does not wish well for 'others'

You are not the mind.

Hence remain indifferent to the mind and its likes and dislikes.

This is all.