There is a part of me that wants to break every bond including the bond with parents.
Sometimes the realization comes that the greatest bondage is bondage to parents.
The bondage to parents brings great sorrow. Many times we are afraid to come out of a particular situation only because we are afraid of the effect of that decision on our parents.
In moments of great humiliation, we see that it is attachment to family (parents) that seems to be a major issue.
Also, it is seen that it is the ego identity that is attached. It is afraid of breaking this attachment.
To be born of worldly parents is a great misery. It promotes tremendous emotional attachment.
So many issues come to the fore. The main reason we pursue our jobs, get money and start a family is purely due to parental attachment. Attachment to parents is a root attachment, based on fear of the outside world and familiarity with parents.
The desire to succeed is also programmed into the subconscious by parents, which is extremely difficult to transcend later.
The practice now is to slowly break this attachment. If there is rebirth, I only wish to be born to a couple with high spiritual awareness and renunciation. I have had enough of this foolish pursuit of success.
This birth should be focused on resolving all unresolved issues, mainly completing family obligations once and for all, bearing the consequences of past actions and preparing the mindset for next birth.
The biggest challenge in this birth seems to be overcoming attachment to parents. To let go with no hard feelings. This will free both child and parent.
Another great source of distress is comparison with peers. Watching your peers advance in society is not easy to digest. Infact, most difficult to endure.
Nothing hurts so deep than watching others go ahead in life while you lie stagnating.
Sometimes you just have to man up and accept your shortcomings. Even if that is a lack of ambition.
Stop blaming your parents.
Again, is this comparison true? Or your mind just playing another trick?
Do you see the mind of the other with whom you compare yourself?
Sometimes, the simplest thing that liberates is to merely speak the truth. Even to authority.
Speaking the truth is the simplest and most powerful method to change your life. Truth liberates. Try it in this birth itself.
Plan for rebirth:
1. Birth to a couple with high spiritual awareness.
2. Strong awareness of truth (Self awareness) and purpose at an early age, with minimal programming.
3. Renounce family life at the age of 15 and engage purely in meditation.
4. Direct self realization at age 23.
5. To be absolutely convinced about the futility of pursuing illusions.
5. No personal concerns after this point.