Thursday, April 30, 2015

Self alone is real

The world is not unreal.
When it is seen as the world, it arouses fear.
When it is seen as the Self, all fear disappears.

The misperception of the Self as the world only needs correction.

Once corrected, there is nothing but the Self which alone is real.

All is Self. There is no 'world' out there.

The world there fore is not unreal. The world is the Self.

The Self is the only reality.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Sunday, April 26, 2015


You are not the one living a life. You are the watching of it.
Perfectying claritying watchingness.

Supreme Clarity beneath the imaginary person and his foolish drama.

Fear of death

The imaginary ego is imaginarily bound by the imagined expectations of imagined others.

Simply put, you are bound by the expectations of all people who know you.

The more people who know you, the greater the sense of bondage.

And finally, the fear of death. And the fear of all imaginary terrible scenarios.

Like being eaten by a snake,

Being eaten by rats

Dying inside the gutter, covered in shit and being chewed down by rodents.

Being hacked into pieces.

Terrible imaginary outcomes.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


There is a part of me that wants to break every bond including the bond with parents.
Sometimes the realization comes that the greatest bondage is bondage to parents.

The bondage to parents brings great sorrow. Many times we are afraid to come out of a particular situation only because we are afraid of the effect of that decision on our parents.

In moments of great humiliation, we see that it is attachment to family (parents) that seems to be a major issue.

Also, it is seen that it is the ego identity that is attached. It is afraid of breaking this attachment.

To be born of worldly parents is a great misery. It promotes tremendous emotional attachment.

So many issues come to the fore. The main reason we pursue our jobs, get money and start a family is purely due to parental attachment. Attachment to parents is a root attachment, based on fear of the outside world and familiarity with parents.
The desire to succeed is also programmed into the subconscious by parents, which is extremely difficult to transcend later.
The practice now is to slowly break this attachment. If there is rebirth, I only wish to be born to a couple with high spiritual awareness and renunciation. I have had enough of this foolish pursuit of success.

This birth should be focused on resolving all unresolved issues, mainly completing family obligations once and for all, bearing the consequences of past actions and preparing the mindset for next birth.

The biggest challenge in this birth seems to be overcoming attachment to parents. To let go with no hard feelings. This will free both child and parent.

Another great source of distress is comparison with peers. Watching your peers advance in society is not easy to digest. Infact, most difficult to endure.

Nothing hurts so deep than watching others go ahead in life while you lie stagnating.

Sometimes you just have to man up and accept your shortcomings. Even if that is a lack of ambition.
Stop blaming your parents.

Again, is this comparison true? Or your mind just playing another trick?
Do you see the mind of the other with whom you compare yourself?

Sometimes, the simplest thing that liberates is to merely speak the truth. Even to authority.
Speaking the truth is the simplest and most powerful method to change your life. Truth liberates. Try it in this birth itself.

Plan for rebirth:

1. Birth to a couple with high spiritual awareness.
2. Strong awareness of truth (Self awareness) and purpose at an early age, with minimal programming.
3. Renounce family life at the age of 15 and engage purely in meditation.
4. Direct self realization at age 23.
5. To be absolutely convinced about the futility of pursuing illusions. 
5. No personal concerns after this point.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Love of a sage

The love of a sage transcends across all dimensions and all intervals of time, providing refuge and healing to countless beings. There is no greater love. I bow down to this love.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Subconscious beliefs

It is too difficult to make money

It is too difficult to attract a woman

It takes too much effort to pursue your dreams

We must survive first

We must not go against the popular perception

We must resist temptations and desires

We are a malicious person who does not deserve to be loved

We must remain in our comfort zone and avoid exerting ourself in pursuit

We must uphold a respectable self image

We cannot risk humiliation

We must stay safe and secure at all costs

Safety and security and survival is all important

The world is a dangerous place. So stay at home and avoid interacting too much with the world.

To have power over others. To ruthlessly destroy all who oppose my desires.

The core subconscious belief is 'I am weak and a powerless victim of my circumstance. Completely at the mercy of external forces beyond my control'. This core subconscious belief must be first overcome.

Convince yourself that there is no external world 'out there'. That which appears as 'the world' is only Mind. Nothing is outside you. Consciousness alone exists. That is who you are.

Be absolutely convinced of this alone. All else will follow.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Be nice

Today, I have finally faced the consequences of being nasty.
My own strategy, born out of arrogance and the feeling of being used by another has perfectly backfired onto me.

There is really no point in being nasty.

Be good to others. It will help you tremendously.

It will make you cheerful and confident.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Self love

What is self love?

If you really love yourself (which you do anyway), you will want to ensure that you remain happy and peaceful. If you knew that by harming others, or by refusing to share when given an opportunity, or by avoiding something you should be addressing, you will feel miserable afterwards, would you continue doing these?

Self love is to value your own happiness and inner harmony.
This is possible only by prioritizing it above all others.

Give up the desire to bring obstacles into others lifes.

Give up the desire to bound others.

Free yourself by allowing freedom for all around you. Irrespective of your present condition.

Importance of sharing

One issue that has been noticed is that I desire to have power over others.
Sometimes, I avoid sharing because I perceive that only weak people share. Powerful ones do not need to share and are self sufficient. Allowing others to use something that belongs to me is a sign of weakness.

But I realize that this can backfire. All desire to avoid sharing comes from arrogance. You foolishly believe that if you possess something that others do not, you have power over them, which breeds arrogance. Then when your illusion is shattered, it is especially painful.

Always remember that sharing what you possess is the best approach. Share and be good.
Help others.

This will be a great stress buster. Give up the foolish desire to acquire power over others.

Kindness and humility are most precious.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Take action

Ok, so we need to start dealing with our issue or unmet needs.
Let us honestly assess the unresolved issues for this person:

1. Lack of social skills --> few friends --> feeling lonely
2. Not financially independent as yet --> feeling bound

The most important priority is financial independence.

In order to proceed with financial independence, certain social skills need to be learned first.
You have enough intelligence and hard skills.

Social skills involve communicating your deepest emotions with other people. I AM <--> YOU ARE.

The biggest obstacle to developing social skills is ego (or fear of embarrassment).

Self deception is so pervasive that it is not even noticed. I have been deceiving myself all my life.

Unless I become financially liberated, I will remain dissatisfied. Learn to write well and think analytically through your PhD training. Use this to liberate yourself financially by creating your own enterprise which teaches others to liberate themselves financially.

Since the world is just like a playground, what is there to fear? What stops you from taking action?

I am taking action by completing my PhD projects independently and learning from them.

Taking action is the only way to salvation.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Clarity is here.

Clarity is always here.

Clarity is aware of clarity.

Clarity shining through.

No need to do.

How to use clarity?

Is clarity enough by itself?

Is anything really done?

Does anything need to be known?

Who knows? Who does?

Who desires? Who gets fulfilled of desire?

What needs to be solved?

Clarity remains untouched.

What to do now? Who does?

Is there anything else?

Is there a thought of clarity?

Is there an attainment of clarity?

Is there an ‘other than’ clarity?

Sole absolute clarity.

The final refuge.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Gratitude list

As I reach 30 years of age today, let me make a list of things to be grateful for:

1. Foremost is self knowledge guided by scripture. There is nothing more important than this. Self knowledge will not be traded for anything else, neither wealth nor worldly relationship.

2. Health is decent

3. Good family upbringing and a loving family

4. Opportunity to receive knowledge from good universities and to pursue a PhD

5. Reasonably sharp intellect

6. No need to struggle for daily bread.

7. Ability to communicate clearly

8. Love of wisdom

9. Veneration for scriptures and sages

10. Ability to inspire others

11. Ability to concentrate and focus

12. Desire for liberation

13. Self confidence

However, I also realize that I have some areas of improvement, especially in the social domain which may require some addressing. :-)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Struggle of the countless

Countless beings struggle for a miniscule fraction of resources. If this is not madness, what is?
Their entire lives caught up in a struggle for so little, it's almost shameful.

Truly, it is only he who has given up all desire for posession, all desire to live who alone endures.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Fear of laziness

A great fear arises. A fear that laziness will lead to my ruin.
Fear that laziness will make me a bitter person, cynical and unable to accept the perceived success of others.

Self effort is the antidote to laziness.

Overcoming laziness

Laziness breeds fear.
Please do not justify laziness.

Laziness is ignorance and leads to ruin.

The covetousness of the lazy person eats him from the inside like a cancer. He is jealous of others who are prosperous but refuses to work to earn a living. These emotions of envy and greed, when allowed to intensify over the years will cause physical problems and affect vital organs and could lead to death. The righteous realize that all they own belongs to God. They give liberally without apprehension but the covetous, lazy man lusts after more of the world’s goods. The lottery was tailor made for him.