Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I and i

Egoism is the attitude of ‘i’ and ‘mine’. Actually, is there any meaning in saying ‘i’ and ‘mine’? Who are we referring to when we say ‘i’? If it is the body, do we own the body? How can the body, conceived of by our parents and sustained by nature, by ours? What do we give in compensation for the air, water and light we take from nature? How then can we say that this body, which is wholly indebted to others, is ours? If the ‘i’ is in the name, where was it before our parents named us? And if we change our name, what happens to the ‘i?’ Similarly, what is the difference between my body and those of others? Apart from superficial differences in shape and size, is there a fundamental difference? After the body dies, the body that we call ‘mine’ will not be with us anymore. If the body were ours, wouldn’t it remain with us always?

If we were the mind, it should be under our control, but that is not the case. Sometimes, we are sad, sometimes happy, sometimes angry, and sometimes lazy. Thus, it has a different character at different times. Where is the real ‘I’ in all this? Can we introduce ourselves to others by merely saying ‘i’? Without adding information pertaining to our occupation or the fact that we are someone’s son or husband, or that we are from a certain place, our identity is not clear.

Yet, are any of these permanent? No. Our job can change. Our address can change. We will lose our near and dear ones today or tomorrow. So, do ‘i’ not exist without them? If ‘i’ do, who then am i? If we inquire within, we will understand that what we refer to as ‘i’ is not real the ‘I’. It is the Atma (Self), the expansive ‘I’ that inheres in everyone. We might say, ‘I’m Madhava’ or ‘I’m Keshava’ or ‘I’m Krishna’.

What is common is the ‘I’. Even though the refrigerator, fan and light seem different, there is no difference in the electric current that makes each one of them work. In the same way, the supreme consciousness that inheres in all of us is the same. That is the real ‘I’. When we recognise that ‘I’, we will realise that all we see is the same ‘I’. One who recognises that, is no ordinary individual. His individual mind has become the universal mind. This realisation is not instantly possible for all. It is like striking the lottery. Some will attain this realisation quickly. The obstacles of ‘i’ and ‘mine’, standing in the way of expressing love selflessly, will be absent in them. When a flower blossoms, its fragrance wafts away. It does not reclaim its fragrance. In the same way, when love awakens in a person, it flows like a river to the rest of the world.


Purpose of conversation

Conversing with others is a major activity in our life. We spend a very large fraction of our time conversing with various people. Hence, it is important to understand the purpose of conversation and what is it that we seek in conversing with others.

In any conversation, there are two parties. The first is the speaker and the second is the listener.

Only those conversations which uplift  both the speaker and the listener must be engaged in.

If there is any attempt to misguide or delude, such conversations must be immediately avoided.

The entire world is sustained by delusion. Such delusive words must not be spoken to anyone. It is much better to avoid speaking rather than to delude the listener.

A listener must be extremely discriminative of the words of the speaker. In a world where it is so easy to be carried away by lies and deception, a listeners foremost duty is to develop the faculty of discrimination wherein he does not allow himself to be deceived by the false words of a misguided speaker.

Only balanced individuals have a right to influence. All others are advised to practice silence and reflect upon their true intentions while speaking with others. There is too much talk in the world. Each one filled with preconceived notions and foolish delusions. It is much better to practice solitude and avoid the company of delusive individuals.

The real discipline is the discipline of refraining from speech. Avoid all superfluous conversations and practice silence. Do not be pressured into speaking. Excessive uncontrolled speech results only in misery.

The most important practice promoting serenity of mind is to refrain from speech. Do not take part in any debates, arguments and futile discussions.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Remedy of limitation

Your consciousness is faceted to express light into multiple systems of existence. There are many, many expressions that comprise your total Selfhood, and each expression is linked to the hub of consciousness that is your core identity. It is here that your ancient voice and eyes can multi-dimensionally observe, express, and experience. This is your food source for expansion and beautification. 

Place your attention upon your core identity and never release it. With every piece of information that passes your way, discern how it enables you to attune to this voice and perception. This is the only discipline you require. It is the remedy of limitation. 



The notion of enlightenment is responsible for all sorrow.

Friday, October 17, 2014

The most valuable treasure

What is the most valuable treasure? A calm and serene mind. Also known as the pure mind.

Purity of mind is by far the greatest treasure you can possess. A pure mind is absolutely clear and doubt free.

It is the truth. It is only a pure mind that is capable of realizing the absolute.

This alone is what matters in life.

In order to purify the mind, keep watching it ceaselessly. Practice speaking of truth. Remove selfish desire from activities. Stop interacting with ignorance. Have pure and light food. Avoid narcotics, too much meat etc.

Perfect contentment ever dwells in the pure mind.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Remember always that the most important thing is to remain in clarity.

Stop indulging in imaginations and thought forms. Consequences will follow.

Remember the glorious truth of Oneness at all times.

Spread only this knowledge. Offer light and compassion to those stuck in the lower plains of instinctive imaginations.

Ultimately, these are all imaginations. Recognize them as such. None of them is real.

Only the Spirit is real. Everything else is false. This alone matters in the end.

Evil tendencies

Be always vigilant my friend, for the evil tendencies of the mind are very deep rooted. Out of nowhere, they will come and strike. Especially when you begin to doubt, they find an opening. Once they arrive and you open the door, then you succumb. And will find yourself completely overpowered. It takes long to recover from here.

The mind by its very nature is drawn to gross objects. It takes great pleasure in filth, sex and causing pain. Living with the mind is like living with a time bomb that could go out any minute! To fix it on subtle thoughts takes great practice. Hence remain awake at all times.

No matter how advanced you consider yourself, the forces of evil will wait and try to enter the moment you suffer a moment of weakness. Hence, be ever vigilant and do not doubt.

Remember the truth in all situations. Consciousness alone exists.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


The search for enlightenment is the creation of human stupidity.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Conflict resolution

The basic conflict in our lives is the conflict between the self and the world.
When it is realized that the self and the world are both consciousness, this conflict ends.

Then it is realized that there is only consciousness.
Hence, 'the world' is consciousness.

To love the self is to love the world.

To desire liberation for the self is to desire liberation for all.

Remain as consciousness. This is peace.