Saturday, September 27, 2014

Four true friends

Remember your four true friends:

1. Self control
2. Spirit of enquiry
3. Contentment
4. Satsanga (Company of the wise)

When these are with you, there is absolutely nothing to fear.

They will never abandon you.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Moments of weakness

We must never forget that no matter how evolved or elevated you imagine yourself to be, we are all susceptible to moments of weakness. We are all susceptible to uncontrollable urges. Desires can easily expand and encompass the entire periphery of the thoughtscape. Hence, the need to remain constantly watchful and alert.

We need to bring ourselves into the present moment. Remember our selves. Do not get lost inside the vast and dense thoughtscape. Desires are based on false beliefs. False beliefs that we are incomplete. And that we need to attain the object of desire in order to complete ourselves. This is nothing but cultural programming of the mind. The world is the mind and nothing else.

You are not the mind. Peace is your very nature. If you forget this, the mind will immediately trap you.
Hence the need to remain ever watchful and alert.

Peace be unto you.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Clarity is most important.

Clarity comes from realization of the fundamentality of consciousness.

Consciousness is the sole foundation of everything.

Consciousness alone is the ultimate reality.

Only this matters.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Nonduality of consciousness

What is it that prevents the realization of the nonduality of consciousness (Atman)?

It is attachment to the notion of the personal self. This attachment comes from the sense of being a subjective witness. Even the sense of subjectivity comes after and is false.

When the notion of a personal self or individual identity is realized to be false, the nonduality of consciousness is realized.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Consciousness is the World.

The World is Consciousness.

The World --> Form of Consciousness
Consciousness --> Emptiness of the World

There is nothing else.

Friday, September 5, 2014

The most important thing

What is the only thing that matters?

In order to answer this question, that thing should satisfy the following criteria:

1. It should not be subject to change
2. It should be with you at all times
3. It should never leave
4. It should provide happiness and peace
5. It should be there whenever desired

According to the scriptures, Consciousness is the only thing that matters.

That you are aware and conscious is the only thing that matters.

Consciousness cannot be lost. Hence there is no fear.

Consciousness is single. You are not 'two'. Consciousness is peace. This is realized when desire is fulfilled and a momentary bliss is experienced. This is the bliss of Consciousness.

Remember, irrespective of whether you succeed or fail, irrespective of whether you are accepted by all or rejected, you are Consciousness. Consciousness is God.

This is the greatest truth there is. The only truth there is. Rejoice it this realization.