Saturday, August 30, 2014


Consciousness alone is the sole reality.

From Pure Consciousness comes the faculty of being conscious.

Before even the faculty of being conscious can arise, there must be a conception of a conscious being.
Like there must be the concept of a rock before the actual rock comes into being.

So before the coming into existence of conscious being comes the concept of being conscious.

Since the concept is prior to the subject, the subject cannot comprehend the concept.

From the concept of a conscious being arises the existence of a conscious subjective being and an object of experience i.e. the world. Thus being prior, the concept of coming into being cannot be understood by the subjective being. Prior even to the concept of coming into being lies the Unknowable One. Beyond space, beyond time, beyond conception. The groundless ground of all existence. Beyond Consciousness.

It is not conscious. Purity beyond all conception. Stillness beyond stillness.

The Unknowable One lies forever. Nothing can be said about it.

The Divine Mother aware of all her little children, yet forever Dark.


The realm of thought or thoughtscape is huge. The physical universe is like an atom as compared to the thoughtverse. Imagine the thoughts thought by an entity and imagine countess such entities. The thoughtverse created is too vast to even imagine. But it is still finite. A huge number, probably the largest you can imagine.

Within our minds, thoughts keep running. Each thought leads to another, which leads further on in a chain that assume epic proportions. One can be lost in the thoughtverse for lifetimes. Realize this first.

Wake up now. From your illusory thoughtscape. And come home to your Mother.

Stop being so attached to thoughts. Stop and realize who you really are. How can you get carried away by thoughts. Who are you anyway? Another thought?

Consider this keenly my friend.

Friday, August 29, 2014


The mind's chief power is its invisibility.

It does not lie in the realm of space and time being of non-spatial and non-temporal nature.

Its existence is only confirmed from its effects namely the world appearance and ego sense.

However, if the effects are unreal, then their cause must be equally unreal. Hence the mind is unreal.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Absolutely nothing that you do or think or understand is of any consequence.
Abandon yourself to the divine mother.
The only refuge.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Non-duality of Consciousness

It is only by the grace of the Divine Mother that the non-duality of Consciousness be realized.

Take refuge in Her.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Illusion of knowledge

It seems that more knowledge we seem to obtain, the more we realize the extent of our ignorance.
True knowledge seems to be the realization of one's complete ignorance.

Infact, our conviction that our knowledge is an actual representation of things may well be a delusion.
The conviction of having knowledge is an illusion.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Object of effort

All of our efforts should be directed towards the sole purpose of God realization alone.

Only these efforts will never be wasted. Efforts directed towards any other purpose are merely a waste of time.

Absolute Presence

The Presence of God is Absolute.

There is nothing else.

Your only choice lies in how long you wish to continue denying this.

Monday, August 18, 2014


All our perceptions are false.

Perception is nothing but the illusory movement of mind.

Hence, consciousness alone exists.

Truth cannot be hence perceived.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Desire liberation for all

The world appearance is sustained by firm belief in the reality of worldly relationships.

These relationships are only thoughts.

As long as the notion of relationship lasts, there is bondage to these relationships.

The desire to keep 'other beings' in bondage keeps one firmly attached to the bondage of dual perception.

This results in sorrow.

The way out is to desire liberation for all 'other beings'.

Since there is no real relationship, there is no real liberation. All liberation occurs only in thought.

Liberate all beings residing in your thought.

Desire liberation for each. This is the way to freedom.

Friday, August 8, 2014

No ignorant beings

The perception that there are 'ignorant beings' 'out there' is the ignorance!
There are no 'ignorant beings'. There is no 'out there'.

There is none that needs liberation.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Unconscious thought patterns must be brought under the light of consciousness.

One of the most persistent thought pattern is this great mass of fear which lies underneath.
It is a deep fear of humiliation. A fear of being criticized. To face our perceived weakness which is revealed by criticism.

It causes us to avoid putting ourselves in situations where there is a potential for humiliation. This is the great fear of all failures. This fear must be addressed through self-confidence. Have faith in who you are. Realize that you are a child of the supreme Creator. Realize your inheritance. There is absolutely nothing to fear. You only need to realize this great fact.

Another unconscious thought pattern is fear of physical pain and discomfort.

One more is the malice and hatred felt for someone who is doing better than you. A most wretched fear is the belief that you are a slave of outer circumstances and a victim of your environment. This is quite a strong belief. This is very dense dirt which needs thorough cleaning. Stop believing all these lies.

No one is a victim of their circumstance. Realize that first.


Without love, existence is nothing but a burden.

Love is the only meaning to life.

Love is the purpose of existence.

Non-existence is preferable to existence without love.

Love and love alone shall heal the soul.

Love is the supreme redeemer. The only thing of value in this desert.

Never give up on love my friend. Love is stronger than death.

I am only a slave to Love. For it, I shall sacrifice everything.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

When hope is leaving

To you when you lose hope and find the void of life staring you.

Remember that this world is not real. It is like a huge movie and you are just playing a role.

So is everyone else that you see 'out there'. There is absolutely nothing to seek. Nothing ever comes into being. And yet...

Learn to appreciate your current situation. Understand that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

Even your current level of perception is what suits you best at this moment.

Take refuge in the absolute. Understand that everything is already resolved.

My prayers are always with you. Glory to the One. By the very presence of the One, all this universe of motion appears. Keep him in your mind and you will never be lost.


The quest for knowledge ultimately leads to the realization of the illusoriness of all objective knowledge.
It is only self-knowledge that alone is real.