Saturday, June 28, 2014

To you

To you who read, remember this:

The only thing that matters is that you seek your source.
The source of your existence does not lie outside of you.
It is within you at the deepest level. The One who is ever awake.
To realize that which is real and is your real self is all that matters here or in any other world.

This would be my humble offering based on my current (incomplete) understanding.

You are free to treat this message as you like.

My sincere prayers are that you realize your true self at this very moment!

Friday, June 27, 2014

The busy mind

The mind is the busiest guy! He never sleeps! And is always active!

When the mind is active, worries, anxieties, desires and hopes flourish.

When the mind is inert, sleep overpowers.

How is the truth to be realized then?

Realize that there is no mind.

Only One consciousness shines.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Thought is nothing but a mirror for awareness.
It is through thought that awareness realizes itself.

Awareness awaring is thought!
When awareness realizes itself, thought is born.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Personal pride is just a notion

A very subtle desire remains...The desire to be perceived as the 'enlightened one'. This desire also seeks to perceive 'other people' as 'not liberated' and wishes to keep them there so that it can perceive itself as the 'liberated one'. Extremely subtle, it keeps one bound to personality. A spiritual ego or 'spiritual pride'...a most dangerous form of pride.

Ask yourself, 'who is this liberated one'? And what is this 'liberation' from?

The desire of being perceived as 'spiritually accomplished' seems to be a last resort for the personal pride to maintain itself. This personal pride MUST perceive 'others' as 'spiritually ignorant'. This is how it feeds itself.

When there is only awareness, who is accomplished and who is ignorant? The notion of 'someone is here' is just a notion. This personal pride is highly subtle. Its only objective is to maintain itself by feeding on the ignorance of 'others'. It is only this 'personal pride' that can have any objectives or aims. Awareness has no aims and no pride. The only purpose of relationship seems to maintain personal pride. Without relationship, it cannot survive.

Do not identify as this 'personal pride'. It's only companion is constant fear and anxiety and loneliness. This notion has kept you from realizing the truth.

Remember this "Spiritual pride is your biggest weakness". It is ultimately what leads to malice and envy.


When you are stuck in a dream, there is absolutely no 'positive' action that you can take to come out of the dream. Only realize that it is just a dream and stop taking it seriously.

Humiliation and its antidote

To be humiliated is one of my deepest fears.

To be shunned and shamed and left isolated is my deepest fear.

The only life worth living is one in which there is no dependence on any relationship.

To be completely independent of all relationships is the only way to overcome this fear. However, this fear is based on an illusion. If that illusion is seen through, nothing else is needed. No renunciation of any relationship!

This fear arises because of the notion of personal pride. Even a poor man fears humiliation because of personal pride. When we identify with this notion of personal pride, we become a (proud) person.

This personal pride (or ego) is at the root of all fear.

This personal pride is not real!

If this is realized, all problems are immediately solved and all issues instantaneously resolved.

No need to shun any 'relationship'.

Friday, June 20, 2014


Today, another mind charm has been revealed. Infatuation.

Infatuation is perhaps one of the most deceitful notions in the mind. When it is operating, you are completely lost inside its world and its charming delusions. It is probably more dangerous than even malice. Malice does not feel good and there is an effort to overcome it. However, infatuation floods the mind with vivid and awesome possibilities and can feel really wonderful. However, the wonder is one of fantasy and not reality.

But because of this magical fantasy, you get caught in it and enjoy being there. You do not even realize that you have been caught in a fantasy. This foe is especially dangerous. Because it is so easy to get caught within its charms. Infatuation is the result of getting caught up in fantastical notions about an object of perception. It is not real. It does not last. It is probably what keeps us caught in the grip of the mind. Like a drug, it is extremely addictive and difficult to give up. Infatuation can be with regard to a person, a lover, an idea. Love at first sight is infatuation. It is the mind conjuring up fantastical notions.

The entire challenge of our life lies in remaining awake. At every moment.
Caught up in false notions, we get lost inside a complex illusion.
Remain awake to who you are. This is all that is needed.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Our responses cause suffering

Suffering is caused when you have a very strong (emotional) response to a happening.

When your response to a particular event is very intense, it causes a constant replay of the event and your response in the mind. This depletes you of energy and promotes suffering and misery.

To relieve yourself of this cycle, it is best not to respond too strongly to any given event, most of which are anyway beyond your conscious control.

Learn instead to let go of your need to respond intensely to any happening.

Calmness of mind itself is most valuable. Calmness is when you no longer respond to events with intensity.

Friday, June 13, 2014


Idleness is the hardest of all occupations.

Keep on moving

It seems to me that it is the struggle and the seeking that gives meaning to life.

Without the struggle to attain, life becomes meaningless.

Maybe nothing matters in the end, but if we stop seeking, we stop living.

It takes courage to come out of the darkness.

It takes courage to open up to another person. But if we don't keep moving, we will fall into despair.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Working together

I realize that I am very good at working against others, but very poor in working with others.
As long as we seek to satisfy our private visions and desires and others do the same for their own private desires and visions, we wil keep working against each other and create misery for all.

Misery is created when several people desire the same thing but is only possible for one to attain. To address this issue, we must all have a single common vision and desire.

All members of the group or community should have one vision. Each must be committed to this one vision which must be for the upliftment of all. Only this will cure the collective misery.

One vision served by all. No room for personal visions which conflict with the One vision. This must be the first requirement in any collective undertaking.

If the leader is selfish, misery is guaranteed for all. That is why competition must be done away with.

The One vision has to be one that will benefit every single being equally and enable the peaceful existence of every single living and non living being.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Only one task

There is only one task for you.

Keep your attention on yourself.

Strive to remain awake.

Be conscious of your self.

Stop falling into the dream!

Stay awake!

This is all.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Caught again

The moment seeking begins, you are already caught in the dream!