Saturday, May 31, 2014

Misery of comparing

What is it that causes most misery?
It is watching the perceived happiness of others when your life lies in shambles.

Comparing your life to others is one of the root miseries. This is what eventually leads to fear of failure which causes desire for success.

You realize that other people do not behave the way you expect them to. That some people seem to be so happy its almost unfair!

In society and human relationships, it is this one habit of constant comparison that causes all mental turmoil.
It is when we believe that other people are better than me or that I am better than another which gives rise to anguish. So what is the antidote for this?

Can we stop this constant comparison? Who are we really? And what is it that is real? Not a perception of the mind but an actual reality. This alone can stop this comparison.

You already have the courage to stand alone. There is absolutely no need for any support.
Wake up! Realize thyself! And stop indulging in futile comparisons which lead only towards misery.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Shine light in the dark mind corners

All the abnormality and psychological mess that is our minds is because of all the things that we keep hidden from the world and ourselves.

Shine light on everything. Leave no dark corners. This is the way to sanity.

Open up everything to the world. Hold nothing back.

Throw out all the things that you grasp on to so strongly.

Keeping them hidden consumes tremendous mental energy.

The only reason that you hide something is when you have something to protect. When there is no person to protect, there is nothing to hide.

Time to clean up the closet!


To be totally at ease with who you are and your life situation and to not have anything to hide from the world.
This is freedom.

Absolute freedom comes from absolute transparency.

There is nothing here. This alone.

Nowhere or no one else to be.

There is no one to save or destroy.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Overcoming bitterness

Over the course of life, certain events take place which causes bitterness and resentment to arise in the mind. Once resentment arises, life becomes painful and full of misery. A true reflection will reveal the origin of this resentment. An attitude of gratitude towards the world will help soften the outlook.

Harboring bitterness and resentment comes from some kind of non-acceptance.
Accept completely your present life situation. No one, neither you nor the world is to be blamed.

Our life is our offering to the world. Let this offering bring peace to the world.
Let our presence enlighten the lives of all who come in contact with us.
Let our presence bring soothing to another.

This can be the only purpose of life.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Boredom and clarity

On what fundamental basis must decisions be made?
What is the true value of selfless service?

A life which has no major problems need not necessarily be the ideal life.
A bored state of mind is as toxic as a restless state of mind. The mind state oscillates between restlessness (seeking) and boredom (despairing). When gripped by either of these states, clarity is lost.

Clarity of mind is when the mind is free from restlessness and boredom. In the absence of anxiety and despair, the mind is still. A still mind is like a clear mirror that reflects.

A mind and body which is absolutely still is completely relaxed. In the absence of any desire or fear, the mind reaches a state of deep relaxation. This happens when there are no activities or undone tasks that arise in the mind. A still mind like a clean mirror reflects only truth.

Truth is always present, hidden only by perceptions.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


A most fundamental aspect of life is your attitude towards the world. If your attitude is one of malice and hatred, it will only poison your mind. The world is a terrible place. It is terrible for everyone, not you alone. If we forget this fact and start treating others with malice, it will only result in your own misery.

The best way to be at peace is to realize that the world and the people are not separate from who you are.
Unless selfish desire is given up, no peace can be obtained.


I am going to tell you one thing.

Fuck everything that you have ever thought or believed about yourself or anyone else.
It's all just a fucking piece of shit. Complete lie.

ha ha...there is absolutely nothing to defend


Remember that you are not responsible for the failure or success of anyone else. If a person expects you to behave a certain way, it is their mistake. Similarly, if you expect a person to behave a certain way, it is your mistake.

All that happens or does not happen is not your responsibility. What happens happens. What does not happen, does not happen. You are responsible for neither. Let no one else fool you into believing that you are responsible. You are not responsible for your perceived shortcomings, nor is anyone else responsible for their perceived shortcomings. No one is your friend. No one is your enemy.

To get involved in any relationship is only a source of eventual sorrow. All relationships are completely futile. It is best not to get involved deeply in any relationship. People will always disappoint. You will always disappoint. Disappointment is the final outcome of all relationship.

No one here belongs to you. You do not belong to anyone. A few relationships will go on.

There is only consciousness. And that is who you are. And in this is made right every possible wrong. And this is the most glorious truth.

Friday, May 9, 2014


The purpose of a solitary life is to rediscover the primal joy of just being. When you are by yourself without any baggage whatsoever, of either the past or the future or even the present, there is only the stillness. This is rejuvenation. This is healing. This is to be realized. Drop all loads. And enjoy the relief of pure being.

Un-wise responses

Some of the most traumatizing moments are when things do not happen as we imagined they would.
Sometimes, even our own response to a situation is not the way we imagined we would respond.

So, are we really in control of our response?

Once we attain a certain level of awareness, we imagine that we will respond to life situations with the same level of awareness at all times. Sometimes however, our responses are not the way we imagined it would. This leads to suffering.

But, why should any kind of response lead to suffering?
It is because we are attached to our notions of who we think we are. We imagine that by responding in a 'un-wise' manner, we have harmed the notion of who we think we are. It is this notion that gives rise to personal desires and a self seeking personality. Self-interest and self-enhancement are the sole objectives of such an imaginary self-notion. Identifying with this self-notion, we suffer greatly when this imaginary self-notion is perceived to be diminished due to our un-wise response to a situation.

Sanity lies in the knowledge of truth. This imaginary self-notion is not who I am.
The inner self is completely untouched by all notions and any response to any situation and any possible outcome. Pure presence. Dwell here. This is your true home.

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Life is a journey of love and loss.
Enjoy the love while it lasts, beloved.

The only thing we really seek in life is love.
All that matters is someone to share love with.

In the complex web of routine and mundane living, the few moments of love are the ones most cherished.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Spirit and flesh and mind

The flesh (body) is attracted to flesh.
The Spirit (Awareness) knows itself as pure presence.

So where does the mind come in?????

The mind is the one suffering identity crisis.
The mind is the identifying tendency.
Mind is identification. The notion of 'I'.

The only problem there is is for the mind.

Neither the Spirit nor the flesh is confused.

Confusion belongs only to the ignorant mind which has no idea of what to identify with.

Truly, the only problem (if there be one) is the ignorant mind.

Mind is identification. The only problem therefore is a problem for the mind which does not know where to turn to. The mind is confused about what to identify itself with.

But since there is only Spirit and flesh, there seems to be no mind there. This non-existence of the mind is the mind's greatest fear. For it is trying to sustain itself, and that which has no existence cannot sustain itself.

Thus, the only confusion is a confusion of identification. This identity crisis itself is the mind.